I hereby claim:
- I am rlex on github.
- I am rlex (https://keybase.io/rlex) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is D25A C794 EEF6 A162 EF04 F80D E7ED 7B6B 453A F56C
To claim this, I am signing this object:
config setup | |
charondebug="ike 2, knl 2, cfg 2, net 2, esp 2, dmn 2, mgr 2" | |
conn %default | |
# keyexchange=ikev2 | |
conn mikrotik-1 | |
# Try connect on daemon start | |
auto=start |
#Tested on Debian 9 | |
#Write log | |
logoutput: syslog /var/log/sockd.log | |
#Listen IPv4 | |
internal: port = 1080 | |
#Listen IPv6 | |
#internal: Y::Y port = 1080 | |
#External IPv4 |
add chain=input comment="Router: Allow established connections" connection-state=established | |
add chain=input comment="Router: Allow related connections" connection-state=related | |
add chain=input comment="Router: Allow IPv6 ICMP" protocol=icmpv6 | |
add action=drop chain=input comment="Drop everything else" | |
add chain=forward comment="LAN: Allow established connections" connection-state=established | |
add chain=forward comment="LAN: Allow related connections" connection-state=related | |
add chain=forward comment="LAN: Allow IPv6 ICMP" protocol=icmpv6 | |
#example rule for opening port | |
add chain=forward comment="LAN: Allow SSH" dst-port=22 protocol=tcp | |
add chain=forward comment="Allow any to internet" out-interface=sixbone |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |
<Client name="Kodi"> | |
<Identification> | |
<Header name="User-Agent" substring="Kodi" /> | |
</Identification> | |
<!-- Author: Plex Inc. --> | |
<TranscodeTargets> | |
<VideoProfile protocol="hls" container="mpegts" codec="h264" audioCodec="ac3" context="streaming" /> | |
<MusicProfile container="flac" codec="flac" id="StereoMusicTranscodeProfile" /> | |
<PhotoProfile container="jpeg" /> |
_target = player; | |
_location = getpos _target; | |
_airdrop = "B_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle _location; | |
_airdrop setPos [_location select 0, _location select 1, 100]; | |
_airdrop setDir (random 360); | |
[objnull, _ammodrop] call BIS_fnc_curatorobjectedited; |
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts | |
https://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains | |
http://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts | |
https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist | |
https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt | |
https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt | |
https://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt | |
https://hosts-file.net/grm.txt | |
https://reddestdream.github.io/Projects/MinimalHosts/etc/MinimalHostsBlocker/minimalhosts | |
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/data/KADhosts/hosts |
#dump mysql for re-import to slave | |
mysqldump --opt --single-transaction --comments --hex-blob --dump-date --no-autocommit --master-data --all-databases > master-dump.sql | |
#Create ISO in MAC OS X from folder | |
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o dell-pkgs.iso tgt | |
#megacli parse | |
megacli -PDList -aAll | egrep "Enclosure Device ID:|Slot Number:|Inquiry Data:|Error Count:|state" |
templates: | |
tvshows: | |
set: | |
path: /media/tank-media/soaps/{{series_name|replace(' ', '.')}}/Season.{{series_season}} | |
transmission: | |
host: localhost | |
password: "********" | |
port: 9091 | |
username: admin | |
regexp: |
# Generated by iptables-save v1.6.0 on Wed Dec 21 18:48:19 2016 | |
*filter | |
:INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] | |
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [244180:191492827] | |
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,PSH,ACK,URG NONE -m comment --comment "block null packets" -j DROP | |
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp ! --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m state --state NEW -m comment --comment "block syn-flood" -j DROP | |
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,PSH,ACK,URG FIN,SYN,RST,PSH,ACK,URG -m comment --comment "block XMAS packets" -j DROP | |
-A INPUT -p icmp -m comment --comment "accept icmp" -j ACCEPT | |
-A INPUT -i lo -m comment --comment "accept loopback traffic" -j ACCEPT |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: