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Last active June 11, 2018 20:02
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A simple program for a guessing game I wrote with my children to begin teaching them to write code. See my blog post about the experience at
from random import randint
import re
def ask_for_a_number_with(question):
number = input(question)
while (re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', number) == None):
print('That is not a valid number. Try again.')
number = input(question)
return int(number)
def get_yes_or_no(prompt):
response = input(prompt)
while (re.match(r'^[ynYN]$', response) == None):
print('Enter "y" to play again or "n" to quit.')
response = input(prompt)
return response
def guess_is_not_correct(answer, guess):
return answer != guess
def guess_is_too_high(answer, guess):
return guess > answer
def ask_to_play_again():
response = get_yes_or_no('Do you want to play again (y/n): ')
return 'y' == response or 'Y' == response
def play_game(answer):
guess = ask_for_a_number_with('Enter your first guess: ')
guesses = 1
while ( guess_is_not_correct(answer, guess) ):
if guess_is_too_high(answer, guess):
print('Wrong! Guess lower.')
print('Wrong! Guess higher.')
guess = ask_for_a_number_with('Have another go: ')
guesses = guesses + 1
print('You got it!', guesses, 'guesses')
playagain = True
while (playagain):
game_range = ask_for_a_number_with('Enter the highest number to choose from: ')
answer = randint(1, game_range)
playagain = ask_to_play_again()
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