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Last active June 8, 2018 07:50
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HTTP2 Server Push for W3 Total Cache Minify
namespace W3TC;
* class Minify_Plugin
class Minify_Plugin {
* Minify reject reason
* @var string
var $minify_reject_reason = '';
* Error
* @var string
var $error = '';
* Array of replaced styles
* @var array
var $replaced_styles = array();
* Array of replaced scripts
* @var array
var $replaced_scripts = array();
* Helper object to use
* @var _W3_MinifyHelpers
private $minify_helpers;
* Config
private $_config = null;
function __construct() {
$this->_config = Dispatcher::config();
* Runs plugin
function run() {
add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ) );
add_filter( 'cron_schedules', array( $this, 'cron_schedules' ) );
add_filter( 'w3tc_admin_bar_menu',
array( $this, 'w3tc_admin_bar_menu' ) );
if ( !$this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.debug' ) )
add_filter( 'w3tc_footer_comment', array(
) );
if ( $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) == 'file' ) {
add_action( 'w3_minify_cleanup', array(
) );
// usage statistics handling
add_action( 'w3tc_usage_statistics_of_request', array(
$this, 'w3tc_usage_statistics_of_request' ), 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'w3tc_usage_statistics_metrics', array(
$this, 'w3tc_usage_statistics_metrics' ) );
* Start minify
if ( $this->can_minify() ) {
Util_Bus::add_ob_callback( 'minify', array( $this, 'ob_callback' ) );
public function init() {
$url = Util_Environment::filename_to_url( W3TC_CACHE_MINIFY_DIR );
$parsed = parse_url( $url );
$prefix = '/' . trim( $parsed['path'], '/' ) . '/';
if ( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strlen( $prefix ) ) == $prefix ) {
$w3_minify = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$w3_minify->process( substr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen( $prefix ) ) );
if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['w3tc_minify'] ) ) {
$w3_minify = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$w3_minify->process( $_REQUEST['w3tc_minify'] );
* Does disk cache cleanup
* @return void
function cleanup() {
$a = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_Plugin_Admin' );
* Cron schedules filter
* @param array $schedules
* @return array
function cron_schedules( $schedules ) {
$gc = $this->_config->get_integer( 'minify.file.gc' );
return array_merge( $schedules, array(
'w3_minify_cleanup' => array(
'interval' => $gc,
'display' => sprintf( '[W3TC] Minify file GC (every %d seconds)', $gc )
) );
* OB callback
* @param string $buffer
* @return string
function ob_callback( $buffer ) {
if ( $buffer != '' && Util_Content::is_html( $buffer ) ) {
if ( $this->can_minify2( $buffer ) ) {
$this->minify_helpers = new _W3_MinifyHelpers( $this->_config );
* Replace script and style tags
$js_enable = $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.js.enable' );
$css_enable = $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.css.enable' );
$html_enable = $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.html.enable' );
if ( function_exists( 'is_feed' ) && is_feed() ) {
$js_enable = false;
$css_enable = false;
$js_enable = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_enable', $js_enable );
$css_enable = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_css_enable', $css_enable );
$html_enable = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_html_enable', $html_enable );
$head_prepend = '';
$body_prepend = '';
$body_append = '';
$embed_extsrcjs = false;
$buffer = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_before', $buffer );
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( '' ) ) {
if ( $js_enable ) {
$minifier = new _W3_MinifyJsAuto( $this->_config,
$buffer, $this->minify_helpers );
$buffer = $minifier->execute();
$this->replaced_scripts =
if ( $css_enable ) {
$embed_to_html = $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.css.embed' );
$ignore_css_files = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.reject.files.css' );
$files_to_minify = array();
$embed_pos = strpos( $buffer, '<!-- W3TC-include-css -->' );
$buffer = str_replace( '<!-- W3TC-include-css -->', '', $buffer );
if ( $embed_pos === false ) {
if ( preg_match( '~<head(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui', $buffer, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) )
$embed_pos = strlen( $match[0][0] ) + $match[0][1];
$embed_pos = 0;
$ignore_css_files = array_map( array( '\W3TC\Util_Environment', 'normalize_file' ), $ignore_css_files );
$handled_styles = array();
$style_tags = Minify_Extract::extract_css( $buffer );
$previous_file_was_ignored = false;
foreach ( $style_tags as $style_tag_tuple ) {
$style_tag = $style_tag_tuple[0];
$style_len = strlen( $style_tag );
$tag_pos = strpos( $buffer, $style_tag );
$match = array();
$url = $style_tag_tuple[1];
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.debug' ) ) {
Minify_Core::log( 'adding ' . $url );
$url = Util_Environment::url_relative_to_full( $url );
$file = Util_Environment::url_to_docroot_filename( $url );
$do_tag_minification =
$this->minify_helpers->is_file_for_minification( $file ) &&
!in_array( $file, $handled_styles );
$do_tag_minification = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_css_do_tag_minification',
$do_tag_minification, $style_tag, $file );
if ( !$do_tag_minification )
$handled_styles[] = $file;
$this->replaced_styles[] = $file;
if ( in_array( $file, $ignore_css_files ) ) {
if ( $tag_pos > $embed_pos ) {
if ( $files_to_minify ) {
$data = array(
'files_to_minify' => $files_to_minify,
'embed_pos' => $embed_pos,
'embed_to_html' => $embed_to_html
$data = apply_filters(
$data );
$style = $this->get_style_custom(
$data['embed_to_html'] );
$buffer = substr_replace( $buffer, $style, $embed_pos, 0 );
$files_to_minify = array();
$style_len = $style_len +strlen( $style );
$embed_pos = $embed_pos + $style_len;
$previous_file_was_ignored = true;
} else {
$buffer = substr_replace( $buffer, '', $tag_pos, $style_len );
if ( $embed_pos > $tag_pos )
$embed_pos -= $style_len;
elseif ( $previous_file_was_ignored )
$embed_pos = $tag_pos;
$files_to_minify[] = $file;
$data = array(
'files_to_minify' => $files_to_minify,
'embed_pos' => $embed_pos,
'embed_to_html' => $embed_to_html
$data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_css_step',
$data );
$style = $this->get_style_custom(
$data['embed_to_html'] );
$buffer = substr_replace( $buffer, $style,
$data['embed_pos'], 0 );
* HTTP2 Server push for CSS
$pushURL[] = $this->minify_helpers->get_minify_url_for_files($files_to_minify, 'css'); // get CSS minified files URLS
$this->minify_helpers->http2_server_push($pushURL, 'style'); // push css files
* END HTTP2 Server push for CSS
$buffer = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_processed', $buffer );
} else {
if ( $css_enable ) {
$style = $this->get_style_group( 'include' );
if ( $style ) {
if ( $this->_custom_location_does_not_exist( '/<!-- W3TC-include-css -->/', $buffer, $style ) )
$head_prepend .= $style;
$this->remove_styles_group( $buffer, 'include' );
if ( $js_enable ) {
$embed_type = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.js.header.embed_type' );
$script = $this->get_script_group( 'include', $embed_type );
if ( $script ) {
$embed_extsrcjs = $embed_type == 'extsrc' || $embed_type == 'asyncsrc'?true:$embed_extsrcjs;
if ( $this->_custom_location_does_not_exist( '/<!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->/', $buffer, $script ) )
$head_prepend .= $script;
$this->remove_scripts_group( $buffer, 'include' );
$embed_type = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.js.body.embed_type' );
$script = $this->get_script_group( 'include-body', $embed_type );
if ( $script ) {
$embed_extsrcjs = $embed_type == 'extsrc' || $embed_type == 'asyncsrc'?true:$embed_extsrcjs;
if ( $this->_custom_location_does_not_exist( '/<!-- W3TC-include-js-body-start -->/', $buffer, $script ) )
$body_prepend .= $script;
$this->remove_scripts_group( $buffer, 'include-body' );
$embed_type = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.js.footer.embed_type' );
$script = $this->get_script_group( 'include-footer', $embed_type );
if ( $script ) {
$embed_extsrcjs = $embed_type == 'extsrc' || $embed_type == 'asyncsrc'?true:$embed_extsrcjs;
if ( $this->_custom_location_does_not_exist( '/<!-- W3TC-include-js-body-end -->/', $buffer, $script ) )
$body_append .= $script;
$this->remove_scripts_group( $buffer, 'include-footer' );
if ( $head_prepend != '' ) {
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<head(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
'\\0' . $head_prepend, $buffer, 1 );
if ( $body_prepend != '' ) {
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<body(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
'\\0' . $body_prepend, $buffer, 1 );
if ( $body_append != '' ) {
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<\\/body>~',
$body_append . '\\0', $buffer, 1 );
if ( $embed_extsrcjs ) {
$script = "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
" ."var extsrc=null;
".'(function(){function j(){if(b&&g){document.write=k;document.writeln=l;var f=document.createElement("span");f.innerHTML=b;g.appendChild(f);b=""}}function d(){j();for(var f=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),c=0;c<f.length;c++){var e=f[c],h=e.getAttribute("asyncsrc");if(h){e.setAttribute("asyncsrc","");var a=document.createElement("script");a.async=!0;a.src=h;document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}if(h=e.getAttribute("extsrc")){e.setAttribute("extsrc","");g=document.createElement("span");e.parentNode.insertBefore(g,e);document.write=function(a){b+=a};document.writeln=function(a){b+=a;b+="\n"};a=document.createElement("script");a.async=!0;a.src=h;/msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent)&&!/opera/i.test(navigator.userAgent)?a.onreadystatechange=function(){("loaded"==this.readyState||"complete"==this.readyState)&&d()}:-1!=navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")||"onerror"in a?(a.onload=d,a.onerror=d):(a.onload=d,a.onreadystatechange=d);document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a);return}}j();document.write=k;document.writeln=l;for(c=0;c<extsrc.complete.funcs.length;c++)extsrc.complete.funcs[c]()}function i(){arguments.callee.done||(arguments.callee.done=!0,d())}extsrc={complete:function(b){this.complete.funcs.push(b)}};extsrc.complete.funcs=[];var k=document.write,l=document.writeln,b="",g="";document.addEventListener&&document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",i,!1);if(/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent))var m=setInterval(function(){/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)&&(clearInterval(m),i())},10);window.onload=i})();' . "
$buffer = preg_replace( '~<head(\s+[^>]*)*>~Ui',
'\\0' . $script, $buffer, 1 );
* Minify HTML/Feed
if ( $html_enable ) {
try {
$buffer = $this->minify_html( $buffer );
} catch ( \Exception $exception ) {
$this->error = $exception->getMessage();
* HTTP2 server push for manual minify
if ( !$this->_config->get_boolean( '' ) ) {
$fileType = 'js';
$theme = $this->get_theme();
$template = $this->get_template();
$locations = array('include', 'include-body', 'include-footer');
$urls = array();
$cssURL = array();
* Get Minified Script URLs
foreach ($locations as $location) {
$urls[]= $this->format_url_group($theme, $template, $location, $fileType);
$this->minify_helpers->http2_server_push($urls,'script'); // push script urls
$cssURL[] = $this->format_url_group($theme, $template, 'include', 'css'); // get minfied css urls
$this->minify_helpers->http2_server_push($cssURL,'style'); // push css urls
* END HTTP2 Server push for manual minify
return $buffer;
public function w3tc_admin_bar_menu( $menu_items ) {
$menu_items['20210.minify'] = array(
'id' => 'w3tc_flush_minify',
'parent' => 'w3tc_flush',
'title' => __( 'Minify', 'w3-total-cache' ),
'href' => wp_nonce_url( network_admin_url(
'admin.php?page=w3tc_dashboard&amp;w3tc_flush_minify' ),
'w3tc' )
return $menu_items;
function w3tc_footer_comment( $strings ) {
$strings[] = sprintf(
__( 'Minified using %s%s', 'w3-total-cache' ),
Cache::engine_name( $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) ),
( $this->minify_reject_reason != ''
? sprintf( ' (%s)', $this->minify_reject_reason )
: '' ) );
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.debug' ) ) {
$strings[] = "Minify debug info:";
$strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Engine: ', 20 ), Cache::engine_name( $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.engine' ) ) );
$strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Theme: ', 20 ), $this->get_theme() );
$strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Template: ', 20 ), $this->get_template() );
if ( $this->minify_reject_reason ) {
$strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Reject reason: ', 20 ), $this->minify_reject_reason );
if ( $this->error ) {
$strings[] = sprintf( "%s%s", str_pad( 'Errors: ', 20 ), $this->error );
if ( count( $this->replaced_styles ) ) {
$strings[] = "Replaced CSS files:";
foreach ( $this->replaced_styles as $index => $file ) {
$strings[] = sprintf( "%d. %s", $index + 1, Util_Content::escape_comment( $file ) );
if ( count( $this->replaced_scripts ) ) {
$strings[] = "Replaced JavaScript files:";
foreach ( $this->replaced_scripts as $index => $file ) {
$strings[] = sprintf( "%d. %s\r\n", $index + 1, Util_Content::escape_comment( $file ) );
return $strings;
* Checks to see if pattern exists in source if so replaces it with the provided script
* and returns false. If pattern does not exists returns true.
* @param unknown $pattern
* @param unknown $source
* @param unknown $script
* @return bool
function _custom_location_does_not_exist( $pattern, &$source, $script ) {
$count = 0;
$source = preg_replace( $pattern, $script, $source, 1, $count );
return $count==0;
* Removes style tags from the source
* @param string $content
* @param array $files
* @return void
function remove_styles( &$content, $files ) {
$regexps = array();
$home_url_regexp = Util_Environment::home_url_regexp();
$path = '';
if ( Util_Environment::is_wpmu() && !Util_Environment::is_wpmu_subdomain() )
$path = ltrim( Util_Environment::home_url_uri(), '/' );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( $path && strpos( $file, $path ) === 0 )
$file = substr( $file, strlen( $path ) );
$this->replaced_styles[] = $file;
if ( Util_Environment::is_url( $file ) && !preg_match( '~' . $home_url_regexp . '~i', $file ) ) {
// external CSS files
$regexps[] = Util_Environment::preg_quote( $file );
} else {
// local CSS files
$file = ltrim( $file, '/' );
if ( home_url() == site_url() && ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ) && strpos( $file, ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ) ) === 0 )
$file = str_replace( ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ), '', $file );
$file = ltrim( preg_replace( '~' . $home_url_regexp . '~i', '', $file ), '/\\' );
$regexps[] = '(' . $home_url_regexp . ')?/?' . Util_Environment::preg_quote( $file );
foreach ( $regexps as $regexp ) {
$content = preg_replace( '~<link\s+[^<>]*href=["\']?' . $regexp . '["\']?[^<>]*/?>(.*</link>)?~Uis', '', $content );
$content = preg_replace( '~@import\s+(url\s*)?\(?["\']?\s*' . $regexp . '\s*["\']?\)?[^;]*;?~is', '', $content );
$content = preg_replace( '~<style[^<>]*>\s*</style>~', '', $content );
* Remove script tags from the source
* @param string $content
* @param array $files
* @return void
function remove_scripts( &$content, $files ) {
$regexps = array();
$home_url_regexp = Util_Environment::home_url_regexp();
$path = '';
if ( Util_Environment::is_wpmu() && !Util_Environment::is_wpmu_subdomain() )
$path = ltrim( Util_Environment::home_url_uri(), '/' );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( $path && strpos( $file, $path ) === 0 )
$file = substr( $file, strlen( $path ) );
$this->replaced_scripts[] = $file;
if ( Util_Environment::is_url( $file ) && !preg_match( '~' . $home_url_regexp . '~i', $file ) ) {
// external JS files
$regexps[] = Util_Environment::preg_quote( $file );
} else {
// local JS files
$file = ltrim( $file, '/' );
if ( home_url() == site_url() && ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ) && strpos( $file, ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ) ) === 0 )
$file = str_replace( ltrim( Util_Environment::site_url_uri(), '/' ), '', $file );
$file = ltrim( preg_replace( '~' . $home_url_regexp . '~i', '', $file ), '/\\' );
$regexps[] = '(' . $home_url_regexp . ')?/?' . Util_Environment::preg_quote( $file );
foreach ( $regexps as $regexp ) {
$content = preg_replace( '~<script\s+[^<>]*src=["\']?' . $regexp . '["\']?[^<>]*>\s*</script>~Uis', '', $content );
* Removes style tag from the source for group
* @param string $content
* @param string $location
* @return void
function remove_styles_group( &$content, $location ) {
$theme = $this->get_theme();
$template = $this->get_template();
$files = array();
$groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.css.groups' );
if ( isset( $groups[$theme]['default'][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$files = (array) $groups[$theme]['default'][$location]['files'];
if ( $template != 'default' && isset( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$files = array_merge( $files, (array) $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] );
$this->remove_styles( $content, $files );
* Removes script tags from the source for group
* @param string $content
* @param string $location
* @return void
function remove_scripts_group( &$content, $location ) {
$theme = $this->get_theme();
$template = $this->get_template();
$files = array();
$groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.js.groups' );
if ( isset( $groups[$theme]['default'][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$files = (array) $groups[$theme]['default'][$location]['files'];
if ( $template != 'default' && isset( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$files = array_merge( $files, (array) $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] );
$this->remove_scripts( $content, $files );
* Minifies HTML
* @param string $html
* @return string
function minify_html( $html ) {
$w3_minifier = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_ContentMinifier' );
$ignored_comments = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.html.comments.ignore' );
if ( count( $ignored_comments ) ) {
$ignored_comments_preserver = new \Minify_IgnoredCommentPreserver();
$ignored_comments_preserver->setIgnoredComments( $ignored_comments );
$html = $ignored_comments_preserver->search( $html );
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.html.inline.js' ) ) {
$js_engine = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.js.engine' );
if ( !$w3_minifier->exists( $js_engine ) || !$w3_minifier->available( $js_engine ) ) {
$js_engine = 'js';
$js_minifier = $w3_minifier->get_minifier( $js_engine );
$js_options = $w3_minifier->get_options( $js_engine );
$w3_minifier->init( $js_engine );
$html = \Minify_Inline_JavaScript::minify( $html, $js_minifier, $js_options );
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.html.inline.css' ) ) {
$css_engine = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.css.engine' );
if ( !$w3_minifier->exists( $css_engine ) || !$w3_minifier->available( $css_engine ) ) {
$css_engine = 'css';
$css_minifier = $w3_minifier->get_minifier( $css_engine );
$css_options = $w3_minifier->get_options( $css_engine );
$w3_minifier->init( $css_engine );
$html = \Minify_Inline_CSS::minify( $html, $css_minifier, $css_options );
$engine = $this->_config->get_string( 'minify.html.engine' );
if ( !$w3_minifier->exists( $engine ) || !$w3_minifier->available( $engine ) ) {
$engine = 'html';
if ( function_exists( 'is_feed' ) && is_feed() ) {
$engine .= 'xml';
$minifier = $w3_minifier->get_minifier( $engine );
$options = $w3_minifier->get_options( $engine );
$w3_minifier->init( $engine );
$html = call_user_func( $minifier, $html, $options );
if ( isset( $ignored_comments_preserver ) ) {
$html = $ignored_comments_preserver->replace( $html );
return $html;
* Returns current theme
* @return string
function get_theme() {
static $theme = null;
if ( $theme === null ) {
$theme = Util_Theme::get_theme_key( get_theme_root(), get_template(), get_stylesheet() );
return $theme;
* Returns current template
* @return string
function get_template() {
static $template = null;
if ( $template === null ) {
$template_file = 'index.php';
switch ( true ) {
case ( is_404() && ( $template_file = get_404_template() ) ):
case ( is_search() && ( $template_file = get_search_template() ) ):
case ( is_tax() && ( $template_file = get_taxonomy_template() ) ):
case ( is_front_page() && function_exists( 'get_front_page_template' ) && $template_file = get_front_page_template() ):
case ( is_home() && ( $template_file = get_home_template() ) ):
case ( is_attachment() && ( $template_file = get_attachment_template() ) ):
case ( is_single() && ( $template_file = get_single_template() ) ):
case ( is_page() && ( $template_file = get_page_template() ) ):
case ( is_category() && ( $template_file = get_category_template() ) ):
case ( is_tag() && ( $template_file = get_tag_template() ) ):
case ( is_author() && ( $template_file = get_author_template() ) ):
case ( is_date() && ( $template_file = get_date_template() ) ):
case ( is_archive() && ( $template_file = get_archive_template() ) ):
case ( is_comments_popup() && ( $template_file = get_comments_popup_template() ) ):
case ( is_paged() && ( $template_file = get_paged_template() ) ):
if ( function_exists( 'get_index_template' ) ) {
$template_file = get_index_template();
} else {
$template_file = 'index.php';
$template = basename( $template_file, '.php' );
return $template;
* Returns style tag
* @param string $url
* @param boolean $import
* @param boolean $use_style
* @return string
function get_style( $url, $import = false, $use_style = true ) {
if ( $import && $use_style ) {
return "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">@import url(\"" . $url . "\");</style>\r\n";
} elseif ( $import && !$use_style ) {
return "@import url(\"" . $url . "\");\r\n";
}else {
return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . "\" media=\"all\" />\r\n";
* Returns style tag for style group
* @param string $location
* @return array
function get_style_group( $location ) {
$style = false;
$type = 'css';
$groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.css.groups' );
$theme = $this->get_theme();
$template = $this->get_template();
if ( $template != 'default' && empty( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$template = 'default';
if ( !empty( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$url = $this->format_url_group( $theme, $template, $location, $type );
if ( $url ) {
$import = ( isset( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['import'] ) ? (boolean) $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['import'] : false );
$style = $this->get_style( $url, $import );
return $style;
* Returns script tag for script group
* @param string $location
* @param string $embed_type
* @return array
function get_script_group( $location, $embed_type = 'blocking' ) {
$script = false;
$fileType = 'js';
$theme = $this->get_theme();
$template = $this->get_template();
$groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.js.groups' );
if ( $template != 'default' && empty( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$template = 'default';
if ( !empty( $groups[$theme][$template][$location]['files'] ) ) {
$url = $this->format_url_group( $theme, $template, $location, $fileType );
if ( $url ) {
$script = $this->minify_helpers->generate_script_tag( $url, $embed_type );
return $script;
* Returns style tag for custom files
* @return string
function get_style_custom( $files, $embed_to_html = false ) {
if ( count( $files ) ) {
if ( $embed_to_html ) {
return $this->minify_helpers->get_minified_content_for_files(
$files, 'css' );
} else {
$url = $this->minify_helpers->get_minify_url_for_files( $files,
'css' );
if ( !is_null( $url ) ) {
return $this->get_style( $url, false, false );
return '';
* Formats URL
* @param string $theme
* @param string $template
* @param string $location
* @param string $type
* @return string
function format_url_group( $theme, $template, $location, $type ) {
$w3_minify = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$url = false;
$id = $w3_minify->get_id_group( $theme, $template, $location, $type );
if ( $id ) {
$minify_filename = $theme . '.' . $template . '.' . $location .
'.'. $id . '.' . $type;
$url = Minify_Core::minified_url( $minify_filename );
return $url;
* Returns array of minify URLs
* @return array
function get_urls() {
$files = array();
$js_groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.js.groups' );
$css_groups = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.css.groups' );
foreach ( $js_groups as $js_theme => $js_templates ) {
foreach ( $js_templates as $js_template => $js_locations ) {
foreach ( (array) $js_locations as $js_location => $js_config ) {
if ( !empty( $js_config['files'] ) ) {
$files[] = $this->format_url_group( $js_theme, $js_template, $js_location, 'js' );
foreach ( $css_groups as $css_theme => $css_templates ) {
foreach ( $css_templates as $css_template => $css_locations ) {
foreach ( (array) $css_locations as $css_location => $css_config ) {
if ( !empty( $css_config['files'] ) ) {
$files[] = $this->format_url_group( $css_theme, $css_template, $css_location, 'css' );
return $files;
* Check if we can do minify logic
* @return boolean
function can_minify() {
* Skip if doint AJAX
if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Doing AJAX';
return false;
* Skip if doing cron
if ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Doing cron';
return false;
* Skip if APP request
if ( defined( 'APP_REQUEST' ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Application request';
return false;
* Skip if XMLRPC request
if ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'XMLRPC request';
return false;
* Skip if Admin
if ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'wp-admin';
return false;
* Check for WPMU's and WP's 3.0 short init
if ( defined( 'SHORTINIT' ) && SHORTINIT ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Short init';
return false;
* Check User agent
if ( !$this->check_ua() ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'User agent is rejected';
return false;
* Check request URI
if ( !$this->check_request_uri() ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Request URI is rejected';
return false;
* Skip if user is logged in
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.reject.logged' ) && !$this->check_logged_in() ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'User is logged in';
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if we can minify
* @param string $buffer
* @return string
function can_minify2( $buffer ) {
* Check for database error
if ( Util_Content::is_database_error( $buffer ) ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Database Error occurred';
return false;
* Check for DONOTMINIFY constant
if ( defined( 'DONOTMINIFY' ) && DONOTMINIFY ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'DONOTMINIFY constant is defined';
return false;
* Check feed minify
if ( $this->_config->get_boolean( 'minify.html.reject.feed' ) && function_exists( 'is_feed' ) && is_feed() ) {
$this->minify_reject_reason = 'Feed is rejected';
return false;
return true;
* Checks User Agent
* @return boolean
function check_ua() {
$uas = array_merge( $this->_config->get_array( '' ), array(
) );
foreach ( $uas as $ua ) {
if ( !empty( $ua ) ) {
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) && stristr( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ua ) !== false ) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if user is logged in
* @return boolean
function check_logged_in() {
foreach ( array_keys( $_COOKIE ) as $cookie_name ) {
if ( strpos( $cookie_name, 'wordpress_logged_in' ) === 0 )
return false;
return true;
* Checks request URI
* @return boolean
function check_request_uri() {
$auto_reject_uri = array(
foreach ( $auto_reject_uri as $uri ) {
if ( strstr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $uri ) !== false ) {
return false;
$reject_uri = $this->_config->get_array( 'minify.reject.uri' );
$reject_uri = array_map( array( '\W3TC\Util_Environment', 'parse_path' ), $reject_uri );
foreach ( $reject_uri as $expr ) {
$expr = trim( $expr );
if ( $expr != '' && preg_match( '~' . $expr . '~i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ) {
return false;
if ( Util_Request::get_string( 'wp_customize' ) )
return false;
return true;
public function w3tc_usage_statistics_of_request( $storage ) {
$o = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$o->w3tc_usage_statistics_of_request( $storage );
public function w3tc_usage_statistics_metrics( $metrics ) {
return array_merge( $metrics, array(
'minify_original_length_css', 'minify_output_length_css',
'minify_original_length_js', 'minify_output_length_js', ) );
class _W3_MinifyHelpers {
* Config
private $config;
private $debug = false;
* Constructor
* @param W3_COnfig $config
function __construct( $config ) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->debug = $config->get_boolean( 'minify.debug' );
* Formats custom URL
* @param array $files
* @param string $type
* @return array
function get_minify_url_for_files( $files, $type ) {
$minify_filename =
$files, $type );
if ( is_null( $minify_filename ) )
return null;
$url = Minify_Core::minified_url( $minify_filename );
$url = Util_Environment::url_to_maybe_https( $url );
return $url;
* Returns minified content
* @param array $files
* @param string $type
* @return array
function get_minified_content_for_files( $files, $type ) {
$minify_filename =
$files, $type );
if ( is_null( $minify_filename ) )
return null;
$minify = Dispatcher::component( 'Minify_MinifiedFileRequestHandler' );
$m = $minify->process( $minify_filename, true );
if ( isset( $m['content']['content'] ) )
$style = $m['content']['content'];
$style = '';
return "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">$style</style>\r\n";
* Prints script tag
* @param string $url
* @param string $embed_type
* @return string
function generate_script_tag( $url, $embed_type = 'blocking' ) {
static $non_blocking_function = false;
if ( $embed_type == 'blocking' ) {
$script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' .
str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . '"></script>';
} else {
$script = '';
if ( $embed_type == 'nb-js' ) {
if ( !$non_blocking_function ) {
$non_blocking_function = true;
$script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">function w3tc_load_js(u){var d=document,p=d.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0],c=d.createElement('script');c.type='text/javascript';c.src=u;p.appendChild(c);}</script>";
$script .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">w3tc_load_js('" .
$url . "');</script>";
} else if ( $embed_type == 'nb-async' ) {
$script = '<script async type="text/javascript" src="' .
str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . '"></script>';
} else if ( $embed_type == 'nb-defer' ) {
$script = '<script defer type="text/javascript" src="' .
str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . '"></script>';
} else if ( $embed_type == 'extsrc' ) {
$script = '<script type="text/javascript" extsrc="' .
str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . '"></script>';
} else if ( $embed_type == 'asyncsrc' ) {
$script = '<script type="text/javascript" asyncsrc="' .
str_replace( '&', '&amp;', $url ) . '"></script>';
return $script . "\r\n";
* URL file filter
* @param string $file
* @return bool
public function is_file_for_minification( $file ) {
static $external;
if ( !isset( $external ) )
$external = $this->config->get_array( 'minify.cache.files' );
foreach ( $external as $ext ) {
if ( preg_match( '#'.Util_Environment::get_url_regexp( $ext ).'#', $file ) ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
'is_file_for_minification: whilelisted ' . $file );
return true;
$file_normalized = Util_Environment::remove_query_all( $file );
$ext = strrchr( $file_normalized, '.' );
if ( $ext != '.js' && $ext != '.css' ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
'is_file_for_minification: unknown extension ' . $ext .
' for ' . $file );
return false;
if ( Util_Environment::is_url( $file_normalized ) ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
'is_file_for_minification: its url ' . $file );
return false;
$path = Util_Environment::document_root() . '/' . $file;
if ( !file_exists( $path ) ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
'is_file_for_minification: file doesnt exists ' . $path );
return false;
if ( $this->debug ) {
'is_file_for_minification: true for file ' . $file .
' path ' . $path );
return true;
* HTTP2 Server Push
function http2_server_push($urls,$as) {
foreach ($urls as $url) {
if($url) {
$url = '//' === substr($url, 0, 2) ? preg_replace('/^\/\/([^\/]*)\//', '/', $url) : preg_replace('/^http(s)?:\/\/[^\/]*/', '', $url); // Make $url relative from absolute, so that Cloudflare has push resources itself
header('Link: <'.$url.'>; rel=preload; as='.$as, false); // add Link header for server push
} // end foreach
* END HTTP2 Server Push
* Class _W3_MinifyJsAuto
class _W3_MinifyJsAuto {
* Config
private $config;
* Processed buffer
* @var string
private $buffer;
* JS files to ignore
* @var array
private $ignore_js_files;
* Embed type
* @var string
private $embed_type;
* Helper object to use
* @var _W3_MinifyHelpers
private $minify_helpers;
* Array of processed scripts
* @var array
private $debug_minified_urls = array();
* Current position to embed minified script
* @var integer
private $embed_pos;
* Current list of files to minify
* @var array
private $files_to_minify;
* Current group type
* @var string
private $group_type = 'head';
* Current number of minification group
* @var integer
private $minify_group_number = 0;
private $debug = false;
* Constructor
* @param unknown $config
* @param unknown $buffer
* @param unknown $minify_helpers
function __construct( $config, $buffer, $minify_helpers ) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->debug = $config->get_boolean( 'minify.debug' );
$this->buffer = $buffer;
$this->minify_helpers = $minify_helpers;
// ignored files
$this->ignore_js_files = $this->config->get_array( 'minify.reject.files.js' );
$this->ignore_js_files = array_map( array( '\W3TC\Util_Environment', 'normalize_file' ), $this->ignore_js_files );
// define embed type
$this->embed_type = array(
'head' => $this->config->get_string( 'minify.js.header.embed_type' ),
'body' => $this->config->get_string( 'minify.js.body.embed_type' )
* Does auto-minification
* @return string buffer of minified content
public function execute() {
// find all script tags
$buffer_nocomments = preg_replace( '~<!--.*?-->\s*~s', '', $this->buffer );
$matches = null;
// end of <head> means another group of scripts, cannt be combined
if ( !preg_match_all( '~(<script\s*[^>]*>.*?</script>|</head>)~is',
$buffer_nocomments, $matches ) ) {
$matches = null;
if ( is_null( $matches ) ) {
return $this->buffer;
$script_tags = $matches[1];
$script_tags = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_script_tags',
$script_tags );
// pass scripts
$this->embed_pos = null;
$this->files_to_minify = array();
for ( $n = 0; $n < count( $script_tags ); $n++ ) {
$this->process_script_tag( $script_tags[$n], $n );
$this->flush_collected( '' );
return $this->buffer;
* Returns list of minified scripts
* @return array
public function get_debug_minified_urls() {
return $this->debug_minified_urls;
* Processes script tag
* @param unknown $script_tag
* @return void
private function process_script_tag( $script_tag, $script_tag_number ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
Minify_Core::log( 'processing tag ' . substr( $script_tag, 0, 150 ) );
$tag_pos = strpos( $this->buffer, $script_tag );
if ( $tag_pos === false ) {
// script is external but not found, skip processing it
error_log( 'script not found:' . $script_tag );
Minify_Core::log( 'script not found:' . $script_tag );
$match = null;
if ( !preg_match( '~<script\s+[^<>]*src=["\']?([^"\'> ]+)["\'> ]~is',
$script_tag, $match ) ) {
$match = null;
if ( is_null( $match ) ) {
$data = array(
'script_tag_original' => $script_tag,
'script_tag_new' => $script_tag,
'script_tag_number' => $script_tag_number,
'script_tag_pos' => $tag_pos,
'should_replace' => false,
'buffer' => $this->buffer
$data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_do_local_script_minification',
$data );
$this->buffer = $data['buffer'];
if ( $data['should_replace'] ) {
$this->buffer = substr_replace( $this->buffer,
$data['script_tag_new'], $tag_pos,
strlen( $script_tag ) );
// it's not external script, have to flush what we have before it
if ( $this->debug ) {
Minify_Core::log( 'its not src=, flushing' );
$this->flush_collected( $script_tag );
if ( preg_match( '~</head>~is', $script_tag, $match ) )
$this->group_type = 'body';
$script_src = $match[1];
$script_src = Util_Environment::url_relative_to_full( $script_src );
$file = Util_Environment::url_to_docroot_filename( $script_src );
$step1 = $this->minify_helpers->is_file_for_minification( $file );
$step2 = !in_array( $file, $this->ignore_js_files );
$do_tag_minification = $step1 && $step2;
$do_tag_minification = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_do_tag_minification',
$do_tag_minification, $script_tag, $file );
if ( !$do_tag_minification ) {
if ( $this->debug ) {
Minify_Core::log( 'file ' . $file .
' didnt pass minification check:' .
' file_for_min: ' . ( $step1 ? 'true' : 'false' ) .
' ignore_js_files: ' . ( $step2 ? 'true' : 'false' ) );
$data = array(
'script_tag_original' => $script_tag,
'script_tag_new' => $script_tag,
'script_tag_number' => $script_tag_number,
'script_tag_pos' => $tag_pos,
'script_src' => $script_src,
'should_replace' => false,
'buffer' => $this->buffer
$data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_do_excluded_tag_script_minification',
$data );
$this->buffer = $data['buffer'];
if ( $data['should_replace'] ) {
$this->buffer = substr_replace( $this->buffer,
$data['script_tag_new'], $tag_pos,
strlen( $script_tag ) );
$this->flush_collected( $script_tag );
$this->debug_minified_urls[] = $file;
$this->buffer = substr_replace( $this->buffer, '',
$tag_pos, strlen( $script_tag ) );
// for head group - put minified file at the place of first script
// for body - put at the place of last script, to make as more DOM
// objects available as possible
if ( count( $this->files_to_minify ) <= 0 || $this->group_type == 'body' )
$this->embed_pos = $tag_pos;
$this->files_to_minify[] = $file;
* Minifies collected scripts
private function flush_collected( $last_script_tag ) {
if ( count( $this->files_to_minify ) <= 0 )
$do_flush_collected = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_do_flush_collected',
true, $last_script_tag, $this );
if ( !$do_flush_collected )
// find embed position
$embed_pos = $this->embed_pos;
if ( $this->minify_group_number <= 0 ) {
// try forced embed position
$forced_embed_pos = strpos( $this->buffer,
'<!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->' );
if ( $forced_embed_pos !== false ) {
$this->buffer = str_replace( '<!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->', '',
$this->buffer );
$embed_pos = $forced_embed_pos;
// build minified script tag
$data = array(
'files_to_minify' => $this->files_to_minify,
'embed_pos' => $embed_pos,
'embed_type' => $this->embed_type[$this->group_type],
'buffer' => $this->buffer
$data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_step', $data );
$this->buffer = $data['buffer'];
if ( !empty( $data['files_to_minify'] ) ) {
$url = $this->minify_helpers->get_minify_url_for_files(
$data['files_to_minify'], 'js' );
* HTTP2 Server push for Scripts
$scriptURL[] = $url;
* END HTTP2 Server push for Scripts
$script = '';
if ( !is_null( $url ) ) {
$script .= $this->minify_helpers->generate_script_tag( $url,
$data['embed_type'] );
$data['script_to_embed_url'] = $url;
$data['script_to_embed_body'] = $script;
$data = apply_filters( 'w3tc_minify_js_step_script_to_embed',
$data );
$this->buffer = $data['buffer'];
// replace
$this->buffer = substr_replace( $this->buffer,
$data['script_to_embed_body'], $data['embed_pos'], 0 );
$this->files_to_minify = array();
Copy link

HTTP2 Server Push for W3 Total Cache Minify

Adds Link Header for Minified CSS (Stylesheets) & JavaScripts (scripts), so that Supported HTTP2 servers will push the resources when page loads.
Link: <Resource URL>; rel=preload; as=style/script

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Updated to work with latest W3 Total Cache Plugin ver 9.5.1

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