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Last active June 10, 2019 08:25
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Script to fetch all non-expired certificates with (requires Node 12+)
'use strict'
const https = require('https')
const IDENTITIES = [
async function main() {
const entries = (await Promise.all(IDENTITIES
.map(id => `${ id }&exclude=expired`)
.map(entry => [, entry])
const results = Object.fromEntries(entries)
main().catch(err => console.error(err))
function fetch(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
https.get(url, res => {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
reject(`Request to '${ url }' failed with status code ${ res.statusCode }`)
let data = ''
res.on('error', reject)
res.on('data', chunk => data += chunk)
res.on('end', () => resolve(data))
}).on('error', reject)
function parse(data) {
const matches = data.matchAll(/<entry>[\s\S]*?<\/entry>/g)
return Array.from(matches)
.map(match => match[0])
function parseEntry(entry) {
const entries = ['id', 'summary', 'title', 'published', 'updated']
.map(([key, rx]) => [key, entry.match(rx)])
.map(([key, match]) => [key, match[1]])
.flatMap(([key, value]) => key === 'title'
? parseTitle(value)
: [[key, value]])
return Object.fromEntries(entries)
function parseTitle(title) {
const match = title.match(/^\[(.*?)\] Issued by (.*?); Valid from (\S*) to (\S*); Serial number (.*)$/)
if (!match) throw new Error('Failed to parse title: ' + title)
const [, type, issuedBy, validFrom, validTo, serial] = match
return Object.entries({ type, issuedBy, validFrom, validTo, serial })
function getTagRegExp(tag) {
return [tag, new RegExp(`<${ tag }[\\s\\S]*?>([\\s\\S]*?)</${ tag }>`)]
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