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Created May 18, 2017 12:15
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function *{T1<:AbstractDataBlock,T2<:AbstractDataBlock}(A::SparseMatrixCSC{T1,Int}, B::SparseMatrixCSC{T2,Int})
# modified from julia base (put into license!!!!)
mA, nA = size(A)
mB, nB = size(B)
nA==mB || throw(DimensionMismatch())
colptrA = A.colptr; rowvalA = A.rowval; nzvalA = A.nzval
colptrB = B.colptr; rowvalB = B.rowval; nzvalB = B.nzval
# TODO: Need better estimation of result space
nnzC = min(mA*nB, length(nzvalA) + length(nzvalB))
colptrC = Array{Int}(nB+1)
rowvalC = Array{Int}(nnzC)
T3 = promote_type(T1,T2)
nzvalC = Array{T3}(nnzC)
@inbounds begin
ip = 1
xb = zeros(Int, mA)
x = Vector{Queue{T3}}(mA)
for i in 1:nB
if ip + mA - 1 > nnzC
resize!(rowvalC, nnzC + max(nnzC,mA))
resize!(nzvalC, nnzC + max(nnzC,mA))
nnzC = length(nzvalC)
colptrC[i] = ip
for jp in colptrB[i]:(colptrB[i+1] - 1)
nzB = nzvalB[jp]
j = rowvalB[jp]
for kp in colptrA[j]:(colptrA[j+1] - 1)
nzC = nzvalA[kp]*nzB
k = rowvalA[kp]
if xb[k] != i
rowvalC[ip] = k
ip += 1
xb[k] = i
x[k] = nzC
add!(x[k], nzC)
for vp in colptrC[i]:(ip - 1)
nzvalC[vp] = reduce(x[rowvalC[vp]])
colptrC[nB+1] = ip
deleteat!(rowvalC, colptrC[end]:length(rowvalC))
deleteat!(nzvalC, colptrC[end]:length(nzvalC))
# The Gustavson algorithm does not guarantee the product to have sorted row indices.
Cunsorted = SparseMatrixCSC(mA, nB, colptrC, rowvalC, nzvalC)
C = sortSparseMatrixCSC!(Cunsorted)
return C
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