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rblaze/stm.hs Secret

Created November 28, 2017 15:36
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module CdnPurge where
type Host = T.Text
type Addr = T.Text
type Key = T.Text
type Response = T.Text
data WorkStats = WorkStats
{ startTime :: UTCTime
, threadsWorking :: TVar Word
, threadsFinished :: TVar Word
, responseStats :: TVar (HM.HashMap Response Word)
, errorStats :: TVar (HM.HashMap Host SomeException)
purgeHost :: WorkStats -> PurgeConfig -> [Key] -> Host -> Addr -> IO ()
purgeHost WorkStats{..} PurgeConfig{..} keys host addr =
-- Update thread counters no matter what.
bracket_ enterStats exitStats $ do
-- results :: Either SomeException [Response]
results <- tryAny $ doSomeCrap
case results of
Right responses ->
-- Summarize responses and merge them into stats.
-- Marginally faster when there are many requests.
let respMap = HM.fromListWith (+) [(resp, 1) | resp <- responses]
in atomically $ modifyTVar' responseStats (HM.unionWith (+) respMap)
Left err -> atomically $ modifyTVar' errorStats (HM.insert host err)
enterStats = atomically $ modifyTVar' threadsWorking (+1)
exitStats = atomically $ do
modifyTVar' threadsWorking ((-)1)
modifyTVar' threadsFinished (+1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
stats <- do
hosts <- getTierHosts
startTime <- getCurrentTime
stats <- atomically $ do
threadsWorking <- newTVar 0
threadsFinished <- newTVar 0
responseStats <- newTVar HM.empty
errorStats <- newTVar HM.empty
return WorkStats{..}
let printer = forever $ do
threadDelay 3000000
printStats stats
-- Run thread to print stats every 3 seconds.
withAsync printer $ \_ ->
-- Run all requests in parallel.
forConcurrently_ hosts $
uncurry (purgeHost stats purgeConfig keys)
return stats
-- Do something with run results.
errs <- readTVarIO (errorStats stats)
print errs
putStrLn " == Final stats =="
printStats stats
printVar msg var = do
val <- readTVarIO var
putStrLn $ msg ++ show val
printStats WorkStats{..} = do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
let runtime = diffUTCTime currentTime startTime
putStrLn $ "Fanout time: " ++ show runtime
printVar "Threads running: " threadsWorking
printVar "Threads finished: " threadsFinished
printVar "Responses: " responseStats
errs <- readTVarIO errorStats
putStrLn $ "Errors: " ++ show (HM.size errs)
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