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Last active October 30, 2019 22:01
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test OSC controller for Sonic Pi

The file index.xml is utilised by TouchOSC. save the file as index.xml then compress or zip it and rename the resulting file testControl.touchosc This file should then be opened by the free TouchOSC editor (available for Mac, PC or Linux) and sync it to the (purchased) TouchOSC app for your IOS or Android phone or tablet. Setup instructions ar contained in the article on

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><layout version="17" mode="0" orientation="horizontal"><tabpage name="dGVzdA==" scalef="-1.0" scalet="1.0" li_t="" li_c="gray" li_s="14" li_o="false" li_b="false" la_t="" la_c="gray" la_s="14" la_o="false" la_b="false" ><control name="dm9s" x="60" y="47" w="50" h="200" color="red" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3Qvc2xpZGVyL3ZvbA==" type="faderv" response="absolute" inverted="true" centered="false" ></control><control name="cGFu" x="55" y="282" w="200" h="50" color="red" scalef="-1.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3Qvc2xpZGVyL3Bhbg==" type="faderh" response="absolute" inverted="false" centered="true" ></control><control name="cmV2ZXJi" x="195" y="46" w="50" h="200" color="red" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3Qvc2xpZGVyL3JldmVyYg==" type="faderv" response="absolute" inverted="true" centered="false" ></control><control name="c2FtcGxl" x="56" y="363" w="200" h="50" color="red" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" type="multitoggle" number_x="4" number_y="1" ex_mode="true" local_off="false" ></control><control name="bGFiZWwx" x="43" y="17" w="80" h="25" color="red" type="labelh" text="Vm9sdW1l" size="14" background="true" outline="false" ></control><control name="bGFiZWwy" x="180" y="13" w="80" h="25" color="red" type="labelh" text="UmV2ZXJi" size="14" background="true" outline="false" ></control><control name="bGFiZWwz" x="114" y="251" w="80" h="25" color="red" type="labelh" text="UGFu" size="14" background="true" outline="false" ></control><control name="bGFiZWw0" x="114" y="335" w="80" h="25" color="red" type="labelh" text="U2FtcGxl" size="14" background="true" outline="false" ></control><control name="bGVkMQ==" x="72" y="415" w="20" h="20" color="green" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3QvbGVkLzE=" type="led" ></control><control name="bGVkMg==" x="121" y="415" w="20" h="20" color="green" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3QvbGVkLzI=" type="led" ></control><control name="bGVkMw==" x="170" y="415" w="20" h="20" color="green" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3QvbGVkLzM=" type="led" ></control><control name="bGVkNA==" x="220" y="415" w="20" h="20" color="green" scalef="0.0" scalet="1.0" osc_cs="L3Rlc3QvbGVkLzQ=" type="led" ></control></tabpage></layout>
#test OSC controller to adjust amp/reverb/pan/samplename
#written by Robin Newman, October 2019 to illustrate techniques
# NB switch OFF Enfore timing guarantees in the prefs Audio tab for this program to work
# It processes many OSC messages from slider inputs and needs some leeway to process them
#uses TouchOSC as input device, but should be modifiable for other OSC sources
#makes use of function parse_osc. This uses an undocumented internal function
#of Sonic Pi _event which returns full information on a given event
#Sonic Pi accepts wild cards when matching triggers from OSC messages.
#parse_osc lets you input the wild card string used, and from that to
#determine the actual OSC message which triggered the match.
#So using this you can use one live_loop to parse and deal with several similar
#events, such as those from sliders (three used here)
#or multiple switches (1 4 way togggle switch used here)
#I include a verbose version of parse_osc which prints out the data it is
#working with so you can follow the process,
#which involves Ruby string handling methods
#simply switch over which parse_osc version is uncommented to change them over
use_debug false
use_osc_logging false
use_cue_logging false
use_osc "",9000 #set ip and port of TouchOSC to receive messages
#comment out ONE of the two parse_osc definitions, quiet or verbose
define :parse_osc do | path | #quiet version
v = get_event(path).to_s.split(",")[6]
if v != nil
return v[3..-2].split("/")
return ["Could not decipher osc path..."]
##| define :parse_osc do |path| #verbose version
##| puts "op1: #{get_event(path)}"
##| puts "op2: #{get_event(path).to_s.split(",")}"
##| v= get_event(path).to_s.split(",")[6]
##| if v != nil
##| puts "op3: #{v}"
##| puts "op4: #{v[3..-2].split("/")}"
##| return v[3..-2].split("/")
##| else
##| return ["error"]
##| end
##| end
#function switches leds on TouchOSC on/off
define :ledSwitch do |n|
in_thread do #run in a thread so as not to impact timings
#leds named from 1-4, but indices go 0-3 so add 1 to x and n
4.times do |x| #switch all leds off
osc "/test/led/"+(x+1).to_s,0
sleep 0.05 #makes sure touchOSC has time to respond
osc "/test/led/"+(n+1).to_s,1 #switch selected led on
#setup list of samples to use
#set starting values
set :scurrent,:loop_amen #initial sample
set :sIndex,0 #index of initial sample in list
set :rv,0 #initial reverb room: size
set :pan,0 #initial pan: setting
set :vol,0.5 #initial amp: setting
#send settings to sliders and switch to initialise
osc "/test/slider/vol",0.5
osc "/test/slider/pan",0
osc "/test/slider/reverb",0
osc "/test/sample/1/1",1 #switch in vertical row 1, position 1 set to on
#start fx reverb, wrapped round all sound generation
with_fx :reverb,room: get(:rv),mix: 0.7 do |r|
#save pointer to fx reverb in :r
set :r,r
#loop to select current sample. (changes at end of current sample)
live_loop :sampleControl do
data = sync "/osc*/test/sample/*/*" #respond to any switch
if data==[1.0] #just get data if pushed ie 1 #filter out all but switch "on"
sn = parse_osc"/osc*/test/sample/*/*" #get actual switch pushed
puts sn #show response from osc_parse
#now choose 4th element and convert to integer. Subtract 1 to index from 0
sn=sn[3].to_i - 1
set :sIndex,sn #store sample index
set :scurrent,slist[sn] #store current sample name
puts get(:scurrent) #print current sample name selected
#loop to get and set slider data
live_loop :sliders do
data = sync "/osc*/test/slider/*" #respond to all sliders
slider=parse_osc "/osc*/test/slider/*"
puts slider #show response from parse_osc
case slider
when "vol"
set :vol,data[0]
puts get(:vol)
control get(:sp),amp: 2 * get(:vol)
when "reverb"
set :rv,data[0]
puts get(:rv)
control get(:r),room: get(:rv)
when "pan"
set :pan,data[0]
puts get(:pan)
control get(:sp),pan: get(:pan)
live_loop :playSample do
#here I have used beat_stretch: opt to set all samples to 2 beats
#however will work with any sample length
sp=sample get(:scurrent),amp: 2 * get(:vol),pan: get(:pan),beat_stretch: 2
set :sp,sp
ledSwitch get(:sIndex) #switch led as sample starts playing
#change following line to sample_duration get(:scurrent)
#if not using beat_stretch
sleep 2#sample_duration get(:scurrent)
end #reverb
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