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Last active April 17, 2022 17:51
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New ideas on Observer pattern in Swift
import UIKit
// Lots of ideas here that I'd love thoughts about. Some of this creates new highly generic types
// (UniqueIdentifier, IdentifiedSet) that may have broader purpose. Some of it defines a new Observer pattern.
// I've been playing around with this UniqueIdentifier type. Its purpose is to let you store things
// in dictionaries (or possibly sets) that you couldn't otherwise.
// It's just a self-referencial ObjectIdentifier. I used to use NSUUID for this purpose, but wondering
// if this is better.
final class UniqueIdentifier: Hashable, Equatable {
private lazy var _identifier: ObjectIdentifier = ObjectIdentifier(self)
var hashValue: Int { return _identifier.hashValue }
func == (lhs: UniqueIdentifier, rhs: UniqueIdentifier) -> Bool {
return lhs._identifier == rhs._identifier
// I'm using it in this IdentifiedSet experiment. An IdentifiedSet is a set of anything (not just
// Hashables). When items are inserted, an identifier is returned that can be used to remove it.
// NOTE: @connerk points out that this isn't very "set-like." A better name may be "Bag."
struct IdentifiedSet<Element> {
private var _elements: [UniqueIdentifier: Element] = [:]
// Adds an item, returning an identifier
mutating func insert(_ element: Element) -> UniqueIdentifier {
let identifier = UniqueIdentifier()
_elements[identifier] = element
return identifier
// Removes an item, based on its identifier
mutating func remove(_ identifier: UniqueIdentifier) {
_elements[identifier] = nil
// It's not hard to make IdentifiedSet a Collection; see below. Just didn't want to mix it in here because I don't need it.
extension IdentifiedSet: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Element> {
return AnyIterator(_elements.values.makeIterator())
// What good is this? Here's an very simple observer pattern using it.
// First, we define a NotificationHandler
protocol NotificationHandler {
associatedtype Notification
func notify(_ notification: Notification)
// And we wrap IdentifiedSet in a simple Observers type
struct Observers<Handler: NotificationHandler> {
private var _observers = IdentifiedSet<Handler>()
// "add" matches other common Observer patterns better than "insert"
// The use of a set is an implementation detail
mutating func add(_ observer: Handler) -> UniqueIdentifier {
return _observers.insert(observer)
// remove is very often called with an Optional, so it's nice to accept it
mutating func remove(_ identifier: UniqueIdentifier?) {
if let identifier = identifier {
func notify(_ notification: Handler.Notification) {
for observer in _observers {
// Here's a simple observer. It's a struct of closures.
struct LoginHandler {
var didLogin: () -> Void
var didLogout: () -> Void
// And it's a NotificationHandler. In practice I expect this often to be a switch on an enum.
extension LoginHandler: NotificationHandler {
func notify(_ isLoggedIn: Bool) {
if isLoggedIn {
} else {
// And we have a class that is observable
final class LoginManager {
static let sharedManager = LoginManager()
var isLoggedIn = false {
didSet {
observers.notify(isLoggedIn) // I like how simple, yet explicit, this winds up being.
// Adding and removing observers is very easy. Just obj.observers.add(...), obj.observers.remove(...).
// No wrapper functions are needed.
// It's also very scalable. You could have obj.somethingObservers and obj.somethingElseObservers trivially.
// The one danger I see is that it's possible for a caller to completely replace the observers collection.
// That danger, if it really is one, could be fixed by making Observers a class and 'let' here.
// Of course it's also possible for a caller to notify the observers, which would be odd, but not really a "problem."
var observers = Observers<LoginHandler>()
func logout() {
isLoggedIn = false
func login() {
isLoggedIn = true
// And we have an observer
class LoginViewController {
weak var messageLabel: UILabel! = nil // Just for demonstration
var loginManager: LoginManager { return LoginManager.sharedManager }
var loginObserver: UniqueIdentifier? = nil
// Start observing
func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
let messageLabel = self.messageLabel! // no self, no headaches
loginObserver = loginManager.observers.add(
didLogin: { messageLabel.text = "We are logged in" },
didLogout: { messageLabel.text = "We are NOT logged in" }))
// Stop observing
func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
loginManager.observers.remove(loginObserver) // This is that Optional case I was talking about
@IBAction func login(_ sender: AnyObject) {
// In practice, extensions can make this even nicer. For instance, if you don't want to implement
// separate didLogin/didLogout methods, create a new init()
extension LoginHandler {
init(didChangeLoginState: (Bool) -> Void) {
didLogin = { didChangeLoginState(true) }
didLogout = { didChangeLoginState(false) }
// Then you can have code like:
//override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// loginObserver = loginManager.observers.add(LoginHandler(didChangeLoginState: updateMessage))
//func updateMessage(loggedIn: Bool) {
// messageLabel.text = "We are\(loggedIn ? "" : "NOT") logged in"
// The power of this approach is that you can offer many equivalent ways of observing, and the caller
// can easily create new ways of observing by creating new init's on the handler. You could easily
// offer a delegate interface with init(delegate: DelegateProtocol), or provide default {} handlers to
// allow optional protocols.
// Other stuff
// See also for an older and I think less powerful version of this approach.
// I think this is the correct way to make IdentifiedSet into a Collection. Is there a better approach these days?
struct IdentifiedSetIndex<Element> {
private var _index: DictionaryIndex<UniqueIdentifier, Element>
extension IdentifiedSetIndex: Comparable {}
func < <Element>(lhs: IdentifiedSetIndex<Element>, rhs: IdentifiedSetIndex<Element>) -> Bool {
return lhs._index < rhs._index
func == <Element>(lhs: IdentifiedSetIndex<Element>, rhs: IdentifiedSetIndex<Element>) -> Bool {
return lhs._index == rhs._index
extension IdentifiedSet: Collection {
typealias Index = IdentifiedSetIndex<Element>
var startIndex: Index { return Index(_index: _elements.startIndex) }
var endIndex: Index { return Index(_index: _elements.endIndex) }
subscript (position: Index) -> Element {
return _elements.values[position._index]
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
return IdentifiedSetIndex(_index: _elements.index(after: i._index))
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Agreed... IdentifiedSet is a bit confusing. Just a dictionary where the keys are determined for you, right? I had to lookup Bag/ Multiset, but it sounds like the correct terminology.

I like where this ends up, but stumbling on the intermediary nature of LoginHandler. Could this simply be a closure, or self assuming I conform to a protocol?

I'm gonna abdicate on collection conformance, as it's hurting my brain.

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