#!/bin/bash echo "Updating Packages..." apt-get update echo "Installing Vim..." apt-get install vim-gnome echo "Installing Utilities..." apt-get install curl bison build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline5-dev libxml2-dev apt-get install wget ack exuberant-ctags markdown gitk echo "Installing Git..." sudo apt-get install git-core git echo "Installing dotfiles" mkdir ~/hashrocket cd ~/hashrocket git clone http://github.com/hashrocket/dotmatrix.git ln -s ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.bashrc ~/ ln -s ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.hashrc ~/ ln -s ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vim ~/ ln -s ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/.vimrc ~/ sh ~/hashrocket/dotmatrix/bin/vimbundles.sh echo "Installing RVM..." mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src/ && \ cd ~/.rvm/src && \ rm -rf ./rvm/ && \ git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm.git && \ cd rvm && \ ./install echo 'if [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ; fi' \ >> ~/.bashrc.local echo 'rvm_project_rvmrc_default=1' \ > ~/.rvmrc # Use default gemset when leaving a .rvmrc project dir echo '[[ -r $rvm_path/scripts/completion ]] && source $rvm_path/scripts/completion' \ >> ~/.bashrc.local # rvm autocompletion echo "Installing OpenSSL..." rvm package install openssl echo "Installing Global Gems..." echo -e "bundler hitch mysql rake pg" > ~/.rvm/gemsets/global.gems echo "Setting up .gemrc..." echo -e '--- :benchmark: false gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc :update_sources: true :bulk_threshold: 1000 :verbose: true :sources: - http://rubygems.org - http://gems.github.com :backtrace: false' > ~/.gemrc echo "Installing Rubies..." rvm install 1.8.7 -C --enable-shared=yes rvm install 1.9.2 -C --enable-shared=yes rvm use 1.9.2 --default echo "Installing Database Systems..." echo " Installing MySQL..." apt-get install mysql-common mysql-server-5.0 echo " Installing Postgres..." apt-get install postgresql-common postgresql-server-dev-8.3 echo " Installing MongoDB..." apt-get install mongodb-deb mongodb-server echo " Installing Redis..." apt-get install redis-server echo "Installing lib-notify..." apt-get install libnotify-dev libnotify-bin echo "Installing NodeJS" apt-get install python-software-properties add-apt-repository ppa:jerome-etienne/neoip apt-get update apt-get install nodejs echo "Installing Bundler for managing Ruby libraries..." gem install bundler echo "Installing Rails to write and run web applications..." gem install rails echo "Installing the Heroku gem to interact with the http://heroku.com API..." gem install heroku echo "Installing the Taps gem to push and pull SQL databases between development, staging, and production environments..." gem install taps echo "Installing Ruby gems to talk to the databases..." gem install sqlite3 pg mysql echo " =========================================== _ _ ____ _____ __ __ ______ _____ | \ | |/ __ \| __ \| \/ | ____|/ ____| | \| | | | | |__) | \ / | |__ | (___ | . \` | | | | _ /| |\/| | __| \___ \ | |\ | |__| | | \ \| | | | |____ ____) | |_| \_|\____/|_| \_\_| |_|______|_____/ =========================================== Installation Complete! "; echo "Generating Public Key..." ssh-keygen -t rsa