Microsoft's Symbolic Plan ========================= (Redmond, Microsoft HQ. One year before Windows Vista release. Meeting.) Marketing VC: Our latest marketing research suggests that UNIX has a competitive advantage: _symbolic links_. Ballmer (throwing a chair at the marketing VC): What the hell are sympathetic links? Windows program manager: I asked our programmers. They don't know what they are. Ballmer (throwing a chair at the Windows program manager): IMPLEMENT THEM! * * * (Redmond, Microsoft HQ. Half a year before Windows Vista release.) Windows program manager (dodging a chair thrown by Ballmer): We tried hard, but we can't implement them. Our symlinks are shit. Ballmer (smashing chair over his head): EUREKA! Leave them as they are. We'll make such a terrible sympathetic link implementation that everyone would think that symlinks are shit in general. Thus, UNIX won't have advantage! Wait, add more horrible things. For example, make a limit of 31 links per path. And don't forget to write in docs: "Symbolic links are designed to aid in migration and application compatibility with UNIX operating systems. Microsoft has implemented its symbolic links to function just like UNIX links.". Muahahahaha! * * * (After Vista release. Headlines.) Slashdot: "Windows has an awful symlink implementation". ZDNet: "Symbolic links on Windows are ugly." Windows Magazine: "Symbolic links are shit." Rails Rockstar Ninjas Magazine: "Why you shouldn't use symlinks." 37signals blog: "We don't use symlinks, because we're awesome. Fuck you!" Scientific journal: "Symlinks considered harmful." POSIX:2012: "Symlinks are deprecated." The Old New Thing, 2015: "Why Windows symlinks are shit? Read on to find out the excuse technical explanation... Our programmers are not bad, seriously!"