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Last active November 19, 2020 13:27
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import json
import os
import os.path
import sys
import logging
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from str2bool import str2bool
from crhelper import CfnResource
helper = CfnResource(json_logging=False, log_level='DEBUG',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Init code goes here
# The code below is used for loading the bundled version of boto rather than the one in the lambda runtime environment
envLambdaTaskRoot = os.environ["LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT"]
print("LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT env var:" + os.environ["LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT"])
print("sys.path:" + str(sys.path))
sys.path.insert(0, envLambdaTaskRoot+"/NewBotoVersion")
import botocore
import boto3
print("boto3 version:"+boto3.__version__)
print("botocore version:"+botocore.__version__)
ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
except Exception as e:
def cast_tunnel_options(tunnel_options):
# Go through the dictionary and convert any strings that can be numbers to ints and if the item is a list then go through the items in the list doing the same
for key in tunnel_options:
if isinstance(tunnel_options[key], list):
for d in tunnel_options[key]:
if isinstance(d, dict):
if d["Value"].isnumeric():
d["Value"] = int(d["Value"])
if tunnel_options[key].isnumeric():
tunnel_options[key] = int(tunnel_options[key])
return tunnel_options
def update_create(event, context):
props = event['ResourceProperties']
kwargs = {}
# Mandatory properties
if "CustomerGatewayId" in props:
kwargs["CustomerGatewayId"] = props["CustomerGatewayId"]
if "VpnGatewayId" in props:
kwargs["VpnGatewayId"] = props["VpnGatewayId"]
if "TransitGatewayId" in props:
kwargs["TransitGatewayId"] = props["TransitGatewayId"]
# Does resource already exist? If so update instead of create new
if event["RequestType"] == "Update":
vpn_connection_id = event['PhysicalResourceId']
kwargs["VpnConnectionId"] = vpn_connection_id
#Check to see if any of the details are different or whether there is nothing
response = ec2_client.describe_vpn_connections(
#Assume no work to do
update_flag = False
current_vpn_connection = response["VpnConnections"][0]
if "CustomerGatewayId" in kwargs:
if not("CustomerGatewayId" in current_vpn_connection) or (current_vpn_connection["CustomerGatewayId"] != kwargs["CustomerGatewayId"]):
update_flag = True
del kwargs["CustomerGatewayId"]
if "VpnGatewayId" in kwargs:
if not("VpnGatewayId" in current_vpn_connection) or (current_vpn_connection["VpnGatewayId"] != kwargs["VpnGatewayId"]):
update_flag = True
del kwargs["VpnGatewayId"]
if "TransitGatewayId" in kwargs:
if not("TransitGatewayId" in current_vpn_connection) or (current_vpn_connection["TransitGatewayId"] != kwargs["TransitGatewayId"]):
update_flag = True
del kwargs["TransitGatewayId"]
if update_flag:
f"Updating VPN connection '{vpn_connection_id}' using parameters {kwargs}")
response = ec2_client.modify_vpn_connection(**kwargs)"VPN connection modified successfully'")
else:"VPN connection '{vpn_connection_id}' does not require updating")
# Some properties can only be specified on the create
kwargs["Type"] = props["Type"]
options = {}
if 'StaticRoutesOnly' in props:
options["StaticRoutesOnly"] = str2bool(props["StaticRoutesOnly"])
if 'EnableAcceleration' in props:
options["EnableAcceleration "] = str2bool(
#Tunnel options can be passed a list (separate options for each tunnel, so we need to call the cast method on each list item)
if 'TunnelOptions' in props:
options["TunnelOptions"] = list(map(cast_tunnel_options,props["TunnelOptions"]))
# If any options have been specified then set the key on the main arguments
if options:
kwargs["Options"] = options
if 'Tags' in props:
kwargs["TagSpecifications"] = [
{'ResourceType': 'vpn-connection', 'Tags': props["Tags"]}]"Creating VPN connection with properties {kwargs}")
response = ec2_client.create_vpn_connection(**kwargs)
vpn_connection_id = response["VpnConnection"]["VpnConnectionId"]
f"A Vpn connection with id '{vpn_connection_id}' has been created")
physical_resource_id = vpn_connection_id
response_data = {}
response_data["VpnConnectionId"] = vpn_connection_id
return physical_resource_id
def delete(event, context):
Place your code to handle Delete events here
To return a failure to CloudFormation simply raise an exception, the exception message will be sent to CloudFormation Events.
vpn_connection_id = event["PhysicalResourceId"]"Deleting Vpn Connection with id '{vpn_connection_id}'")
response = ec2_client.delete_vpn_connection(
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error:
if error.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidVpnConnectionID.NotFound':
f"A Vpn connection with id '{vpn_connection_id}' does not exist")
raise error
def handler(event, context):
Main handler function, passes off it's work to crhelper's cfn_handler
helper(event, context)
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