# Get tokens for Google Home Foyer API |
# https://gist.github.com/rithvikvibhu/952f83ea656c6782fbd0f1645059055d |
from gpsoauth import perform_master_login, perform_oauth |
from uuid import getnode as getmac |
# Creds to use when logging in |
USERNAME = '<google_username>' |
PASSWORD = '<google_password_or_app_password>' |
# Optional Overrides (Set to None to ignore) |
device_id = None |
master_token = None |
access_token = None |
# Flags |
DEBUG = False |
def get_master_token(username, password, android_id): |
res = perform_master_login(username, password, android_id) |
if DEBUG: |
print(res) |
if 'Token' not in res: |
print('[!] Could not get master token.') |
return None |
return res['Token'] |
def get_access_token(username, master_token, android_id): |
res = perform_oauth( |
username, master_token, android_id, |
app='com.google.android.apps.chromecast.app', |
service='oauth2:https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthLogin', |
client_sig='24bb24c05e47e0aefa68a58a766179d9b613a600' |
) |
if DEBUG: |
print(res) |
if 'Auth' not in res: |
print('[!] Could not get access token.') |
return None |
return res['Auth'] |
def _get_android_id(): |
mac_int = getmac() |
if (mac_int >> 40) % 2: |
raise OSError("a valid MAC could not be determined." |
" Provide an android_id (and be" |
" sure to provide the same one on future runs).") |
android_id = _create_mac_string(mac_int) |
android_id = android_id.replace(':', '') |
return android_id |
def _create_mac_string(num, splitter=':'): |
mac = hex(num)[2:] |
if mac[-1] == 'L': |
mac = mac[:-1] |
pad = max(12 - len(mac), 0) |
mac = '0' * pad + mac |
mac = splitter.join([mac[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, 12, 2)]) |
mac = mac.upper() |
return mac |
if not device_id: |
device_id = _get_android_id() |
print(''' |
This script generates tokens that can be used when making requests to the Google Home Foyer API. |
There are 2 kinds of tokens used here: |
1. Master token - Is in the form `aas_et/***` and is long lived. Needs Google username and password. |
2. Access token - Is in the form `ya29.***` and lasts for an hour. Needs Master token to generate. |
If you do not want to store the Google account password in plaintext, |
get the master token once, and set it as an override value. |
It's safer/easier to generate an app password and use it instead of the actual password. |
It still has the same access as the regular password, but still better than using the real password while scripting. |
(https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords) |
''') |
print('\n[*] Getting master token...') |
if not master_token: |
master_token = get_master_token(USERNAME, PASSWORD, device_id) |
print('[*] Master token:', master_token) |
print('\n[*] Getting access token...') |
if not access_token: |
access_token = get_access_token(USERNAME, master_token, device_id) |
print('[*] Access token:', access_token) |
print('\n[*] Done.') |
urllib3<2.0.0 seems to install 1.26.18 which doesn't work for me for some reason
hardcoding to 1.25.1 seems to work currently