var results = { messages: [], push: function(msg) { this.messages.push(msg); console.log("pushing: " + msg); $("body").append("
" + msg + "
"); } }; var TimeMachine = function(name) { = name; this.speed = 0; }; TimeMachine.prototype.touchCable = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push( + " touched the cable."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 0); }; TimeMachine.prototype.addDriver = function(driver) { this.driver = driver; }; TimeMachine.prototype.goTo88Mph = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { this.speed = 88; results.push( + " has reached 88 mph."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 1500); }; TimeMachine.prototype.timeTravel = function(year, cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push( + " took " + + " to the year " + year + "."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 0); }; var Scientist = function(name) { = name; }; Scientist.prototype.hangCableOnClockTower = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push( + " attached cable to clock tower."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 500); }; Scientist.prototype.slideDownCable = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push( + " slid down the cable to the street."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 300); }; Scientist.prototype.connectCableOnStreet = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push( + " connected the cable on the street."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 300); }; var TimeTraveler = function(name, year) { this.year = year; = name; }; TimeTraveler.prototype.getInTimeMachine = function(timeMachine, cb) { setTimeout(function() { timeMachine.addDriver(this); results.push( + " is now in the " + + "."); cb(null); }.bind(this), 0); }; var Lightning = function() {}; Lightning.prototype.strike = function(cb) { setTimeout(function() { results.push("Lightning strike!"); cb(null); }.bind(this), 500); }; var lightning = new Lightning(); var doc = new Scientist("Doc Brown"); var delorean = new TimeMachine("delorean"); var marty = new TimeTraveler("Marty McFly", 1955);