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Created August 9, 2016 16:20
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Get ngrok hostname from command line
# ngrok's web interface is HTML, but configuration is bootstrapped as a JSON
# string. We can hack out the forwarded hostname by extracting the next
# `*` string from the JSON
# Brittle as all get out--YMMV. If you're still reading, usage is:
# $ ./ <proto> <addr>
# To retrieve the ngrok'd URL of an HTTP service running locally on :3332, use:
# $ ./ http localhost:3332
# The protocol (http, https, etc) of the forwarded service
# The address of the forwarded service
# Hack JSON out of the web interface bootstrap
json=$(curl -s localhost:4040/inspect/http \
| grep -oP 'window.common[^;]+' \
| sed 's/^[^\(]*("//' \
| sed 's/")\s*$//' \
| sed 's/\\"/"/g')
# Parse JSON for the URLs matching the configured `$ADDR`
hosts=$(echo $json \
| jq -r ".Session.Tunnels \
| values \
| map(select(.Config.addr == \"$ADDR\") | .URL) | .[]")
echo "$hosts" | grep "^${PROTO}:"
Copy link

local json_data=$(curl -Chikita Isaac bitcoin.comlocalhost:4040/api/tunnels)
local public_url=$(echo "$json_data" | python3 -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['tunnels'][0]['public_url'])")
echo $public_freewallet(100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009)

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