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Created July 27, 2017 13:30
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Symfony version 2.7.6 - app/vagrant_dev/debug
command [options] [arguments]
-h, --help Display this help message
-q, --quiet Do not output any message
-V, --version Display this application version
--ansi Force ANSI output
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
-s, --shell Launch the shell.
--process-isolation Launch commands from shell as a separate process.
-e, --env=ENV The Environment name. [default: "vagrant_dev"]
--no-debug Switches off debug mode.
--jms-job-id=JMS-JOB-ID The ID of the Job.
--disabled-listeners=DISABLED-LISTENERS Disable optional listeners, "all" to disable all listeners, command "oro:platform:optional-listeners" shows all listeners (multiple values allowed)
--current-user=CURRENT-USER ID, username or email of the user that should be used as current user
--current-organization=CURRENT-ORGANIZATION ID or name of the organization that should be used as current organization
-v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
acl:set Sets ACL for objects
akeneo:batch:job Launch a registered job instance
api:swagger:dump Dumps Swagger-compliant API definitions.
app:customerproject:export:addresses Export customer project addresses
app:customerproject:send:block-archived Send the list of customerprojects with archiving blocked to oro group "Mgmt_KProjekt_Archivierung"
app:customerproject:send:recommendation-email Export customer project addresses
app:feedback:export:sent Export feedbacks that have been sent out.
app:filemanager:bootstrap:customerproject Creates the bootstrap folders for one or all customer projects
app:mailer:default Send the emails for any entity class directly with the key
app:paymenttransaction:import:file Import paymenttransactions from csv file
app:thumbnail:create Create a thumbnail (by remote url) and put it in the correct folder
assetic:dump Dumps all assets to the filesystem
assets:install Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory
cache:clear Clears the cache
cache:warmup Warms up an empty cache
clank:server Starts the Clank Servers
config:debug Dumps the current configuration for an extension
config:dump-reference Dumps the default configuration for an extension
container:debug Displays current services for an application
debug:config Dumps the current configuration for an extension
debug:container Displays current services for an application
debug:event-dispatcher Displays configured listeners for an application
debug:router Displays current routes for an application
debug:swiftmailer Displays current mailers for an application
debug:translation Displays translation messages information
debug:twig Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests
doctrine:cache:clear-collection-region Clear a second-level cache collection region.
doctrine:cache:clear-entity-region Clear a second-level cache entity region.
doctrine:cache:clear-metadata Clears all metadata cache for an entity manager
doctrine:cache:clear-query Clears all query cache for an entity manager
doctrine:cache:clear-query-region Clear a second-level cache query region.
doctrine:cache:clear-result Clears result cache for an entity manager
doctrine:database:create Creates the configured databases
doctrine:database:drop Drops the configured databases
doctrine:ensure-production-settings Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
doctrine:fixtures:load Load data fixtures to your database.
doctrine:generate:crud Generates a CRUD based on a Doctrine entity
doctrine:generate:entities Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
doctrine:generate:entity Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle
doctrine:generate:form Generates a form type class based on a Doctrine entity
doctrine:mapping:convert Convert mapping information between supported formats.
doctrine:mapping:import Imports mapping information from an existing database
doctrine:query:dql Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
doctrine:query:sql Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
doctrine:schema:create Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schema
doctrine:schema:drop Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schema
doctrine:schema:update Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
doctrine:schema:validate Validate the mapping files.
escape:wsseauthentication:nonces:delete Delete nonces
fos:js-routing:debug Displays currently exposed routes for an application
fos:js-routing:dump Dumps exposed routes to the filesystem
gaufrette:filesystem:keys List all the file keys of a filesystem
generate:bundle Generates a bundle
generate:choice-form-type Generates a choice form type
generate:controller Generates a controller
generate:doctrine:crud Generates a CRUD based on a Doctrine entity
generate:doctrine:entities Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
generate:doctrine:entity Generates a new Doctrine entity inside a bundle
generate:doctrine:form Generates a form type class based on a Doctrine entity
init:acl Mounts ACL tables in the database
jms-job-queue:clean-up Cleans up jobs which exceed the maximum retention time.
jms-job-queue:mark-incomplete Internal command (do not use). It marks jobs as incomplete.
jms-job-queue:run Runs jobs from the queue.
lexik:maintenance:lock Lock access to the site while maintenance...
lexik:maintenance:unlock Unlock access to the site while maintenance...
lint:twig Lints a template and outputs encountered errors
lint:yaml Lints a file and outputs encountered errors
orm:convert:mapping Convert mapping information between supported formats.
oro:activity-contact:recalculate Recalculate contacting activities
oro:api:config:dump Dumps API configuration.
oro:api:debug Shows details about registered API actions and processors.
oro:api:metadata:dump Dumps metadata of API entity.
oro:api:resources:dump Dumps all public API resources.
oro:assetic:groups Information about oro assetics
oro:assets:install Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory
oro:config:update Update config parameter in global scope
oro:cron Cron commands launcher
oro:cron:analytic:calculate Calculate all registered analytic metrics
oro:cron:batch:cleanup Clean up batch history
oro:cron:calculate-tracking-event-summary Calculate Tracking Event Summary
oro:cron:cleanup Clear cron-related log-alike tables: queue, etc
oro:cron:email-body-sync Synchronize email body
oro:cron:imap-sync Synchronization emails via IMAP
oro:cron:import-tracking Import tracking logs
oro:cron:integration:sync Runs synchronization for integration
oro:cron:lifetime-average:aggregate Run daily aggregation of average lifetime value per channel
oro:cron:send-email-campaigns Send email campaigns
oro:cron:send-reminders Send reminders
oro:cron:tracking:parse Parse tracking logs
oro:daemon Monitor Daemon and restart it once a day if it has pid
oro:email:autoresponse Responds to email
oro:email:body-sync Synchronization email body. This command is deprecated. Cron command oro:cron:email-body-sync should be used instead
oro:email:flag-sync Synchronization email flags
oro:email:update-email-owner-associations Updates emails for email owner
oro:entity-alias:debug Displays entity aliases.
oro:entity-config:cache:clear Clears the entity config cache.
oro:entity-config:cache:warmup Warms up the entity config cache.
oro:entity-config:debug Displays entity configuration.
oro:entity-config:update Updates configuration data for entities.
oro:entity-extend:cache:check Makes sure that extended entity configs are ready to be processed by other commands. This is an internal command. Please do not run it manually.
oro:entity-extend:cache:clear Clears extended entity cache.
oro:entity-extend:cache:warmup Warms up extended entity cache.
oro:entity-extend:migration:update-config Updates extended entities configuration during a database structure migration process. This is an internal command. Please do not run it manually.
oro:entity-extend:update-config Prepare entity config
oro:entity-extend:update-schema Synchronize extended and custom entities metadata with a database schema
oro:imap:clear-mailbox Clears inactive mailboxes
oro:import:csv Import data from specified file for specified entity.
oro:install Oro Application Installer.
oro:jms-job-queue:count Shows a number of jobs in one of the defined states (new, pending, canceled, running, finished, failed, terminated, incomplete). By default: pending.
oro:layout:debug Displays the layout configuration.
oro:localization:dump Dumps oro js-localization
oro:migration:data:load Load data fixtures.
oro:migration:dump Dump existing database structure.
oro:migration:load Execute migration scripts.
oro:navigation:init Load "Title Templates" from annotations and config files to db
oro:organization:update Update organization by name.
oro:package:available List of available packages
oro:package:demo:load Load demo data from specified package(s) to your database.
oro:package:install Installs package from repository
oro:package:installed List of installed packages
oro:package:update Updates package if new version is available
oro:package:updates Lists available updates for installed packages
oro:platform:optional-listeners Get list of Doctrine listeners which can be disabled during process console command
oro:platform:run-script Run PHP script files in scope application container.
oro:platform:update Execute platform application update commands and init platform assets.
oro:process:configuration:load Load process configuration from configuration files to the database
oro:process:execute:job Execute process job with specified identifiers
oro:process:handle-trigger Handle process trigger with specified identifier and process name
oro:report:update Update report transactional tables
oro:requirejs:build Build single optimized js resource
oro:search:index Update search index for specified entities with the same type
oro:search:reindex Rebuild search index
oro:theme:list List of all available themes
oro:translation:dump Dumps oro js-translations
oro:translation:pack Dump translation messages and optionally upload them to third-party service
oro:translation:reset Reset user defined translations
oro:user:create Create user.
oro:user:update Update user.
oro:workflow:definitions:load Load workflow definitions from configuration files to the database
oro:wsse:generate-header Generate X-WSSE HTTP header for a given API key
router:cache:clear Clears the routing cache for an application
router:debug Displays current routes for an application
router:dump-apache [DEPRECATED] Dumps all routes as Apache rewrite rules
router:match Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match
security:check Checks security issues in your project dependencies
security:encode-password Encodes a password.
server:run Runs PHP built-in web server
server:start Starts PHP built-in web server in the background
server:status Outputs the status of the built-in web server for the given address
server:stop Stops PHP's built-in web server that was started with the server:start command
swiftmailer:debug Displays current mailers for an application
swiftmailer:email:send Send simple email message
swiftmailer:spool:send Sends emails from the spool
translation:debug Displays translation messages information
translation:update Updates the translation file
twig:debug Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests
twig:lint Lints a template and outputs encountered errors
yaml:lint Lints a file and outputs encountered errors
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