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Created November 18, 2017 01:58
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mysql> select count(*),metric,units from t1 group by metric,units having count(*) >1;
| count(*) | metric | units |
| 2 | Average depreciation rate of the capital stock | Unitless |
| 2 | Capital stock at constant 2005 national prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | Capital stock at current PPPs | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | Communications, computer, etc. | Unitless |
| 2 | Computer, communications and other services | Unitless |
| 2 | Consumption Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at 2005 constant prices [rgdpl] | Unitless |
| 2 | Consumption Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at current prices [cgdp], (%) | Unitless |
| 4 | Contrib-ICT-K-Services | NULL |
| 3 | Contrib-LB-Composition | NULL |
| 4 | Contrib-NonICT-K-Services | NULL |
| 2 | Contribution-ICT-Capital | NULL |
| 2 | Contribution-Labor-Quality | NULL |
| 2 | Contribution-Labor-Quantity | NULL |
| 2 | Contribution-Non-ICT-Capital | NULL |
| 7 | EKS-GDP | NULL |
| 8 | Emp | NULL |
| 2 | EMP-gr | NULL |
| 3 | Employment | NULL |
| 3 | Employment-Growth | NULL |
| 3 | Exchange rate, national currency/USD (market+estimated) | Unitless |
| 2 | Expenditure-side real GDP at chained PPPs | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | Expenditure-side real GDP at current PPPs | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | External debt stocks | Unitless |
| 4 | GDP | NULL |
| 2 | GDP per capita | 1990 international dollar |
| 2 | GDP_g (adjusted) | Growth of GDP, percent change |
| 2 | GDP_g (original) | Growth of GDP, percent change |
| 7 | GDP-capita-EKS | NULL |
| 7 | GDP-capita-GK | NULL |
| 3 | GDP-Capita-Growth | NULL |
| 4 | GDP-gr | NULL |
| 4 | GDP-growth | NULL |
| 7 | GK-GDP | NULL |
| 2 | Government Consumption Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at 2005 constant prices [rgdpl] | Unitless |
| 2 | Government Consumption Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at current prices [cgdp], (%) | Unitless |
| 2 | Government expenditure on education, total | Unitless |
| 2 | Gross savings | Unitless |
| 3 | Health expenditure, public | Unitless |
| 3 | Human capital index, based on years of schooling and returns to education | Unitless |
| 2 | ICT-Capital-Services-gr | NULL |
| 4 | ICT-K-Services | NULL |
| 4 | Insurance and financial services | Unitless |
| 2 | Interest payments | Unitless |
| 2 | Interest payments on external debt | Unitless |
| 2 | Investment Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at 2005 constant prices [rgdpl] | Unitless |
| 2 | Investment Share of PPP Converted GDP Per Capita at current prices [cgdp], (%) | Unitless |
| 2 | Labor-Quality-gr | NULL |
| 2 | Labor-Quantity-gr | NULL |
| 4 | Labor-Share | NULL |
| 3 | LB-Composition | NULL |
| 4 | LP | NULL |
| 2 | LP_L_g (adjusted) | Growth of Labor Productivity per person employed, percent change |
| 2 | LP_L_g (original) | Growth of Labor Productivity per person employed, percent change |
| 2 | LP-gr | NULL |
| 7 | LP-person-EKS | NULL |
| 7 | LP-person-GK | NULL |
| 3 | LP-Person-Growth | NULL |
| 2 | Military expenditure | Unitless |
| 4 | Net ODA received | Unitless |
| 2 | Non-ICT-Capital-Services-gr | NULL |
| 4 | NonICT-K-Services | NULL |
| 3 | Number of persons engaged | People |
| 2 | Openness at 2005 constant prices (%) | Unitless |
| 2 | Openness at Current Prices (%) | Unitless |
| 2 | Out-of-pocket health expenditure | Unitless |
| 2 | Output-side real GDP at chained PPPs | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | Output-side real GDP at current PPPs | 2005 international dollar |
| 4 | Pop | NULL |
| 3 | Population | NULL |
| 4 | Population | People |
| 3 | Population-Growth | NULL |
| 2 | PPP Converted Domestic Absorption Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices | international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Chain per equivalent adult at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Chain per worker at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Laspeyres per person counted in total employment at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Laspeyres per worker at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita (Chain Series), at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita (Laspeyres), derived from growth rates ofc, g, i, at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita (Laspeyres), derived from growth rates ofdomestic absorption, at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita Relative to the United States, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices, [cgdp2](US = 100) | Unitless |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita Relative to the United States, G-K method, at current prices, [cgdp](US = 100) | Unitless |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices | international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted GDP Per Capita, G-K method, at current prices | international dollar |
| 2 | PPP Converted Gross Domestic Income (RGDPL adjusted for Terms of Tradechanges) at 2005 constant prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 2 | Price level of capital formation, price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 2 | Price level of CGDPo (PPP/XR), price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 3 | Price Level of Consumption | PPP over consumption / XRAT |
| 2 | Price level of exports, price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 2 | Price Level of GDP, average of GEKS-CPDW (US = 100) | Unitless |
| 2 | Price Level of GDP, G-K method (US = 100) | Unitless |
| 2 | Price Level of Government Consumption | PPP over government consumption / XRAT |
| 2 | Price level of government consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 2 | Price level of household consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 2 | Price level of imports, price level of USA GDPo in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 3 | Price Level of Investment | PPP over investment / XRAT |
| 2 | Price level of the capital stock, price level of USA in 2005=1 | Unitless |
| 2 | Public and publicly guaranteed debt service | Unitless |
| 2 | Ratio of GNP to GDP (%) | Unitless |
| 2 | Real GDP at constant 2005 national prices | 2005 international dollar |
| 3 | Share of government consumption at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of gross capital formation at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of household consumption at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of merchandise exports at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of merchandise imports at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Share of residual trade and GDP statistical discrepancy at current PPPs | Unitless |
| 3 | Short-term debt | Unitless |
| 2 | Taxes on goods and services | Unitless |
| 2 | Taxes on income, profits and capital gains | Unitless |
| 8 | TFP | NULL |
| 2 | TFP at constant national prices (2005=1) | Unitless |
| 3 | TFP level at current PPPs (USA=1) | Unitless |
| 2 | TFP-growth | NULL |
| 2 | Total debt service | Unitless |
| 2 | Total PPP Converted GDP, G-K method, at current prices | international dollar |
| 4 | Transport services | Unitless |
| 4 | Travel services | Unitless |
| 2 | Welfare-relevant TFP levels at current PPPs (USA=1) | Unitless |
| 4 | XR-GDP | NULL |
119 rows in set (0.01 sec)
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