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Last active December 27, 2024 15:38
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def binary_search_steps(target, max_num):
"""Simulate binary search and return number of steps needed"""
low, high = 1, max_num
steps = 0
while low <= high:
steps += 1
mid = (low + high) // 2
if mid == target:
return steps
elif mid < target:
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1
return steps
def calculate_average_steps(max_num):
"""Calculate average steps for all numbers from 1 to max_num"""
total_steps = 0
for target in range(1, max_num + 1):
steps = binary_search_steps(target, max_num)
total_steps += steps
return total_steps / max_num
def analyze_ranges():
"""Analyze different ranges and their average steps"""
max_numbers = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]
averages = []
theoretical = []
for max_num in max_numbers:
avg_steps = calculate_average_steps(max_num)
# Calculate theoretical maximum (log2)
# Plot results
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(max_numbers, averages, 'b-', label='Average Steps')
plt.plot(max_numbers, theoretical, 'r--', label='Theoretical Maximum (log₂n)')
plt.xlabel('Maximum Number')
plt.ylabel('Number of Steps')
plt.title('Average Binary Search Steps vs Maximum Number')
print("Max Number | Average Steps | Theoretical Max (log₂n)")
print("-" * 50)
for i in range(len(max_numbers)):
print(f"{max_numbers[i]:<10} | {averages[i]:.2f} | {theoretical[i]:.2f}")
return averages, theoretical
def print_game_instructions():
Print the instructions for the Steve Ballmer Number Guessing Game.
print("Welcome to the Steve Ballmer Number Guessing Game!")
print("In this game, I will try to guess the bank number guesses.")
print("Here are the rules:")
print("1. The bank thinks of a number between 1 and 100.")
print("2. I will make a guess, and the bank tells me if my guess is too high, too low, or correct.")
print("3. I will keep guessing until I get it right.")
print("4. The amount of money won or lost changes based on the number of tries:")
print(" - 1 guess: I win 5 euros")
print(" - 2 guesses: I win 4 euros")
print(" - 3 guesses: I win 3 euros")
print(" - 4 guesses: I win 2 euros")
print(" - 5 guesses: I win 1 euro")
print(" - 6 guesses: No money exchanged")
print(" - 7 guesses: The bank wins 1 euro")
print(" - 8 guesses: The bank wins 2 euros")
print(" - 9 guesses: The bank wins 3 euros")
print(" - 10 guesses: The bank wins 4 euros")
print(" - etc")
print("Let's get started!")
import numpy as np
import random
def binary_search_steps(target, max_num=100):
"""Simulate binary search and return number of steps needed"""
low, high = 1, max_num
steps = 0
while low <= high:
steps += 1
mid = (low + high) // 2
if mid == target:
return steps
elif mid < target:
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1
return steps
def random_search_steps(max_num=100, trials=1000):
"""Simulate random search and return number of steps needed"""
steps = 0
total_steps = 0
for _ in range(trials):
target = random.randint(1, max_num)
while True:
steps += 1
guess = random.randint(1, max_num)
if guess == target:
total_steps += steps
steps = 0
return total_steps / trials
def calculate_average_steps(search_function, max_num=100, trials=1000):
"""Calculate average steps for all numbers from 1 to max_num"""
total_steps = 0
for _ in range(trials):
target = random.randint(1, max_num)
steps = search_function(target, max_num)
total_steps += steps
return total_steps / trials
def :
average_binary_steps = calculate_average_steps(binary_search_steps, 100)
average_random_steps = calculate_average_steps(random_search_steps, 100)
print(f"Average number of steps to guess a number between 1 and 100 using binary search: {average_binary_steps:.2f}")
print(f"Average number of steps to guess a number between 1 and 100 using random search: {average_random_steps:.2f}")
def collect_results(distance_factor, tolerance):
Collect the results of the game for numbers 1 to 100.
distance_factor (int): The factor to determine the distance for the normal distribution.
0 means the game is deterministic / predictable / not random
list: A list of tuples containing the number and the result.
results = []
for n in range(1, 101):
result, guesses,number_of_tries = give_yield_one_guess(n, distance_factor, tolerance)
results.append((n, result, guesses,number_of_tries))
return results
def display_results(results, verbose=True):
Display the results of the game.
results (list): A list of tuples containing the number and the yield.
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['Number', 'Yield','Number_of_tries', 'Guesses'])
end_result = df['Yield'].sum()
if verbose:
df_sorted = df.sort_values(by='Number')
frequency_table = df['Yield'].value_counts().reset_index()
frequency_table.columns = ['Yield', 'Frequency']
if end_result > 0:
print(f"The player wins {end_result} euros! The bank loses.")
elif end_result < 0:
print(f"The bank wins {abs(end_result)} euros! The player loses.")
print("It's a tie!")
return end_result
def give_yield_one_guess(number, distance_factor=3, tolerance =2):
Give the yield for one guess.
number (int): The number to guess.
distance_factor (int): The factor to determine the distance for the normal distribution.
0 means the game is deterministic / predictable / not random
The higher the distance factor, the smaller the deviation from the mean.
tolerance (int): The tolerance range for the guess. (mean plus or minus the tolerance)
int: The yield based on the number of tries.
low, high = 1, 100
tries = 1
if number < low or number > high:
return "Number not in range"
guesses = []
while True:
guess = 0
guess_mean_ = (low + high) / 2
if guess_mean_ == ((low + high) // 2):
guess_mean = guess_mean_
guess_mean = math.ceil((low + high) / 2)
#guess_mean = math.floor((low + high) / 2)
if distance_factor == 0:
distance = 0 # the game is deterministic / predictable / not random
distance = round((high - low) / distance_factor)
while guess < low or guess <= guess_mean - tolerance or guess >= guess_mean + tolerance or guess > high:
guess = int(np.random.normal(loc=guess_mean, scale=(distance/10)))
if guess > number:
high = guess - 1
elif guess < number:
low = guess + 1
money_scheme = [None, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10]
if tries > len(money_scheme) - 1:
return money_scheme[-1],tries, guesses
return money_scheme[tries], tries,guesses
tries += 1
def main():
Main function to run the game.
results_various_distance_factor = []
tolerance =2
simulation = False
if not simulation:
results = collect_results(distance_factor, tolerance)
end_yield = display_results(results, True)
for distance_factor in range(0, 21):
for _ in range(100):
results = collect_results(distance_factor, tolerance)
end_yield = display_results(results, False)
#print (end_yield)
average_yield = sum(end_yields) / len(end_yields)
print (distance_factor,average_yield)
results_various_distance_factor.append((distance_factor, average_yield))
print (results_various_distance_factor)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Run the analysis
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