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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Work-in-progress sketch for importing a batched set of pages.
(defn import-page-set!
"Import a set of pages. page-set is expected to be a collection of
hashmaps containing a :url and potentially a :provenance."
[conn page-set]
(let [with-provenance (->> page-set set (map add-default-provenance))
all-loaded (map load-resource-from-map with-provenance)
all-grouped (group-by :hasError all-loaded)
no-errors (all-grouped false)
no-errors-meta (map #(hash-map :origin %
:node (node-data-from-meta %))
; Deal with errors
; A page having an error invalidates all existing data, and we will replace it
; with the meta we can get from the url.
with-errors (all-grouped true)
errors-meta (map #(hash-map :node (node-data-from-url (:provenance %) %) :code (b/code-from-url (:provenance %))) with-errors)
; Figure out which URLs are redirects
redirects (filter #(not= (get-in % [:origin :provenance]) (get-in % [:node :url])) no-errors-meta)
redirect-urls (map #(get-in % [:origin :provenance]) redirects)
redirect-meta (map #(hash-map :node (node-data-from-url % {:isRedirect true}) :code (b/code-from-url %)) redirect-urls)
; Attach the links to the parsed pages
with-links (map #(assoc % :links (get-wiki-links (get-in % [:origin :res])
(get-in % [:node :host]))
:code (get-in % [:node :code]))
link-url-set (-> (map :links with-links) flatten distinct)
all-link-meta (map #(hash-map :code (b/code-from-url %)
:node (node-data-from-url %))
import-code-set (concat
(map #(get-in % [:node :code]) no-errors-meta)
(map #(get-in % [:node :code]) redirect-meta)
(map #(get-in % [:node :code]) errors-meta))
used-link-meta (remove #(b/in-seq? import-code-set (:code %)) all-link-meta) ; Remove the codes we already know from the import set
link-code-set (map :code used-link-meta)
all-codes (-> (concat import-code-set link-code-set) set)
existing (db/query-for-codes conn all-codes)
ids-by-code (db/map-by-code existing)
existing-codes (keys ids-by-code)
to-create (difference all-codes existing-codes)
; Get the batch operation data
; First, let's get the nodes we need to create. We filter against to-create,
; which will initially be the larger set but will diminish in size the more
; pages we import.
to-create-link (into [] (r/filter #(b/in-seq? to-create (:code %)) used-link-meta))
import-groups (group-by #(b/in-seq? to-create (:code %)) (concat with-links redirect-meta errors-meta))
to-create-import (set (import-groups true))
all-create-nodes (->> (concat to-create-link to-create-import) (pmap :node))
; Get the relationships to create
all-rels (-> (pmap map-link-pairs with-links) flatten)
; doall on the batch so that don't count the cost of materializing the collection
; as part of the profiled cost on create
create-batch (db/batch-create-ops all-create-nodes)
rel-batch (db/batch-rel-ops all-rels)
; Get the nodes to update. We get the database ids on the query above
update-nodes (pmap :node (import-groups false))
update-batch (db/batch-update-ops (map #(hash-map :id (get-in ids-by-code [(:code %) :id])
:node %)
; ... aaand create
created (db/execute-batch conn (concat create-batch update-batch rel-batch))
(doall created)
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