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Created December 16, 2015 15:03
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def casasibarra(di,ranMnu=False):
di.keys()-> ['MH0','MA0','Mtr01','Mtr02','Mtr03',]
#Nupa r= min, best_fit, max
#Thesol=np.array([0.278, 0.323, 0.375])
#Theatm=np.array([0.278, 0.323, 0.375])
#print Thetas()
#"""requiered input parameters
# dp with keys: 'MH0',.....
# writing the neutrino mass seesaw type
DMR=[ [np.sqrt( Mtr01t),0,0],[0,np.sqrt(Mtr02t),0],[0,0,np.sqrt(Mtr03t)] ]
#phases of the PMNS matrix
#phases1=np.random.uniform(0,0*pi,3) # All the phases are set to be zero
delta=1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases1[0])
eta1 =1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases1[1])
eta2 =1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases1[2])
mnu1=1.*(mnu1in if ranMnu else 10**((np.log10(2.5e-3)-np.log10(1e-9))*np.random.uniform(0,1)+np.log10(1e-9))*1e-9)
mnu2=1.*(np.sqrt(Dms2[1]+mnu1in**2) if ranMnu else np.sqrt(random.uniform(Dms2[0],Dms2[2]) + mnu1**2) )
mnu3=1.*(np.sqrt(Dma2[1]+mnu1in**2) if ranMnu else np.sqrt(random.uniform(Dma2[0],Dma2[2]) + mnu1**2) )
#light neutrino masses only for an estimation
#Square root of left-handed nuetrino mass matrix
DMnu=[ [np.sqrt(mnu1),0,0],[0,np.sqrt(mnu2),0],[0,0,np.sqrt(mnu3)] ]
#mixing angles using 3 sigma data from arxiv:1405.7540 (table I) #and asumming a Normal Hierarchy'''
t12 = 1.*( np.arcsin(np.sqrt(ThetSol[1])) if ranMnu else np.arcsin(np.sqrt(random.uniform(ThetSol[0],ThetSol[2]))))
t23 = 1.*( np.arcsin(np.sqrt(ThetAtm[1])) if ranMnu else np.arcsin(np.sqrt(random.uniform(ThetAtm[0],ThetAtm[2]))))
t13 = 1.*( np.arcsin(np.sqrt(ThetRec[1])) if ranMnu else np.arcsin(np.sqrt(random.uniform(ThetRec[0],ThetRec[2]))))
c23 = np.cos(t23)
s23 = np.sin(t23)
c13 = np.cos(t13)
s13 = np.sin(t13)
c12 = np.cos(t12)
s12 = np.sin(t12)
tan12 = np.tan(t12)
#Building PMNS matrix
U12 = array([ [np.cos(t12),np.sin(t12),0], [-np.sin(t12),np.cos(t12),0], [0,0,1.0] ])
U13 = array([ [np.cos(t13),0,np.sin(t13)*np.exp(-delta*1j)], [0,1.0,0], [-np.sin(t13)*exp(delta*1j),0,np.cos(t13)] ])
U23 = array([ [1.0,0,0], [0,np.cos(t23),np.sin(t23)], [0,-np.sin(t23),np.cos(t23)] ])
Uphases = array([ [np.exp(eta1*1j),0,0], [0,np.exp(eta2*1j),0], [0,0,1.0] ])
#Building R matrix of the Casas-Ibarra parametrization
phases2=np.random.uniform(0,2*pi,3) #real part of mixing angles of R
b12 = 1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases2[0])
b13 = 1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases2[1])
b23 = 1.*(0 if ranMnu else phases2[2])
# R
R12 = array([ [np.cos(b12),np.sin(b12),0], [-np.sin(b12),np.cos(b12),0], [0,0,1.0] ])
R13 = array([ [np.cos(b13),0,np.sin(b13)], [0,1.0,0], [-np.sin(b13),0,np.cos(b13)] ])
R23 = array([ [1.0,0,0], [0,np.cos(b23),np.sin(b23)], [0,-np.sin(b23),np.cos(b23)] ])
#print, R.T)
#Yukawa matrix of the Casas-Ibarra parametrization
return yuk2
def leptophilic(dp,theta,phi,precision=0.9):
Normalized yukawa couplings are expressed as:
ye_N = np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta) +- error
ymu_N = np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta) +- error
ytau-N= np.cos(phi)
Angles defined in radians
1. e-philic phi=pi/2 and theta=0
2. mu-philic phi=pi/2 and theta=pi/2
normalized electron yukawa equal to precision
DEBUG: implement minimization
for mloop in range(0,10000000):
yuk = casasibarra(dp,ranMnu=False)
#Yukawa sector associated to the first generation of sigma
#Renormalized Yukawa
Yuk1R = yff[0]/np .sqrt(yff[0]**2 + yff[1]**2 +yff[2]**2)
Yuk2R = yff[1]/np.sqrt(yff[0]**2 + yff[1]**2 +yff[2]**2)
Yuk3R = yff[2]/np.sqrt(yff[0]**2 + yff[1]**2 +yff[2]**2)
if ((theta < np.pi/(2*100)) or (theta > 0.99*np.pi/2) or (phi < np.pi/(2*100)) or (phi > 0.99*np.pi/2) ):
error =5.0*precision
if ((np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta) - error < Yuk1R < np.sin(phi)*np.cos(theta) + error) and
(np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta) - error < Yuk2R < np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta) + error)):
a=yuk, Yuk1R, Yuk2R, Yuk3R,error
return a # Modifications has been done here!
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