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Last active October 11, 2017 13:58
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function! GenerateDomain(domain, table, relationship, config, const, payload_field, foreign)
" contracts
execute '!cp -rf ./app/Contracts/Basement app/Contracts/'.a:domain
execute "!find ./app/Contracts/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g'"
execute "!find ./app/Contracts/".a:domain." -type f | sed 'p;s/Basement/".a:domain."/g' | xargs -n2 mv"
" domain
execute '!cp -rf app/Domains/Basement app/Domains/'.a:domain
execute "!find ./app/Domains/".a:domain." -type f | sed 'p;s/Basement/".a:domain."/g' | xargs -n2 mv"
execute "!find ./app/Domains/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g'"
execute "!find ./app/Domains/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/basements/".a:table."/g'"
" Infrastructures
execute '!cp -rf app/Infrastructures/Basement app/Infrastructures/'.a:domain
execute "!find ./app/Infrastructures/".a:domain." -type f | sed 'p;s/Basement/".a:domain."/g' | xargs -n2 mv"
execute "!find ./app/Infrastructures/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g'"
execute "!find ./app/Infrastructures/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/basements/".a:relationship."/g'"
" config
execute '!cp -rf ./config/packages/basement.php config/packages/'.a:config.'.php'
execute "!sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g' config/packages/".a:config.'.php'
" test
execute '!cp -rf ./tests/Domains/Basement ./tests/Domains/'.a:domain
execute "!find ./tests/Domains/".a:domain." -type f | sed 'p;s/Basement/".a:domain."/g' | xargs -n2 mv"
execute "!find ./tests/Domains/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g'"
execute '!cp -rf ./tests/Infrastructures/Basement ./tests/Infrastructures/'.a:domain
execute "!find ./tests/Infrastructures/".a:domain." -type f | sed 'p;s/Basement/".a:domain."/g' | xargs -n2 mv"
execute "!find ./tests/Infrastructures/".a:domain." -type f | xargs sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g'"
" factory
execute "!echo '$factory->define(\\App\\Domains\\".a:domain."\\".a:domain."Eloquent::class, function (Faker\\Generator $faker) {' >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
execute "!echo ' return [' >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
if a:const != '0'
execute "!echo \" 'name' => \\$faker->randomElement(\\App\\Contracts\\Structure\\StructureInterface::".a:const.")\" >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
execute "!echo \" 'name' => \\$faker->text\" >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
execute "!echo ' ];' >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
execute "!echo '});' >> database/factories/StructureFactory.php"
" Controller Assertion
execute '!cp -rf ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/Basement.php ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/'.a:domain.'.php'
execute "!sed -i '' -e 's/Basement/".a:domain."/g' ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/".a:domain.".php"
execute "!sed -i '' -e 's/prop_basements/prop_".a:table."/g' ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/".a:domain.".php"
execute "!sed -i '' -e 's/basement_id/".a:foreign."/g' ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/".a:domain.".php"
execute "!sed -i '' -e 's/basement/".a:payload_field."/g' ./tests/Controllers/Concerns/StructureAssertion/".a:domain.".php"
" run test
execute "!ts ./tests/Domains/".a:domain.' && ts ./tests/Infrastructures/'.a:domain
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