@echo off :: The quick-and-nasty CVE-2013-0156 Heroku inspector! :: Originally brought to you by @elliottkember with changes by @markpundsack @ Heroku :: This fork created by @aghilmort of @thoughtpuzzle for windows platforms :: Download and run using: :: cmd heroku-CVE-2013-0156.bat :: alternatively, run next line from command line to check apps individually :: heroku run bundle show rails --app YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME @echo Retrieving apps list from Heroku. @echo This step may take a few...minutes... @echo. cmd /C "heroku list > heroku_apps.txt" @echo Cleaning up apps list. find "-" heroku_apps.txt | find /v ".TXT" | findstr /r /v /c:"^.$" > heroku_apps_list.txt @echo. @echo Looping over apps to get Rails versions @echo This step will take a while, perhaps minutes / app @echo Go, get some coffee, we're working...really, it's ok @echo. for /F "tokens=1" %%i in (heroku_apps_list.txt) do heroku run bundle show rails --app %%i