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Presentation Style for Rebol/View 2
Rebol [
Title: "Presentation Style"
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
Date: 20-Sep-2004
History: {
Based on "Presentation Dialect" by Jeff Kreis
Converts it to a slide-based style.
Has bugs.
random/seed now/time
vids: copy []
foreach [w f] system/view/vid/vid-styles [
append vids w
vids: make hash! vids
count-faces: func [code count] [
foreach w code [
if find vids w [
count: count + 1
; --- Presentation Dialect ---
parse-prez: func [
prez "Presentation Dialect"
out this-scene this-layout effect-time appear-time prez-act m1 m count
if not parse prez [
this-scene: copy []
this-layout: copy []
count: 0
some [
copy prez-part to time! (
effect-chunk: copy []
set appear-time time!
into [ ; -- Effect level
m1: any [
set effect-time time!
(prez-info: copy [])
m: set prez-act ['fade | 'grow | 'move | 'go] :m
set tup opt [tuple! | word!]
set num integer!
set fac opt word!
if word? tup [
if not tuple? tup: get tup [
tup: none
repend prez-info [tup num fac]
['grow | 'move | 'go]
set pair pair!
set num integer!
(repend prez-info [pair num])
(repend effect-chunk [prez-act prez-info effect-time])
; -- add effects for an element
count: count-faces prez-part count
append this-layout prez-part
repend this-scene [count effect-chunk appear-time]
print ["Failed to parse near:" mold m1]
return none
reduce [
'layout this-layout
'scene this-scene
; --- Effects Execution ---
do-effects: func [
face [object!]
effects [block!]
t1 [time!]
/local i
i: 1
foreach [effect data time] copy effects [
if time <= t1 [
if 'init <> last data [
; print ["initializing" effect face/style face/text]
do bind reduce [to-word join 'init- effect face data] 'self
append data 'init
if not do bind reduce [effect face data] 'self [
; print ["Completed" effect face/style face/text]
remove/part at effects i 3
i: i - 3
i: i + 3
dist: func [a b c] [
to-integer ((a - b) / c)
; --- Move Effect ---
move: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
do-space face data 'offset
init-move: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
/local pair ticks
set [pair ticks] data
if any [not pair? pair not integer? ticks] [
make error! reform [
"Bad data to init-move" mold data
change data reduce [ticks pair]
; --- Go Effect ---
go: func [
data [block!]
/local offset ticks
do-space face data 'offset
init-go: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
init-space face data 'offset
; --- Space Subeffect ---
do-space: func [
face [object!] data [block!] facet [word!]
/local which
which: get in face facet
set in face facet which + data/2
show face
change data data/1 - 1
data/1 >= 0
init-space: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
facet [word!]
/local pair ticks which delta
which: get in face facet
set [pair ticks] data
if any [not pair? pair not integer? ticks] [
make error! reform ["Bad data to init-space:" mold data]
ticks: abs ticks
delta: to-pair reduce [
dist pair/x which/x ticks
dist pair/y which/y ticks
change data reduce [ticks delta pair]
; --- Grow Effect ---
grow: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
/local size
do-space face data 'size
init-grow: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
/local size
init-space face data 'size
either block? face/effect [
append face/effect 'fit
face/effect: [fit]
; --- Fade Effect ---
delt-tuple: func [a b /local result] [
result: copy []
repeat i length? a [
append result max 0 min 255 (pick a i) + pick b i
to-tuple result
fade: func [
face [object!] data [block!]
/local ticks afc aft afe fade-img fade-img-spot c facet
; print ["fade" data]
set [ticks afc aft afe fade-img fade-img-spot facet] data
if fade-img [
change fade-img-spot fade-img-spot/1 + fade-img
either facet [
switch/default facet [
text [
all [
face/font/color: delt-tuple aft face/font/color
edge [
all [
face/edge/color: delt-tuple afe face/edge/color
full [
all [
face/edge/color: delt-tuple afe face/edge/color
all [
face/font/color: delt-tuple aft face/font/color
all [
face/color: delt-tuple afc face/color
block? face/colors 2 <= length? face/colors
change face/colors face/color
; body [default]
all [
face/color: delt-tuple afc face/color
block? face/colors 2 <= length? face/colors
change face/colors face/color
; -- otherwise, decide based on what's there
if c: face/color [
face/color: delt-tuple afc c
if c: face/font/color [
face/font/color: delt-tuple aft c
show face
; -- amount of ticks of this
change data ticks - 1
data/1 >= 0
init-fade: func [
face [object!]
data [block!]
/local eff t1 t2 afc aft afe fade-img fade-img-spot ticks facet
set [t1 ticks facet] data
if not t1 [
t1: 0.0.0
if not ticks [
ticks: 10
set [fade-img fade-img-spot] none
if face/image [
eff: reduce [
pick [0 -255] negative? ticks
either not block? face/effect [
face/effect: eff
append face/effect eff
fade-img: to-integer (255 / ticks)
fade-img-spot: back tail face/effect
ticks: abs ticks
if afc: face/color [
afc: reduce [
dist t1/1 afc/1 ticks
dist t1/2 afc/2 ticks
dist t1/3 afc/3 ticks
if all [aft: face/font aft: aft/color] [
aft: reduce [
dist t1/1 aft/1 ticks
dist t1/2 aft/2 ticks
dist t1/3 aft/3 ticks
if all [afe: face/edge afe: afe/color] [
afe: reduce [
dist t1/1 afe/1 ticks
dist t1/2 afe/2 ticks
dist t1/3 afe/3 ticks
change data reduce [
; --- Style Code ---
prez-feel: make svvf/sensor [
engage: func [face action event] [
if action = 'time [
stylize/master [
feel: prez-feel
restore-rate: rate: 24
layout-card: func [card [block!]] [
get in layout/origin/offset/size card 20x10 0x0 size 'pane
active: cards: copy []
pane: copy []
scene: current: store: none
; --- Controls ---
goto: func [card-id [issue!]] [
rate: restore-rate
active: any [
find cards card-id
show self
next-scene: does [
rate: restore-rate
either any [tail? active tail? active: skip active 3] [
either confirm "End of Presentation. Quit?" [
rate: none
show self
back-scene: does [
rate: restore-rate
if not head? active [active: skip active -3]
show self
; --- Action Trigger ---
update: has [t1 i] [
t1: now/time
i: 0
if empty? scene [next-scene]
foreach [subface effects appear-time] copy scene [
if appear-time <= t1 [
either subface/user-data [
either not empty? effects [
do-effects subface effects t1
remove/part at scene i 3
i: i - 3
subface/user-data: on
if find [backdrop backtile] subface/style [
subface/size: size
append pane subface
do-effects subface effects t1
show self
i: i + 3
; --- Initialise Scene ---
set-scene: has [
begin count i eff act info t1 t2 bg
set [current scene store] copy/deep/part active 3
scene: copy scene store: layout-card store
clear pane recycle
begin: now/time
count: 0
scene: head forskip scene 3 [
set [i eff t1] scene
append pane copy/part skip store count at store i
count: i
change scene pick store i
change at scene 3 begin + t1
forskip eff 3 [
set [act info t2] eff
change at eff 3 begin + t1 + t2
if not empty? store [
if find [backdrop backtile] store/1/style [
store/1/size: size
; --- Startup ---
append init [
foreach [id card] second :action [
either block? card [
card: parse-prez card
insert tail cards reduce [
id card/scene card/layout
alert join "Error: No Card To Format -- " mold id
restore-rate: rate
active: cards
Rebol [
Title: "Prez Test"
Date: 2-Feb-2021
Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
ctx-prez: make object! load %presentation.r
view center-face layout [
origin 0
presentation 500x300 [
#card-1 [
at 10x-200
backdrop white
h1 "Card 1" 480 :0:1 [
:0:0 move 0x6 100
:0:1 fade red 50
#card-2 [
at 10x500
h1 "Card 2" 480 :0:1 [
:0:0 move 0x-6 100
:0:1 fade green 50
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