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Last active January 29, 2016 14:40
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Example Node.js script for sending domains report
/* jshint camelcase:false */
var _ = require('lodash')
, q = require('q')
, config = require('config')
, sparkpost = require('sparkpost')
, cassWrapper = require('@sparkpost/msys-cassandra')
, db = cassWrapper.getDb(config.cassandra);
function getSendingDomains() {
return db.executeByStream('select * from sending_domains.cust_domains', []);
function getCustomers() {
return db.executeByStream('select * from accounts.accounts', []);
function processQueries(results) {
var domainResults = results[0]
, customerResults = results[1]
, domains
, customers;
domains = domainResults.rows;
customers = customerResults.rows;
// merge the customer name into the domains
_.forEach(domains, function(domain) {
var customer = _.find(customers, {customer_id: domain.customer_id});
domain.customer_name = 'NONE'; // defaults to 'NONE'
if (customer && customer.company_name) {
domain.customer_name = customer.company_name.toLowerCase();
delete domain.__columns;
return domains;
function sendMessage(domains) {
var deferred = q.defer()
, message = {};
// sparkpost API config
sparkpost = sparkpost({
protocol: config.sparkpost.protocol,
port: config.sparkpost.port,
key: config.sparkpost.apikey
// message meta
message.campaign = 'sending-domains-report';
message.from = config.from;
message.subject = 'Sending Domains Report';
message.recipients =;
message.substitutionData = {domains:['new'], function(domain) {
return _.pick(domain, ['customer_id', 'customer_name', 'domain', 'spf_status', 'dkim_status', 'abuse_at_status', 'pm_at_status', 'comply_status']);
sparkpost.transmission.send(message, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
q.all([getSendingDomains(), getCustomers()])
.then(function(result) {
console.log('Message ' + + ' sent!', 'Rejected:', result.results.total_rejected_recipients, 'Accepted:', result.results.total_accepted_recipients);
.fail(function(err) {
console.log('Error:', err);
<h2>Sending Domains Report</h2>
{{ if empty(domains) }}
<p>No new sending domains have been created in the past 24 hours.</p>
{{ else }}
<th>Customer ID</th>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th>SPF Status</th>
<th>DKIM Status</th>
<th>Abuse@ Status</th>
<th>Postmaster@ Status</th>
<th>Compliance Status</th>
{{ each domains }}
<td>{{ loop_var.customer_id }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.customer_name }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.domain }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.spf_status }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.dkim_status }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.abuse_at_status }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.pm_at_status }}</td>
<td>{{ loop_var.comply_status }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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