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Last active November 14, 2023 01:22
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OpenSCAD House
** OpenSCAD Example Code by Michal Altair Valasek - **
** Licensed under terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by) **
** **
base_width = 40; // X
base_depth = 30; // Y
base_height = 20; // Z
wall = 1;
roof_height = 15; // Z
door_width = 9; // X
door_height = 16; // Z
window_width = 15; // X
window_height = 10; // Z
window_bottom = 6; // Z offset
chimney_size = 6; // X, Y
grass_offset = 8; // X, Y offset
grass_height = 5; // Z
$vpt = [4, 2, 12];
$vpr = [60, 0, 360 * $t];
$vpd = 180;
offset = [-base_width / 2 - grass_offset, -base_depth / 2 - grass_offset];
translate(offset) house();
module house() {
translate([grass_offset, grass_offset, grass_height]) {
translate([0, 0, base_height]) roof();
translate([base_width * .8, base_depth * .7, base_height + 1]) chimney();
module base() {
difference() {
// Home shell
color("yellow") cube([base_width, base_depth, base_height]);
translate([wall, wall, -1]) cube([base_width - 2 * wall, base_depth - 2 * wall, base_height + 2]);
// Door hole
translate([base_width / 5, -1, -1]) cube([door_width, wall + 2, door_height + 1]);
// Window hole
translate([base_width / 2, -1, window_bottom]) cube([window_width, wall + 2, window_height]);
// Door
color("brown") translate([base_width / 5, 0, 0]) cube([door_width, wall, door_height]);
// Window
color("blue", .25) translate([base_width / 2, 0, window_bottom]) cube([window_width, wall, window_height]);
module roof() {
points = [
[0, 0, 0], [base_width, 0, 0], [base_width, base_depth, 0], [0, base_depth, 0], // base corners
[base_width / 2, 0, roof_height], [base_width / 2, base_depth, roof_height] // roof corners
faces = [
[0, 1, 2, 3], // base
[3, 4, 0], // left triangle
[1, 5, 2], // right triangle
[4, 5, 1, 0], // front side,
[5, 4, 3, 2] // back side
color("red") polyhedron(points, faces, convexity = 10);
module chimney() {
color("black") cube([chimney_size, chimney_size, roof_height * .75]);
module grass(){
color("green") rcube([base_width + 2 * grass_offset, base_depth + 2 * grass_offset, grass_height], grass_offset);
module rcube(size, radius) {
if(radius < 1){
} else {
hull() {
translate([radius, radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([size[0] - radius, radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([size[0] - radius, size[1] - radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([radius, size[1] - radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
** OpenSCAD Example Code by Michal Altair Valasek - **
** Licensed under terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by) **
** **
base_width = 40; // X
base_depth = 30; // Y
base_height = 20; // Z
wall = 1;
roof_height = 15; // Z
door_width = 9; // X
door_height = 16; // Z
window_width = 15; // X
window_height = 10; // Z
window_bottom = 6; // Z offset
chimney_size = 6; // X, Y
grass_offset = 8; // X, Y offset
grass_height = 5; // Z
module house() {
translate([grass_offset, grass_offset, grass_height]) {
translate([0, 0, base_height]) roof();
translate([base_width * .8, base_depth * .7, base_height + 1]) chimney();
module base() {
difference() {
// Home shell
color("yellow") cube([base_width, base_depth, base_height]);
translate([wall, wall, -1]) cube([base_width - 2 * wall, base_depth - 2 * wall, base_height + 2]);
// Door hole
translate([base_width / 5, -1, -1]) cube([door_width, wall + 2, door_height + 1]);
// Window hole
translate([base_width / 2, -1, window_bottom]) cube([window_width, wall + 2, window_height]);
// Door
color("brown") translate([base_width / 5, 0, 0]) cube([door_width, wall, door_height]);
// Window
color("blue", .25) translate([base_width / 2, 0, window_bottom]) cube([window_width, wall, window_height]);
module roof() {
points = [
[0, 0, 0], [base_width, 0, 0], [base_width, base_depth, 0], [0, base_depth, 0], // base corners
[base_width / 2, 0, roof_height], [base_width / 2, base_depth, roof_height] // roof corners
faces = [
[0, 1, 2, 3], // base
[3, 4, 0], // left triangle
[1, 5, 2], // right triangle
[4, 5, 1, 0], // front side,
[5, 4, 3, 2] // back side
color("red") polyhedron(points, faces, convexity = 10);
module chimney() {
color("black") cube([chimney_size, chimney_size, roof_height * .75]);
module grass(){
color("green") rcube([base_width + 2 * grass_offset, base_depth + 2 * grass_offset, grass_height], grass_offset);
module rcube(size, radius) {
if(radius < 1){
} else {
hull() {
translate([radius, radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([size[0] - radius, radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([size[0] - radius, size[1] - radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
translate([radius, size[1] - radius]) cylinder(r = radius, h = size[2]);
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