(function(){ var Class = this.Class = new Type('Class', function(params){ if (instanceOf(params, Function)) params = {initialize: params}; var newClass = function(){ reset(this); if (newClass.$prototyping) return this; this.$caller = null; if (this.initialise) this.initialize = this.initialise; var value = (this.initialize) ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this; this.$caller = this.caller = null; return value; }.extend(this).implement(params); newClass.$constructor = Class; newClass.prototype.$constructor = newClass; newClass.prototype.parent = parent; return newClass; }); var parent = function(){ if (!this.$caller) throw new Error('The method "parent" cannot be called.'); var name = this.$caller.$name, parent = this.$caller.$owner.parent, previous = (parent) ? parent.prototype[name] : null; if (!previous) throw new Error('The method "' + name + '" has no parent.'); return previous.apply(this, arguments); }; var reset = function(object){ for (var key in object){ var value = object[key]; switch (typeOf(value)){ case 'object': var F = function(){}; F.prototype = value; object[key] = reset(new F); break; case 'array': object[key] = value.clone(); break; } } return object; }; var wrap = function(self, key, method){ if (method.$origin) method = method.$origin; var wrapper = function(){ if (method.$protected && this.$caller == null) throw new Error('The method "' + key + '" cannot be called.'); var caller = this.caller, current = this.$caller; this.caller = current; this.$caller = wrapper; var result = method.apply(this, arguments); this.$caller = current; this.caller = caller; return result; }.extend({$owner: self, $origin: method, $name: key}); return wrapper; }; var implement = function(key, value, retain){ if (Class.Mutators.hasOwnProperty(key)){ value = Class.Mutators[key].call(this, value); if (value == null) return this; } if (typeOf(value) == 'function'){ if (value.$hidden) return this; this.prototype[key] = (retain) ? value : wrap(this, key, value); } else { Object.merge(this.prototype, key, value); } return this; }; var getInstance = function(klass){ klass.$prototyping = true; var proto = new klass; delete klass.$prototyping; return proto; }; Class.implement('implement', implement.overloadSetter()); Class.Mutators = { Extends: function(parent){ this.parent = parent; this.prototype = getInstance(parent); }, Implements: function(items){ Array.from(items).each(function(item){ var instance = new item; for (var key in instance) implement.call(this, key, instance[key], true); }, this); } }; })();