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Created September 19, 2024 22:34
interface Request {
In our HTTP stack at HubSpot, request context is always available
and it tracks original callers for us. You will need to implement
similar tracking across calls in order to manage HBase resources
at original caller granularity.
String getOriginalCaller();
// This assumes hbase.quota.user.override.key is set to `qu`
private static final String QUOTA_USER_OVERRIDE_KEY = "qu";
private final ExecutorService;
private final TableName tableName;
private final Connection connection;
@GET // This is an example endpoint
public Response getResponse(Request request) {
try (Table table = buildTable(request.getOriginalCaller()) {
// Any requests against HBase will be subject to user quotas
// based on the value of Request#getOriginalCaller
private Table buildTable(String user) {
// The TableBuilder class lets you specify request attributes to be
// used whenever interacting with the Table that it builds
return connection.getTableBuilder(tableName, executorService)
.setRequestAttribute(QUOTA_USER_OVERRIDE_KEY, Bytes.toBytes(user))
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