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Last active March 26, 2016 04:51
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// proposal for overall architecture of the POI system
// by Johan, @resilience_me
// for an image of how the parts of the system fit together, see
// this is meant as a early draft of how the full system could work. parts of the draft might be production ready.
// this draft is meant to help spread the POI system concept, and to expand the number of people who invest attention in development
// contract depositGovernance: more or less finished
// generatePOIs: more or less finished
// hangout: more or less finished
// registration: needs to be cleaned up
// poi: not finished, needs work, scheduling needs to be streamlined and integrated with ethereum-alarm-service,
// and the other contracts need to integrate better with the main contract
// overview of the contracts:
// depositGovernance: manages the anti-spam deposits, and also includes a system to vote on the size of the anti-spam deposit.
// a new contract is created each round, and the old one sucidides.
// generatePOIs: issues undivisible POI tokens to all verified users. a new contract is created after each round, and the old one suicides.
// hangout: manages the verification within the hangouts. includes the ASF system that 'gamifies the hangouts' by using a point system
// instead of one-vote-per-person, allowing users in a hangout to direct and steer each others attention more. a new contract is created for each hangout.
// registration: manages the registration of users each month, assing them into groups by random, and boots up hangout contracts. new contract is created each round.
// poi: main contract. boots up the other contracts, manages scheduling, and integrates some function calls.
// it's perhaps not optimal to boot up new contracts for everything all the time.
// library contracts could perhaps be useful. inexperienced with those.
// feedback and better solutions are welcome, and will be added to what I do on my end.
contract poi {
address currentPOItokens;
address currentRound;
address depositGovernanceContract;
address previousDepositGovernance;
uint genesisblock;
uint roundLength;
uint registrationPeriod;
uint hangoutCountdown;
uint nextRound;
uint depositSize;
uint groupSize;
function poi (){
genesisblock = block.number;
roundLength = 172800; // set POI pseudonym parties to happen once a month
nextRound = genesisblock;
depositSize = 10;
registrationPeriod = roundLength * 29/30; // 29 days
hangoutCountdown = registrationPeriod * 23/24; // 23 hours
groupSize = 5;
function scheduleRound() {
if(block.number < nextRound) throw;
if(currentRound != 0) registration(currentRound).endRound();
currentRound = new registration(depositSize, registrationPeriod, hangoutCountdown, groupSize);
nextRound += roundLength;
function issuePOIs(address[] verifiedUsers) {
if(msg.sender != currentRound) throw;
if(currentPOItokens != 0) generatePOIs(currentPOItokens).depricatePOIs;
currentPOItokens = new generatePOIs(verifiedUsers);
// now that the a new POI round has begun and the deposits have been returned,
// launch a new depositGovernanceContract
// if a new depositSize has been agreed on, the old depositGovernanceContract will automatically
// invoke the newDepositSize() function (see below)
function newDepositGovernanceContract() internal{
if(depositGovernanceContract != 0) {
previousDepositGovernance = depositGovernanceContract; // processProposals() will take a few minutes, so use a temporary address, previousDepositGovernance, for newDepositSize() for now
depositGovernanceContract = new depositGovernance();
/* deposits paid into voting for depositSizes should be deducatable from the deposit required to register */
/* that's not implemented yet. stub on */
function newDepositSize(uint newDepositSize){
if(msg.sender != previousDepositGovernance) throw;
depositSize = newDepositSize;
function verifyPOI (address v) returns (string){
if (generatePOIs(currentPOItokens).balanceOf(v)==0){
return "account does not have a valid POI";
else return "account has a valid POI";
contract registration {
address owner;
uint public genesisBlock;
uint public deadLine;
uint hangoutCountdown;
uint groupSize;
/* these are used for the registration, randomization process and to assing users into groups */
mapping(address => bool) public registered;
address[] registeredUsers;
uint256[] randomizedTemplate;
mapping(address => uint) public userGroup;
uint groupCount;
/* these are used for booting up the hangout sessions */
address[][] hangoutGroups;
mapping(uint => bytes32) public hangoutAddressRegistry;
mapping (address => bool) hangoutInSession;
/* when you issue POIs, you pass along a list of verified users */
address[] verifiedUsers;
uint passVerifiedUsersDeadLine;
/* the deposits are managed by the depositGovernance contract, so registration contract only
stores depositSize and the address for the depositContract */
uint depositSize;
address depositContract;
function registration(uint depositSize, uint registrationPeriod, uint hangoutCountdown, uint groupSize){
groupSize = groupSize;
genesisBlock = block.number;
deadLine = genesisBlock + registrationPeriod;
hangoutCountdown = hangoutCountdown;
depositSize = depositSize;
owner = msg.sender;
function register() returns (bool){
if(block.number > deadLine) throw;
if(msg.value < depositSize * 1 ether) throw;
if(registered[msg.sender] == true) throw;
registered[msg.sender] = true;
return true;
function getRandomNumber(uint seed) returns (uint) {
return (uint(sha3(block.blockhash(block.number-1), seed))%100);
function generateGroups() {
if(block.number < deadLine) throw;
/* ether-poker's algorithm for shuffling a deck of cards is used to shuffle the list of registered users */
uint8[2*20] memory unshuffled;
for (uint8 i=0; i < registeredUsers.length; i++) {
unshuffled[i] = i;
uint listIndex;
for (i=0; i < registeredUsers.length; i++) {
listIndex = getRandomNumber(i) % (registeredUsers.length - i);
unshuffled[listIndex] = unshuffled[registeredUsers.length - i - 1];
/* the randomized list is then used to assign users into groups */
uint groupCount;
uint counter;
for(i = 0; i < randomizedTemplate.length; i++){
if(counter == groupSize){ groupCount++; counter = 0;}
userGroup[registeredUsers[randomizedTemplate[i]]] = groupCount;
/* hangout addresses are generated and mapped to hangout groups */
for(i = 0; i < groupCount.length; i++){
hangoutAddressRegistry[i]= sha3(hangoutGroups[i]);
function getHangoutAddress() returns(bytes32){
if(hangoutAddressRegistry[userGroup[msg.sender]] == 0) throw;
// maybe use for first version
// hangoutURL = "" + hangoutAddressRegistry[userGroup[msg.sender]]
return hangoutAddressRegistry[userGroup[msg.sender]];
function bootUpHangouts() {
if(block.number < hangoutCountdown) throw;
for (uint i = 0; i < groupCount; i++)
address b = new hangout(hangoutGroups[groupCount]);
hangoutInSession[b] = true;
function passVerifiedUsers(address[] verified) {
if(hangoutInSession[msg.sender] != true) throw; // can only be invoked by hangout contract
if(passVerifiedUsersDeadLine == 0) passVerifiedUsersDeadLine = block.number + 100; // give everyone enough time to submit their verified addresses
if(block.number > passVerifiedUsersDeadLine) throw; // deadLine has passed and POIs have already started being issued
for (uint i = 0; i < verified.length; i++)
hangoutInSession[msg.sender] == false;
function issuePOIs(){
if(block.number < passVerifiedUsersDeadLine) throw; // hangouts are still in session
function endRound(){
if(msg.sender != owner) throw;
contract hangout {
Anti-sybil fuel (ASF) is used to gamify the POI hangouts. Participants can
use it to "hijack each other's attention", which makes it easier for the
POI community to keep high standards. Each user gets 5000 "anti-sybil fuel" points,
and then rewards the other 4 users for their attention. This makes it possible
for 4 people to put peer-pressure on the 5th if the 5th person isn't focused
on the joint attention test.
address owner;
uint public genesisblock;
uint public deadline;
struct ASF {
uint256 initial_supply;
uint256 rewarded;
uint256 given;
mapping (address => ASF) public ASFbalances;
address[] participants;
address[] verifiedUsers;
function hangout(address[] hangoutGroup) {
for (uint i = 0; i < hangoutGroup.length; i++)
ASFbalances[hangoutGroup[i]].initial_supply += 5000;
genesisblock = block.number;
deadline = genesisblock + 60; // hangouts are 15 minutes long
owner = msg.sender;
function rewardASF(address _to, uint256 _value) {
/* If the sent amount is bigger than the maximum amount one can give, send max amount */
if (ASFbalances[msg.sender].given + _value >5000)
_value = _value-((ASFbalances[_to].rewarded+_value)-5000);
/* If the sent amount is bigger than the maximum reward limit, send max amount */
if (ASFbalances[_to].rewarded + _value >5000)
_value = _value-((ASFbalances[_to].rewarded+_value)-5000);
/* transfer the anti sybil fuel */
ASFbalances[msg.sender].given +=_value;
ASFbalances[_to].rewarded +=_value;
ASFbalances[msg.sender].initial_supply -=_value;
/* after 15 minutes, each users that has been awarded 4000 ASF or more, and
given out 4000 or more, is seen as verified and given a POI token */
/* the closeSession function can be called by anyone in the hangut once the deadline has passed */
function closeSession(){
if(block.number<deadline) throw;
for(uint i = 0; i < participants.length; i++){
if(ASFbalances[participants[i]].given > 4000 && ASFbalances[participants[i]].rewarded > 4000)
/* pass verifiedUsers into a contract that generates POIs, together with verifiedUsers from all other hangouts */
/* the POI contract will then pass the full list into the contract generatePOItokens */
/* the anti-sybil fuel is then destroyed */
contract generatePOIs {
address owner;
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
function generatePOIs(address[] verifiedUsers) {
owner = msg.sender;
balanceOf[owner] = verifiedUsers.length; // Give the creator all initial tokens
name = "POI"; // Set the name for display purposes
symbol = "POI"; // Set the symbol for display purposes
decimals = 0; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
/* Send POIs to every verified address */
for (uint i = 0; i < verifiedUsers.length; i++)
balanceOf[owner] -= 1;
balanceOf[verifiedUsers[i]] += 1;
Transfer(owner, verifiedUsers[i], 1); // Notify anyone listening that this transfer took place
function depricatePOIs() {
if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner);
/* manage all deposits in one contract. allow users to vote using the ether from their registration deposit, if they want.
return all deposits after the round has finished. */
contract depositGovernance {
address owner;
address registrationContract;
/* manage deposits */
mapping (address => uint256) deposits; // deposits that have not been used as votes
mapping (address => uint256) votes; // deposited ether that has been used to vote
mapping (address => uint256) addressIndex;
address[] depositRegistry;
struct proposeNewDeposit {
uint256 depositSize;
uint256 votesInFavour; // in ether
uint256 votesAgainst; // in ether
proposeNewDeposit[] proposals;
function depositGovernance(){
owner = msg.sender;
// contract registration calls registrationDeposit(msg.sender).value(msg.value)
function registrationDeposit(address registrant){
if(msg.sender != registrationContract) throw;
deposits[registrant] += msg.value;
if(addressIndex[registrant] == 0)
function NewProposal(uint256 depositSize){
if(msg.value < depositSize * 1 ether) throw;
depositSize: depositSize,
votesInFavour: 0,
votesAgainst: 0
deposits[msg.sender] += msg.value / 1 ether;
if(addressIndex[msg.sender] == 0)
addressIndex[msg.sender] = depositRegistry.length;
/* add surplus to votesInFavour */
if(msg.value > depositSize * 1 ether)
proposals[proposals.length].votesInFavour += msg.value/1 ether - depositSize;
function voteOnProposal(uint proposalIndex, bool opinion){
if(msg.value < proposals[proposalIndex].depositSize * 1 ether) throw;
if(opinion == true)
proposals[proposalIndex].votesInFavour += msg.value * 1 ether;
proposals[proposalIndex].votesAgainst += msg.value * 1 ether;
deposits[msg.sender] += msg.value / 1 ether;
if(addressIndex[msg.sender] == 0)
addressIndex[msg.sender] = depositRegistry.length;
function processProposals() { // invoked at the end of each round
if(msg.sender != owner) throw;
uint iterateToHighest;
for (uint i = 0; i < proposals.length; i++){
if(proposals[i].votesInFavour > proposals[i].votesAgainst && proposals[iterateToHighest].votesInFavour < proposals[i].votesInFavour)
iterateToHighest = i;
if(proposals[iterateToHighest].votesInFavour > 0) {
uint newDepositSize = proposals[iterateToHighest].depositSize;
/* pass newDepositSize to poi contract */
/* then return deposits */
for (uint k = depositRegistry.length; k < 0 ; k++)
/* then suicide contract */
if(depositRegistry.length == 0)
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