#!/usr/bin/ruby %w[fileutils ftools set zlib].each do |filename| require filename end # Load the Marshal dump to a hash def load file_name begin file = Zlib::GzipReader.open(file_name) rescue Zlib::GzipFile::Error file = File.open(file_name, 'r') ensure obj = Marshal.load file.read file.close return obj end end HOME_DIR = ENV['HOME'] DB_LOCATION = "#{HOME_DIR}/Dropbox/Sync/Bookmark" obj = load(DB_LOCATION + "/bookmarks.stash") tag = 'presentation' bookmarks = [] obj.each {|bookmark| if bookmark['tag'] =~ /\b#{tag}\b/i bookmarks << { 'title' => bookmark['description'], 'url' => bookmark['href'] } end unless bookmark['tag'].nil? } puts "" # wanted_keys = %w[presentation] # p bookmarks.reject { |bookmark| !wanted_keys.include? bookmark['tag'] }