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Created March 30, 2016 15:41
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* Do Park
* Reno Almeida
OCAD University
Created on March 30, 2016
//adding neopixel library.
#include "neopixel/neopixel.h"
#include "application.h"
//assigning the input D0 to constant PIN
#define PIN D0
//defining number of pixels that the neopixel ring has and below the type.
#define NUMPIXELS 16
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812B
//creating neopixel object.
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);
int delayval = 500;
//variables that hold real time data coming from javascript application. Sunset, sunrise and current time
//and percentage of clouds at a certain time and day.
int sunsetTime;
int sunriseTime;
int currentTime;
int clouds;
//variable that controls the colour displayed. below are variables for red, green and blue colours.
int mode = 0;
int r, g, b;
bool sunrise = false; // check sunset, and sunrise
bool sunset = false;
bool AMPM = false; // check if the time is AM or PM
void setup() {
//initiating neopixel ring
//assigning all functions that are called from the javascript file, so they can be called outside this application.
Particle.function("sunset", getSunset);
Particle.function("sunrise", getSunrise);
Particle.function("time", getTime);
Particle.function("clouds", getClouds);
Particle.function("shine", blinkRing);
//really don't remember what this is about, but gonna leave for the sake of everything working fine.
Particle.variable("sunsetTime", &sunsetTime, INT);
//initiating variables.
r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 0;
clouds = 0;
sunsetTime = 0;
sunriseTime = 0;
currentTime = 0;
void loop() {
//calling functions that change the colours according to current time. since any function created has
//to receive a String argument, I'm sending a random argument.
//changing the mode (that controls colours) according to current state.
if(!sunrise && !sunset ){
mode = 0;
else if(sunrise && !sunset){
mode = 1;
else if(!sunrise && sunset){
mode = 2;
else if(!sunrise && !sunset){
mode = 3;
int blinkRing(String command){
if(currentTime <= 12){
if(currentTime > sunriseTime){
r = map(currentTime - sunriseTime, 12, 0, 110, 30) - clouds/2;
g = map(currentTime - sunriseTime, 12, 0, 145, 90) - clouds/2;
b = map(currentTime - sunriseTime, 12, 0, 195, 164) - clouds/2;
r = 10;
g = 40;
b = 80;
if(sunsetTime > currentTime){
r = map(sunsetTime - currentTime, 12, 0, 75, 150) - clouds/2;
g = map(sunsetTime - currentTime, 12, 0, 140, 185) - clouds/2;
b = map(sunsetTime - currentTime, 12, 0, 220, 235) - clouds/2;
r = 15;
g = 45;
b = 90;
//lighting the neopixel ring.
for(int i=0;i<NUMPIXELS;i++){
// pixels.Color takes RGB values, from 0,0,0 up to 255,255,255
if(mode == 0)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0, b-80, b));
}// Moderately bright green color.
if(mode == 1)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(255, b-80, 0));
if(mode == 2)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(255, b+40, 0));
if(mode == 3)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(0, b-80, b));
}; // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware.
delay(10); // Delay for a period of time (in milliseconds).
//function that receives sunset time coming from javascript application.
int getSunset(String command){
sunsetTime = command.toInt();
return 0;
//function that receives sunrise time coming from javascript application.
int getSunrise(String command){
sunriseTime = command.toInt();
return 0;
//function that receives current time coming from javascript application.
int getTime(String command){
currentTime = command.toInt();
return 0;
//function that receives quantity of clouds coming from javascript application.
int getClouds(String command){
clouds = command.toInt();
return 0;
//fuction that checks if current time it before or after sunrise.
int Sunrise_Checker(String command)
if(sunriseTime == currentTime && abs(sunriseTime - currentTime)<=5)
sunrise = true;
if(sunrise && abs(sunriseTime - currentTime)>5)
sunrise = false;
return 0;
//fuction that checks if current time it before or after sunset.
int Sunset_Checker(String command)
if(sunsetTime == currentTime && abs(sunsetTime - currentTime)<=3)
sunset = true;
if(sunset && abs(sunsetTime - currentTime)>3)
sunset = false;
return 0;
//fuction that checks if current time it before or after noon.
int AMPM_Checker(String command)
if(currentTime>=12)AMPM = true;
if(currentTime<12)AMPM = false;
if(AMPM == false)
b = map(currentTime%12,0,12,80,255); // map the value 0 - 12 to 80 - 255
else if(AMPM == true)
b = map(currentTime%12,0,12,255,80); // map the value 0 - 12 to 255 - 80 (reverse)
return 0;
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