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Blazing a trail the likes of which has never been seen.

Rory Bramwell rbramwell

Blazing a trail the likes of which has never been seen.
View GitHub Profile
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="name">app</property>
<property name="pattern">%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} | %-5.5p | %-10.10t | %-20.20C:%-5.5L | %msg%n</property>
It will look like that:
2013-04-03 07:37:51.993 | WARN | main | lnetgateway.Server:56 | My app is logging stuff
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<property name="name">app</property>
<property name="pattern">%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} | %-5.5p | %-10.10t | %-20.20C:%-5.5L | %msg%n</property>
It will look like that:
2013-04-03 07:37:51.993 | WARN | main | lnetgateway.Server:56 | My app is logging stuff
import com.datastax.driver.core.*;
public class GettingStarted {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cluster cluster;
Session session;
import com.datastax.driver.core.*;
public class GettingStartedTwo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Cluster cluster;
Session session;
ResultSet results;
Row rows;
var cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');
var async = require('async');
var client = new cassandra.Client({contactPoints: [''], keyspace: 'demo'});
// Use async series to run functions in serial (one after another)
// Insert Bob
function (callback) {
client.execute("INSERT INTO users (lastname, age, city, email, firstname) VALUES ('Jones', 35, 'Austin', '', 'Bob')", function (err, result) {
class MyRetryPolicy(maxRetries: Int) extends RetryPolicy {
override def onReadTimeout(statement: Statement,
cl: ConsistencyLevel,
requiredResponses: Int,
receivedResponses: Int,
dataRetrieved: Boolean,
nbRetry: Int): RetryDecision = {
if (nbRetry < maxRetries) RetryDecision.retry(cl) else RetryDecision.rethrow()
rbramwell /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27 — forked from joyrexus/
REST basics

Basics of RESTful API design

  • Your API should be designed around the idea of resources.

  • Resources represent things (nouns) and not behaviors (verbs).

  • Each resource should have a canonical/unique url (api/users/bill, api/users/mary).

  • Return all resource properties in the return payload.

rbramwell / gist:a6bf3fc69cda64d58588
Last active August 28, 2015 19:52 — forked from stephenc/gist:3053561
Continuous Deployment with Jenkins and Puppet

Puppet with Jenkins

Setup Jenkins

With Puppet:

puppet module install rtyler-jenkins

puppet apply -v -e "include jenkins"

rbramwell /
Last active September 2, 2015 00:38 — forked from voxxit/
Consul + Vault + MySQL = <3
git clone vault
cd vault
docker-compose up -d
export VAULT_ADDR=

Initializing a vault:

vault init