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Last active March 23, 2021 03:59
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Custom [give_form_grid] shortcode that includes Donate button
* This template is used to display the donation grid with [donation_grid]
// Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
$form_id = get_the_ID(); // Form ID.
$give_settings = $args[0]; // Give settings.
$atts = $args[1]; // Shortcode attributes.
$raw_content = ''; // Raw form content.
$stripped_content = ''; // Form content stripped of HTML tags and shortcodes.
$excerpt = ''; // Trimmed form excerpt ready for display.
<div class="give-grid__item">
// Print the opening anchor tag based on display style.
if ( 'redirect' === $atts['display_style'] ) {
'<a id="give-card-%1$s" class="give-card" href="%2$s">',
esc_attr( $form_id ),
esc_attr( get_the_permalink() )
} elseif ( 'modal_reveal' === $atts['display_style'] ) {
'<a id="give-card-%1$s" class="give-card js-give-grid-modal-launcher" data-effect="mfp-zoom-out" href="#give-modal-form-%1$s">',
esc_attr( $form_id )
<div class="give-card__body">
// Maybe display the form title.
if ( true === $atts['show_title'] ) {
the_title( '<h3 class="give-card__title">', '</h3>' );
// Maybe display the form excerpt.
if ( true === $atts['show_excerpt'] ) {
if ( has_excerpt( $form_id ) ) {
// Get excerpt from the form post's excerpt field.
$raw_content = get_the_excerpt( $form_id );
$stripped_content = wp_strip_all_tags(
strip_shortcodes( $raw_content )
} else {
// Get content from the form post's content field.
$raw_content = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_form_content', true );
if ( ! empty( $raw_content ) ) {
$stripped_content = wp_strip_all_tags(
strip_shortcodes( $raw_content )
// Maybe truncate excerpt.
if ( 0 < $atts['excerpt_length'] ) {
$excerpt = wp_trim_words( $stripped_content, $atts['excerpt_length'] );
} else {
$excerpt = $stripped_content;
printf( '<p class="give-card__text">%s</p>', $excerpt );
// Maybe display the goal progess bar.
if (
give_is_setting_enabled( get_post_meta( $form_id, '_give_goal_option', true ) )
&& true === $atts['show_goal']
) {
echo '<div class="give-card__progress">';
give_show_goal_progress( $form_id );
echo '</div>';
$display_label_field = give_get_meta( $form_id, '_give_reveal_label', true );
$display_label = ! empty( $args['continue_button_title'] ) ? $args['continue_button_title'] : ( ! empty( $display_label_field ) ? $display_label_field : esc_html__( 'Donate Now', 'give' ) );
echo '<button type="button" class="give-btn give-btn-' . $display_option . '">' . $display_label . '</button>';
// Maybe display the featured image.
if (
give_is_setting_enabled( $give_settings['form_featured_img'] )
&& has_post_thumbnail()
&& true === $atts['show_featured_image']
) {
* Filters the image size used in card layouts.
* @param string The image size.
* @param array Form grid attributes.
$image_size = apply_filters( 'give_form_grid_image_size', $atts['image_size'], $atts );
$image_attr = '';
echo '<div class="give-card__media">';
if ( 'auto' !== $atts['image_height'] ) {
$image_attr = array(
'style' => 'height: ' . $atts['image_height'],
the_post_thumbnail( $image_size, $image_attr );
echo '</div>';
// If modal, print form in hidden container until it is time to be revealed.
if ( 'modal_reveal' === $atts['display_style'] ) {
'<div id="give-modal-form-%1$s" class="give-donation-grid-item-form give-modal--slide mfp-hide">',
give_get_donation_form( $form_id );
echo '</div>';
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