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Last active April 17, 2019 01:07
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Type safe api and client. By defining an interface, some mapped types, and some generic helpers we're able to interpret the interface into a type safe server and client library.
//code that exists in the server project
import { AsEndpoint, Handler, generateClient } from "./endpoint"
import * as express from "express";
//Our Api for communication between server and client
export interface Api {
getPokemonByName(name: string): Pokemon | undefined;
allPokemon(): Pokemon[];
//The Api type mapped to an Endpoint<Api> type
//each property must match a property from the Api interface
//the path property for getPokemonByName must match the argument type from the Api type
export const api: AsEndpoint<Api> = {
allPokemon: {
method: "get",
path: () => "/api/pokemon",
route: "/api/pokemon"
getPokemonByName: {
method: "get",
path: (name: string) => "/api/pokemon/" + name,
route: "/api/pokemon/:name"
//mocked for now, but this is another mapped type ensuring type safety
//with our Api type. All inputs for these will be express.Request values
//because of our first type parameter to Handler
export const handler: Handler<express.Request, Api> = {
allPokemon: () => Promise.resolve([]),
getPokemonByName: (req: express.Request) => Promise.resolve(undefined)
const app = express();
generateApi(app, api, handler);
//code that exists in the client project
import { fromEndpoint } from "endpoint";
import { api } from "api";
//turning an Api method into a type safe function
export const getPokemonByName = fromEndpoint(api.getPokemonByName);
//example usage
//the promise's type parameter resolves to the type defined in our Api interface
//in this case getPokemonByName returns Pokemon | undefined so we have to validate
//the p is not undefined before we're able to access the .name property
getPokemonByName("Charizard").then(p =>
p ? console.log( : console.log("not found")
//Endpoint type with two type parameters
//I is for the input necessary for the Endpoint
//T is a phantom type used to ensure type safety throughout
export interface Endpoint<I, T> {
method: "get" | "post" | "put" | "delete";
path: (i: I) => string;
route: string;
//mapped type that maps all properties of T into various Endpoint types
//depending upon inputs and outputs of the methods on T
export type AsEndpoint<T> = {
[P in keyof T]:
T[P] extends () => any ? Endpoint<void, ReturnType<T[P]>> :
T[P] extends (x: infer X) => any ? Endpoint<X, ReturnType<T[P]>> :
T[P] extends (x: infer X, y: infer Y) => any ? Endpoint<{x: X, y: Y}, ReturnType<T[P]>> :
T[P] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? Endpoint<any[], ReturnType<T[P]>> :
//mapped type that will map all properties of T to a promise of the return type of the property
//The I type parameter is used to define the input to the handler.
export type Handler<I, T> = {
[P in keyof T]:
T[P] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? (req: I) => Promise<ReturnType<T[P]>> :
import { Application, Request } from "express";
//generate a typesafe express app per our Api
//current implementation is simplistic
//actual implementation will handle logging, exceptions, etc
export const generateApi = <T>(
app: Application,
endpoint: AsEndpoint<T>,
handler: Handler<Request, T>
): void => {
const inputs = Object.keys(endpoint) as (keyof AsEndpoint<T>)[];
inputs.forEach(k => {
const e = endpoint[k];
const h = handler[k];
app[e.method](e.route, (req, res) => h(req).then(x => res.json(x)));
import { default as axios } from "axios";
//Turn an endpoint into a typesafe, lazy promise for client side use
export const fromEndpoint = <I, T>(endpoint: Endpoint<I, T>) => (
i: I
): Promise<T> =>
method: endpoint.method,
url: endpoint.path(i)
}).then(x => as T);
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