fieldManager; $status = Field::__OK__; // Check that we have an `$entry_id` set otherwise fail $entry_id = (is_numeric($_POST['id'])) ? $_POST['id'] : null; if(is_null($entry_id)) { $result->setAttribute('result', 'error'); $result->appendChild(new XMLElement( 'message', 'No Entry ID specified' )); return $result; } // Retrieve our current Entry using the EntryManager // EntryManager returns an array of entries, so we'll want the first // one using `current()`. $entry = $entry_manager->fetch($entry_id); $entry = current($entry); // Get all the entry's data, which is an associative array of field ID => data $entry_data = $entry->getData(); // Get a Field instance for the `count` field as we need to add data to it $count_field = $field_manager->fetch( $field_manager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName('count') ); // We are using the `max` for readonly work, so just get the Field ID $max_field_id = $field_manager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName('max'); // Get the current entry data $current_count = $entry_data[$count_field->get('id')]['value']; $max_count = $entry_data[$max_field_id]['value']; // 1. Check that `count` is less than our `max`, otherwise return if($current_count >= $max_count) { $result->setAttribute('result', 'error'); $result->appendChild(new XMLElement( 'message', 'Count has reached it\'s max' )); return $result; } // 2. If `count` is less, increment `count` by 1 $new_count = $current_count + 1; $entry->setData( $count_field->get('id'), // I'm deliberately ignoring the `$status` result here for simplicity // and just assuming everything will be ok. This means that if your // data is coming from the user you should be running it against // `Field->checkPostFieldData` first $count_field->processRawFieldData($new_count, $status) ); // 3. If `count` now equals our `max`, send email an email if($new_count == $max_count) { // Get our Email field ID (readonly) $email_field_id = $field_manager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName('email'); // Get our Email Response Field (writing) $email_response_field = $field_manager->fetch( $field_manager->fetchFieldIDFromElementName('email-response') ); // Create our Email instance from the Core Email API $email = Email::create(); $email_sent = true; // Try to send our email // For more Core Email API information, check michael-e's guide // try{ $email->recipients = array( $entry_data[$email_field_id]['value'] ); $email->text_plain = 'Surprise, our counter reached ' . $new_count . ', now you can dance!'; $email->subject = 'Our Counter reached ' . $new_count . '!'; $email->send(); } // If something goes wrong, lets save the Exception to the Email Response catch(EmailException $ex) { $email_sent = false; $entry->setData( $email_response_field->get('id'), $email_response_field->processRawFieldData($ex->getMessage(), $status) ); } // Everything went swell, save 'Email sent' to our Email Response field if($email_sent) { $entry->setData( $email_response_field->get('id'), $email_response_field->processRawFieldData('Email sent', $status) ); } } // Update our Entry record, again keeping this very simple and not checking for errors if($entry->commit()) { $result->setAttribute('result', 'success'); $result->appendChild(new XMLElement( 'message', 'Count is at ' . $new_count )); } else { $result->setAttribute('result', 'error'); } // This line is essential for the Event XML to appear in your `?debug` return $result; } ?>