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Last active April 25, 2022 14:28
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Handy aliases for your everyday git workflow
### Install
# 1. Download this file to ~/.git_aliases
# 2. Add `source ~/.git_aliases` to your ~/.bash_aliases or ~/.bashrc file
# git
# These aliases follow a simple scheme of 'git' and then
# the first letters of the command and its options.
# There are a few exceptions, like `gitaa` which means
# git add (all), i.e. `git add .`
# Those edge cases are commented.
## source git's shell helpers
. /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
# This creates a bare repositor in REPO_PATH (default: /opt/git/*)
# REMOTE_PATH is set to expect an ssh host/repo remote named git.local
# Owner is the user `git`; set up your ssh accordingly!
_create_bare_git_remote() {
local REPO_PATH=/opt/git/$1.git
local REMOTE_PATH=git.local:$REPO_PATH
git init --bare $REPO_PATH
sudo chown -R git:git $REPO_PATH
sudo setfacl -R -m g:git:rwX $REPO_PATH
find $REPO_PATH -type d | xargs sudo setfacl -R -m d:g:git:rwX
git remote add local $REMOTE_PATH
git remote -v
alias gitcbr=_create_bare_git_remote
# Show changes made at a specific commit
_git_diff_at() {
git diff "$1~" "$1"
alias gitd="git diff"
# git diff (at commit)
alias gitdat=_git_diff_at
# git diff (last commit)
alias gitdl="gitd HEAD~ HEAD"
alias gitdno="git diff --name-only"
alias gitds="git diff --staged"
alias gita="git add"
# git add (all)
alias gitaa="gita ."
alias gitap="gita -p"
alias gitc="git commit"
alias gitcm="git commit -m"
alias gitca="git commit --amend"
alias gitcane="git commit --amend --no-edit"
alias gitcmnv="git commit -m --no-verify"
# default git log commit shows the last 7 commits, only
alias gitl="gitla -7"
# git log (all) - using oneline, abbreviated hashes by default
alias gitla="git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"
# `gitln 10` for the last 10 commits
alias gitln="gitl -n"
# git log (long) - in case you need to see the commit message, not only the title
alias gitll="git log --abbrev-commit"
# git log (update) - this shows all commits since last version's tag
alias gitlu="gitl $(git tag | grep -P "v\d{1,}\..*" | tail -1)^..HEAD"
alias gitrl="git reflog"
gits() {
script -q /dev/null -c "git status --short $1" | sort -r
# git (check)(out) - gitc was taken by `commit` :P
alias gitco="git checkout"
alias gitcob="gitco -b"
alias gitba="git branch -a"
alias gitbd="git branch -d"
alias gitbD="git branch -D"
alias gitbm="git branch -m"
alias gitbr="git branch -r"
alias gitspm="git stash push -m"
alias gitski="git stash --keep-index"
alias gitsl="git stash list"
alias gitrbi="git rebase -i"
alias gitrbc="git rebase --continue"
alias gitrv="git remote -v"
alias gitrs="git reset"
alias gittl="git tag -l"
# Not really envouge anymore, but it's nice to have
# it for projects that use gitflow
alias gitffs="git flow feature start --showcommands $1"
alias git3f="git flow feature finish --showcommands $1"
alias gitfl="git flow log"
# This allows to commit a file that is usually ignored
# Rarely ever needed
echo "Adding files back to index"
git update-index --no-skip-worktree $@
gita -f $@
echo "Ignoring files, after commit"
git update-index --skip-worktree $@
echo "Ignored files:"
git ls-files --ignored --exclude-standard
alias gitcu=git_commit_untracked
alias gitsp="git stash pop"
# Enable aliases to autocomplete within their context
__git_complete gitb _git_branch
__git_complete gitbm _git_branch
__git_complete gitbd _git_branch
__git_complete gitbD _git_branch
__git_complete gitco _git_checkout
__git_complete gitd _git_diff
__git_complete gitdat _git_branch
__git_complete gitdno _git_branch
__git_complete gitll _git_log
__git_complete gitla _git_log
__git_complete gitl _git_log
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