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Created May 16, 2016 22:07
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ticket match output
** DOC
81bccb7 Add list of packaged platforms.
87c1fa0 Fix and update API doc links.
ca69a84 Remove hyphen from jarfile name.
234436a Fix indentation.
edb2b9d fix order of content in puppetserver.conf doc.
930d540 Update index.
7365ebc Add 2.3.2 release notes.
fa5d897 Add example, remove H5s.
3e6156b Convert tilde code fences.
862b1d5 Add links from other docs.
c5ce88a Revise migration guide.
6d30c28 Add a migration doc.
dcfb5cf Fix markdown in the puppetserver.conf doc.
799a57e Change Server and Puppet documentation links.
7c5ea2d Standardize file extensions.
de864e8 Fix broken documentation link.
6f918ec Change version to 2.4.0-stable
199c006 Update acceptance helper to also work for Wily
c0e3903 Add beaker configs for ubuntu 16.04
fb4b523 Update acceptance test helper to say ubuntu 16.04 uses systemd
0431424 Update ezbake to pick up systemd for xenial
2184ece Update certificate-status-test content-type assertion to check for charset
0f969aa updates GEM_SOURCE default
f3fbb27 Change HUP docs to add back hyphen
511b96a Bump to ring-middleware 0.3.1
52846ed Re-add hyphen to jar name in validate jars test
0f89eda Bump up default borrow timeout for jruby-pool-int tests
8d856ab add hyphen back to uberjar name
c8766f2 Update to tk-j9 1.5.9
dccf738 update to tk-auth 0.6.1
54b2f0f adds a hup helper, get_cert and get_key
214bac7 Edit links per @rlinehan.
54dbf1b Update and edit repo README.
8e0fd17 Correct the comments
4cff2d9 Add helper functions encode_{cert,key} to support https_request 2
48a4f95 moved the puppet agent pin up to ab9e395ef55565a8e896bd847e90a1c3dfb225f5
438e3c6 bumps agent sha
89442f6 Bump puppet version
c8a0195 Corrects the assignment in the skip_test to a test. Otherwise this always skips.
6e481a7 Bump EZBake to 0.3.25
0c42e23 Bump puppet agent dep to da1e61e
a9bf4ec Use Bash's assign default values expansion for all BEAKER_* options so that values set in the environment can trump defaults set in the script. Update README to reflect these changes.
9ecec99 Update to latest ezbake release
4a02e24 Bump Beaker and hostgenerator
ab667e0 Remove csr attrs and oid error logging
76695c9 Improve yaml parsing error handling
1b5d0dd Update comment explaining always_retry_plugins to be more clear
26daeb1 Don't set always_cache_features in puppet_config
896d28c Update puppet-agent version
5623ea8 Update puppet submodule commit
88bd248 add tests for handle-server-error body
336d657 remove extra parens from handle-server-error
87a21b4 Return 400 for incomplete URL to certificate_statuses
20b8fc3 Bump puppet-agent commit
4cb2c25 Update spec tests to have 4.4.1 puppet version
1b2da3d Bump puppet submodule and puppet-agent version
1124ce1 Update tk-ws-j9 dependency
a856ab8 Bump puppet-agent to 2c492d8 and puppet submodule
0a7705d Bump ezbake version to remove Fedora 20 build target
** ORCH-1235
43b57e9 Add code_id to environment catalog requests
** PE-13485
27da75b Implement a consistent request logging format
d812d6e Implement a consistent request logging format
** PE-14865
e4ce874 Reduce verbosity of module dependency warnings
** PUP-5482
bcbb1ed Add spec test validating always_retry_plugins is set correctly
99fb946 Toggle always_retry_plugins when available
** QENG-3181
59b828b Replace references to genconfig2 with beaker-hostgenerator.
1b54206 Use beaker-hostgenerator instead of sqa-utils.
460baa2 Use beaker-hostgenerator instead of sqa-utils.
** SERVER-1084
e1b23c3 pre-docs for initial HUP support
** SERVER-1150
df59d1d Add support for custom oid mappings
** SERVER-1187
6c82799 Only log stderr once when autosigning
806755f Adjust log levels for autosign actions
615707b Don't log stdout from autosign command twice
bdfcaa4 Update results map elements in execute-autosign-command!
** SERVER-1206
2a4d62e Restore dash in puppet-server for webserver server config
2b9fc8f Corrected links to puppet-server in docs
9d20775 Rename occurrences of puppet-server to puppetserver
** SERVER-1245
3eb17f1 Add trusted oid mapping to env classes int test
f633774 Add get-auth-handler ca service fn
354ddbe Pass OID shortnames to tk-auth
** SERVER-1252
f1f36f5 Document new allow and deny options.
** SERVER-1257
8e9b383 Add link to logback docs, emitted => logged
6af7525 Document loglevel differences for puppetserver vs passenger
** SERVER-1258
5d623b9 Update puppet-agent ref to greenify tests
c72dddd Update puppet-agent version to greenify tests
** SERVER-1268/TK-293
bf963c0 validates that TK Auth can allow access based on an x509 ssl extension rather than a hostname/cn.
** SERVER-1273
fffa981 Add back in info that is missing from log messages
** SERVER-1302
48b8533 Undo changes from botched merge-in
700092e Version number 2.3.3-stable-SNAPSHOT
** SERVER-1303
492b01a Adds method that merges TK Auth rules into existing config
** SERVER-1314
7ea756c Corrects a teardown problem
** SERVER-1334
942e977 Bump puppet and hiera versions
** SERVER-542
00d5a47 Gracefully handle PUTs to /certificate_status without desired_state param
** SERVER-557
53a077e Remove ezbake timeout override
** SERVER-615
ae62c84 Check for excep. error msg in validate-settings! test
712c58a Document ca_ttl max value
f88c2bf Gracefully handle invalid ca_ttl settings
** SERVER-864
28d2416 Allow special characters in certificate_statuses key
** SERVER-977
66bbbc3 fix indentation in handle-delete-cert.-req.-test
a7a9fc1 Remove with-redef from handle-delete-cert.-req.-test
d70b1be move test logging wrapper within testing blocks for handle-delete-cert.-req.-test
482bacb improve error message checking for delete-certificate-request!
b75ac3c remove now unnecessary destructuring from delete-certificate!
0883e0a unalign let bindings in handle-delete-cert.-req.-test
2add0ed format OutcomeInfo schema def correctly
cd45bc0 log failure to delete certificate at warn instead of info
9178e9a do not use helper fn for assertions in handle-delete-csr test
0d40426 move delete-certificate-request! return schema into def
d91d90f refactor `delete-certificate!` & `process-csr-deletion!`
a635f9f DELETE handler for certificate_request endpoint
** TK-214
33ad142 Update puppetlabs.puppetserver.jruby-request/wrap-with-environment-validation doc string
a344b72 Take up ring-middleware helpers
** TK-344
1ab81ae Update to TK 1.3.1 and remove logback version hack
** TK-360
a6901ab Fix acceptance tests testing denied response
720de5f Bump to tk-auth 0.5.1
2a7a109 Revert "Merge pull request #1060 from gguillotte/jarfile-hyphen"
5a4f1fb Add maintainers section
a90fa07 Add missing period and implement feedback.
17082f5 Use bundle exec consistently
44a5b35 works around broken beaker confine
e454f14 Fix some broken links
43f7da7 fixes a logic error in PR1009 adds changes in response to review
e3bdd99 Adds the https_request method from p-e-p-s-e
e4bcb95 Updates to beaker 2.38.1, and corrects a poor use of confine
eb759bc Significant surgery to move sections around, followed by a thousand smaller cuts to tweak language, style, etcetera.
e0ebbea Remove superfluous parameter name in process-csr-deletion!
288d77c Revert "updates beaker to 2.38.1"
528db99 updates beaker to 2.38.1
443992e Revert "Revert "(QENG-3181) Use beaker-hostgenerator instead of sqa-utils.""
ce413f8 Revert "(QENG-3181) Use beaker-hostgenerator instead of sqa-utils."
23e9540 Revert "(QENG-3181) Use beaker-hostgenerator instead of sqa-utils."
SERVER-562 Developing
SERVER-1237 Grooming
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