/* Currently, the Object ItemType is not supported. */ var Form = Backbone.Form, editors = Form.editors; Form.setTemplates({ listKeyValueItem: '\
  • \ \
  • ' }); editors.KeyValueList = editors.List.extend({ events: { 'click [data-action="add"]': function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.addItem(null, null, true); } }, initialize: function(options){ editors.List.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); this.schema.listItemTemplate = 'listKeyValueItem'; }, render: function() { var self = this, value = this.value || {}; //Create main element var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listTemplate]({ items: '' })); //Store a reference to the list (item container) this.$list = $el.find('.bbf-tmp').parent().empty(); //Add existing items if (!_.isEmpty(value)) { _.each(value, function(itemValue, itemIndex) { self.addItem(itemValue, itemIndex); }); } //If no existing items create an empty one, unless the editor specifies otherwise else { if (!this.Editor.isAsync) this.addItem(); } this.setElement($el); this.$el.attr('id', this.id); this.$el.attr('name', this.key); if (this.hasFocus) this.trigger('blur', this); return this; }, /** * Add a new item to the list * @param {Mixed} [value] Value for the new item editor * @param {Boolean} [userInitiated] If the item was added by the user clicking 'add' */ addItem: function(value, key, userInitiated) { var self = this; //Create the item var item = new editors.List.KeyValueItem({ list: this, schema: this.schema, value: value, index: key, Editor: this.Editor, key: this.key + '_' + this.items.length }).render(); var _addItem = function() { self.items.push(item); self.$list.append(item.el); if (userInitiated || value) { item.addEventTriggered = true; } if (userInitiated) { self.trigger('add', self, item.editor); self.trigger('change', self); } }; //Check if we need to wait for the item to complete before adding to the list if (this.Editor.isAsync) { item.editor.on('readyToAdd', _addItem, this); } //Most editors can be added automatically else { _addItem(); } return item; }, getValue: function() { console.log('List.getValue'); var values = {}; _.each(this.items, function(item){ _.extend(values, item.getValue()); }); //Filter empty items return values; } }); editors.List.KeyValueItem = editors.List.Item.extend({ /** * @param {Object} options */ initialize: function(options) { this.list = options.list; this.schema = options.schema || this.list.schema; this.value = options.value; this.index = options.index; this.Editor = options.Editor || editors.Text; this.key = options.key; }, render: function() { //Create editors this.editorKey = new editors.Text({ key: this.key, schema: this.schema, value: this.index, list: this.list, item: this }).render(); this.editorValue = new this.Editor({ key: this.key + '_value', schema: this.schema, value: this.value, list: this.list, item: this }).render(); //Create main element var $el = $(Form.templates[this.schema.listItemTemplate]({ editor: ' : ' })); $el.find('.bbf-tmp-key').replaceWith(this.editorKey.el); $el.find('.bbf-tmp-value').replaceWith(this.editorValue.el); //Replace the entire element so there isn't a wrapper tag this.setElement($el); return this; }, getValue: function() { var value = {}; value[this.editorKey.getValue()] = this.editorValue.getValue(); return value; }, setValue: function(key, value) { this.editorKey.setValue(key); this.editorValue.setValue(value); }, focus: function() { this.editorKey.focus(); this.editorValue.focus(); }, blur: function() { this.editorKey.blur(); this.editorValue.blur(); }, remove: function() { this.editorKey.remove(); this.editorValue.remove(); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.call(this); } });