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choco source remove --name=chocolatey
choco source add --name=proget --source=
choco feature enable --name=allowGlobalConfirmation
Write-Host "Installing Visual Studio 2017 & related add-ons"
choco install visualstudio2017professional
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-manageddesktop
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-netcoretools
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-netweb
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-visualstudioextension
choco install chocolatey-visualstudio.extension
choco install resharper
choco install specflowforvisualstudio2017
choco install webessentialsforvisualstudio2017
choco install nunit2testadapter
choco install nunit3testadapter
Write-Host "Installing SQL Server and related add-ons"
choco install ascendonsqlserver2016developer
choco install sqlserver2008featurepack
choco install sqlservermanagementstudio
choco install contentdirectsqlmanagementstudioplugin
Write-Host "Installing server products needed for Ascendon Core"
choco install jdk8 --version 8.0.730.2
choco install redis64
choco install ascendonelasticsearch
choco install erlang --version 18.3
choco install rabbitmq --version 3.6.5
Write-Host "Installing 3rd party tools needed for Ascendon Core compilation"
choco install dotnetmagic
choco install infralutionvirtualtree
choco install janusgridex
choco install januswinforms
choco install silverlight5sdk
choco install netfx-4.6.2-devpack
choco install ascendon-dev-tools
choco install ascendon-dev-build
choco install ascendon-dev-devopsmsbuild
Write-Host "Installing misc tools"
choco install 7zip
choco install git
choco install curl
choco install beyondcompare
choco install sourcetree
choco install hipchat
choco install ConsoleZ
choco install notepadplusplus
choco install nuget.commandline
choco install awscli
choco install postman
choco install ascendoncoreappserversetup
choco install urlrewrite --version 2.0.20160209
Write-Host "If you have made it here without errors, you should be setup and ready to hack on the apps."
Write-Warning "If you see any failures happen, you may want to reboot and continue to let installers catch up. This script is idempotent and will only apply changes that have not yet been applied."
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