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Created March 25, 2015 23:23
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:- module hello.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module char, int, list, set, string.
:- func string_to_set(string) = set(char).
string_to_set(String) = Set :-
Set = set.from_list(string.to_char_list(String)).
:- func set_to_string(set(char)) = string.
set_to_string(Set) = String :-
String = string.from_char_list(set.to_sorted_list(Set)).
:- func format_word(string, set(char)) = string.
format_word(Word, Guesses) = Formatted :-
Letter = (func(C) = D :- (if set.contains(Guesses, C) then D = C else D = '_')),
Formatted = string.from_char_list(, string.to_char_list(Word))).
:- pred main(string::in, set(char)::in, int::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
main(Word, Guesses, Lives, !IO) :-
( if Lives =< 0
then io.format("You died. The word was: %s\n", [s(Word)], !IO)
else if set.subset(string_to_set(Word), Guesses)
then io.write_string("You won!\n", !IO)
else io.format("Word: %s\nGuesses: %s\nLives: %d\n", [s(format_word(Word, Guesses)), s(set_to_string(Guesses)), i(Lives)], !IO),
io.read_line_as_string(IOString, !IO),
( if IOString = ok(String)
then NewGuesses = string_to_set(string.strip(String)),
main(Word, set.union(Guesses, NewGuesses), Lives - set.count(set.difference(NewGuesses, string_to_set(Word))), !IO)
else io.write_string("Something went wrong!\n", !IO)
main(!IO) :- main("hello", set.init, 5, !IO).
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