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ray1729 / gist:1217621
Created September 14, 2011 20:01
Minimal set containing at least one element from each of a list of sets
(ns clj-playground.enzyme-selection
(:require [ :as csv]
[ :as io]))
(defn read-enzyme-data
"Read clone/analysis/enzyme data from CSV file filename. Group
enzymes for each clone/analysis pair into a set and return a list of
sets of enzymes"
(with-open [in-file (io/reader filename)]
(defn parse-flags
"Parse a list of flags. Each flag name must be a keyword, and the
value must not be a keyword. If the value is omitted, true is
assumed. Returns a map.
e.g. (parse-flags [:i :j 1 :k \"two\"])
=> {:i true, :j 1, :k \"two\"}"
(loop [flags (seq flags) accum {}]
(if flags
ray1729 / gist:896702
Created March 31, 2011 16:30
Possible Regexp::Common API for Clojure
;; Perl: $RE{num}{-base => 2}{real}{-group => 3}{-sep => ','}
(re-seq (re :real {:base 2 :group 3 :sep \,} ) "1.345")
ray1729 / gist:848069
Created February 28, 2011 21:24
Example keep-only implementation to keep at most n elements in each bucket of a sequence
(defn keep-only
[n bucket-fn s]
(letfn [(my-filter
[s seen]
(when (seq s)
(let [e (first s)
b (bucket-fn e)
c (inc (get seen b 0))]
(if (> c n)
(recur (rest s) seen)
ray1729 / secret_santa.clj
Created November 23, 2010 16:39
Pair up names for Secret Santa
(defn secret-santa
(let [s (shuffle names)]
(partition 2 1 (cons (last s) s))))
ray1729 / gist:521160
Created August 12, 2010 15:33
Process common chunks of a sorted input stream
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my ( $key, @values ) = next_record();
while ( defined $key ) {
my ( $next_key, @next_values ) = next_record();
if ( defined $next_key and $next_key eq $key ) {
ray1729 / gist:453499
Created June 25, 2010 21:46
Process Jan's SNP data with Clojure
;; This is a suggested improvement for processing SNP data, in response
;; to Jan Aerts' blog post <>.
;; Note that this example is for Clojure 1.1.0; if you're using Clojure 1.2, change the ns definition
;; to use instead of duck-streams.
(:use [ :only (read-lines)]))
(defn parse-line