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Last active February 21, 2018 16:31
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Sonic Pi Simon musical game with TouchOSC interface vidoe of program running at
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#Game of Simon for Sonic Pi with TouchOSC interface
#by Robin Newman, February 2018
use_osc '',9000 #address of TouchOSC device. Adjust to suit your setup
use_debug false
use_osc_logging false
osc "/touch/score",0 #intialise scores on TouchOSC device
osc "/touch/hiscore",0
sleep 0.2
set :button,"" #set up initial time state values
set :pattern,[]
set :score,0
set :hiscore,0
set :currentstep,0
use_random_seed( #set random seed for new game
define :ledon do |s| #function to flash "led" on TouchOSC device and play note
case s
when "g"
osc "/touch/ledg",1
play :e3,release: 0.3
when "r"
osc "/touch/ledr",1
play :cs4,release: 0.3
when "b"
osc "/touch/ledb",1
play :e4,release: 0.3
when "y"
osc "/touch/ledy",1
play :a4,release: 0.3
sleep 0.3
osc "/touch/ledg",0 #turn all TouchOSC leds off
osc "/touch/ledr",0
osc "/touch/ledb",0
osc "/touch/ledy",0
sleep 0.01
define :flashall do |d|
osc "/touch/ledg",1 #turn all TouchOSC leds on
osc "/touch/ledr",1
osc "/touch/ledb",1
osc "/touch/ledy",1
sleep d
osc "/touch/ledg",0 #turn all TouchOSC leds off
osc "/touch/ledr",0
osc "/touch/ledb",0
osc "/touch/ledy",0
sleep d if d<0.1
define :decodebutton do |address| #extracts wild card info from address /osc/touch/push/*/*
#uses undocumented function getevent
#getevent("/osc/touch/push/*/*") will return output like:
#<SonicPi::CueEvent:[[1519217795.274847, 0, #<SonicPi::ThreadId [-1]>, 0, 0.0, 60.0], "/osc/touch/push/2/2", [1.0]]
#from which the substitutes for the wildcard * can be extracted using the strign functions below
s= get_event(address).to_s.split(",")[6][address.length-1..-2].split("/")
res= "g" if column==1 and row==1
res= "b" if column==1 and row==2
res= "r" if column==2 and row==1
res= "y" if column==2 and row==2
return res
define :getbutton do
b = sync "/osc/touch/push/*/*"
if b[0]==1 #pushed
set :button, pushed
puts "Pushed",pushed
if get(:inputmode) #check if button input mode
p=get(:pattern)#get current pattern
c=get(:currentstep) #get step in pattern
ledon pushed #flash led for pushed button
sleep 0.2
if pushed== p[c] #check if correct button pushed
c+=1 #increase step pointer
if c == p.length #see if reached end of pattern ie winning state
sc=get(:score) #et current score
hsc=get(:hiscore) ##get current hi-score
set :score,sc+1 ##increase score by one and store
hsc=sc+1 if sc+1 > hsc #increase hi-score if necessary
set :hiscore,hsc
puts "Your score is",sc+1 #publish scores on screen and touch device
puts "Hi-score is",hsc
osc "/touch/score",sc+1
osc "/touch/hiscore",hsc
set :currentstep,0 #reset step for next run
sample :perc_till #sound winning cash register
puts "well done"
flashall 0.5
use_random_seed( #set random seed for new game
sleep 0.5
set :inputmode,false #disable input mode
set :currentstep, c #not end of pattern so bump pointer
set :pattern,[] #reset time state variables
set :currentstep,0
set :score,0
sample :misc_crow #play loosing crow sound
puts "you made a mistake"
3.times do
flashall 0.025
osc "/touch/score",0 #reset user score
osc "/touch/hiscore",get(:hiscore)
use_random_seed( #set random seed for new game
sleep 1
set :inputmode,false #disable input mode
define :displayturn do #function updates label to display tunr information
if get(:inputmode) #if input mode set "YOur Turn"
osc "/touch/turn","Your Turn"
else #otherwise set "Computer Turn"
osc "/touch/turn","Computer Turn"
sleep 0.2
live_loop :game do #main game loop
set :inputmode,false #start with input mode false (ie computers turn)
if get(:inputmode) == false
displayturn #update turn indfo
p=get(:pattern) #get current pattern
set :pattern, p+ [["g","r","b","y"].choose]#add new random choice
puts "pattern set to ",p #display current pattern on screen
p.length.times do |x| #output pattern data as led flashes and sounds
ledon p[x]
sleep 0.3
set :inputmode,true #set input mode true (ie uaser's turn)
displayturn #update turn info
until get(:inputmode)==false #wait for input to complete
getbutton #get input from user
sleep 0.05
#gets here when get(:inputmode) is true
#Time delay not necessary, as always delay waiting for input sync
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rbnpi commented Feb 21, 2018

This version works on Sonic Pi 3 and a TouchOSC program running on an iPad, iPhone or Android device on the same local WiFi network. To make the TouchOSC program, download index.xml and zip/compress it naming the resultant file simon.touchosc This can then be loaded to your TouchOSC device from the free TouchOSC editor running on a Mac or Windows PC. You need to enable OSC on the TouchOSC device, set its host address to the address of the computer running Sonic Pi (version 3 or later) and set the outgoing port to 4559. Set the incoming port to 9000. The address in line 3 of the SimonTouchOSC>rb file running on Sonic Pi should point to the Local IP address of the device running TouchOSC.
To play the game, when you run the SimonTouchOSC program on Sonic Pi it will play a note and flash one of the four LED circles on the TouchOSC device. You should respond by pressing this same circle. You will hear a "cash register" sound if successful and a "crow" sound otherwise. If successful, the computer will play two tones, and you respond likewise. The aim is to achieve the maximum sequence without making a mistake. The TouchOSC device will display your current score and the hi-score obtained in the session. It also indicates when it your turn and when it is the computer's turn to play.

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