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Last active May 24, 2021 14:33
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parse_col <- function(x) {
d <- strsplit(x, NULL)
f <- function(x) {
sum(match(x, LETTERS) * 26^(seq_along(x) - 1L))
vapply(d, f, numeric(1))
inspect_xlsx <- function(path, sheet) {
tmp <- tempfile()
file <- sprintf("xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml", 1L)
sheet_path <- utils::unzip(path, file, exdir=tmp)
xml <- xml2::read_xml(sheet_path)
stopifnot(xml2::xml_name(xml) == "worksheet")
ns <- xml2::xml_ns(xml)
sheetData <- xml2::xml_find_one(xml, "d1:sheetData", ns)
rows <- xml2::xml_find_all(sheetData, "d1:row", xml2::xml_ns(xml))
f_row <- function(x) {
lapply(xml2::xml_find_all(x, "d1:c", ns), f_cell)
f_cell <- function(y) {
## TODO: should check/filter for cells holding "" too?
## The 't' attribute is type. Possible entries include:
## n: numeric
## s: string
## The "type" contains "v" for a value and "f" for a formula
## list(attrs=xml2::xml_attrs(y),
## type=xml2::xml_name(xml2::xml_contents(y)))
list(ref=xml2::xml_attr(y, "r"),
s=xml2::xml_attr(y, "s"),
t=xml2::xml_attr(y, "t"),
is_formula <- function(x) {
!is.null(tryCatch(xml2::xml_find_one(x, "d1:f", ns),
error=function(x) NULL))
dat <- unlist(lapply(rows, f_row), FALSE)
dat <- data.frame(ref=vapply(dat, "[[", character(1), "ref"),
s=vapply(dat, "[[", character(1), "s"),
t=vapply(dat, "[[", character(1), "t"),
is_formula=vapply(dat, "[[", logical(1), "is_formula"),
re <- "^([[:alpha:]]+)([0-9]+)$"
dat$col_alpha <- sub(re, "\\1", dat$ref)
dat$col <- parse_col(dat$col_alpha)
dat$row <- as.integer(sub(re, "\\2", dat$ref))
show_cells <- function(x) {
m <- matrix(".", max(dat$row), max(dat$col))
m[cbind(dat$row, dat$col)] <- ifelse(dat$is_formula, "=", "o")
message(paste(apply(m, 1, paste, collapse=""), collapse="\n"))
dat <- inspect_xlsx("terrible.xlsx", 1L)
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## .....===
## .ooo....
## .ooo....
## .ooo....
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In the little diagram above, dots are blank, "o" are data and "=" are formula cells. It should be pretty easy to design heuristics that create sensible ranges to extract from the file.

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