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import Foundation
@propertyWrapper struct Notifier<Value> {
private let identifier: String
var wrappedValue: Value? {
didSet { Notification.Name(identifier), object: wrappedValue)
import os.log
func given<A>(_ description: String, block: () throws -> A) rethrows -> A {
os_log("1º Given %{public}@", description)
return try XCTContext.runActivity(named: "Given " + description, block: { _ in try block() })
func when<A>(_ description: String, block: () throws -> A) rethrows -> A {
os_log("2º When %{public}@", description)
return try XCTContext.runActivity(named: "When " + description, block: { _ in try block() })
// The SwiftUI Lab
// Website:
// Article:
import SwiftUI
class Model: ObservableObject {
@Published var minimumContainer = true
@Published var extendedTouchBar = false
@Published var twoPhases = true
scottmatthewman / AdaptsToSoftwareKeyboard.swift
Last active April 19, 2024 12:56
An example of using Combine to automatically adapt a SwiftUI scrollable view to accommodate an iOS onscreen keyboard
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct AdaptsToSoftwareKeyboard: ViewModifier {
@State var currentHeight: CGFloat = 0
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.padding(.bottom, currentHeight)
lukaskubanek / NSBezierPath+CGPath.swift
Created June 14, 2015 08:19
import AppKit
public extension NSBezierPath {
public convenience init(path: CGPath) {
let pathPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<NSBezierPath>.alloc(1)