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Ryan Niswonger rniswonger

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rniswonger / copy-me-into-the-css-editor.css
Last active May 28, 2020 04:32 - Dark theme (WIP)
# To do:
* Chat windows
* Settings page
* ... probably a lot more
# Note:
After saving the custom CSS in BGA, the format of this code will be altered
and these comments will be removed. This is expected.
Also, some games define their own colors which will cause some contrast issues.
rniswonger / 7zip-all-subfolders.bat
Created November 9, 2019 22:44
Use 7zip to archive all subfolders in their own zip file
for /d %%X in (*) do "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "" "%%X\"
rniswonger / adobe-hd-fix.reg
Created October 9, 2019 16:43
Fix Adobe CS5 Photoshop and Illustrator scaling issues in Windows 10
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
rniswonger / wordpress-add-columns-to-post-list--functions.php
Last active March 30, 2022 17:49
WordPress: Add admin columns for a custom post type
* CPT: Custom columns for post_slug
* replace all occurances of "post_slug" with your post type's slug and "theme_domain" with your theme's domain
function set_custom_edit_post_slug_columns( $columns ) {
// unset( $columns['date'] ); // disable existing column
$columns['image'] = __( 'Image', 'theme_domain' );
$columns['date'] = __( 'Custom Date', 'theme_domain' );
rniswonger / custom-post-type-ui--auto-export--functions.php
Last active March 30, 2022 17:39
WordPress: Export into theme all "Custom Post Type UI" post types and taxonomies
* Saves post type and taxonomy data to JSON files in the theme directory.
* @param array $data Array of post type data that was just saved.
* Code originally provided by the author of the plugin
function cptui_local_json( $data = array() ) {
$theme_dir = get_stylesheet_directory();
// Create our directory if it doesn't exist
if ( ! is_dir( $theme_dir .= '/cptui-json' ) ) {
mkdir( $theme_dir );
rniswonger / wordpress-plugin-activation-based-on-environment--functions.php
Last active February 4, 2023 17:57
WordPress: Disable/activate plugins in development environment
* Setup development environment by manipulating plugin activation
* Replace the dev URLs and plugin paths accordingly
function mysite_development_environment_setup() {
// define the development sites
$dev_envs = array(
rniswonger / nextdoor-bookmarklet.js
Created October 9, 2017 21:25
Bookmarklet: Hide annoying content on NextDoor
javascript:$('.content-scope-line:contains("Classifieds")').parents('.post-container').hide();$('.classifieds-single-item-content').hide();$('.content-scope-line:contains("Free items")').parents('.post-container').hide();$('.content-scope-line:contains("Recommendations")').parents('.post-container').hide();$('.content-scope-line:contains("Lost & Found")').parents('.post-container').hide();$('.post-byline:contains("Sponsored")').parents('.post-container').hide();
rniswonger / svg-url.scss
Created October 7, 2017 22:07
SASS Mixin: Generate background-image using raw SVG
// Function to create an optimized svg url
@function svg-url($svg) {
// Chunk up string in order to avoid "stack level too deep" error
$encoded: '';
$slice: 2000;
$index: 0;
$loops: ceil(str-length($svg)/$slice);
@for $i from 1 through $loops {
$chunk: str-slice($svg, $index, $index + $slice - 1);
rniswonger / em-value.scss
Created October 7, 2017 22:04
Sass Mixin: Generate EM value from px
// generate an em value
@function em($target_px, $context_px: 16) {
@return $target_px / $context_px * 1em;
rniswonger / fluid-text.scss
Last active February 3, 2024 09:23
Sass Mixin: Fluid Text
// fluidly resize type
// based on example here
@mixin fluid-type($font-min, $font-max, $screen-min, $screen-max) {
font-size: #{$font-min}px;
@media only screen and (min-width: #{$screen-min}px) {
font-size: calc(
#{$font-min}px + #{($font-max - $font-min)} * (100vw - #{$screen-min}px) / (#{$screen-max} - #{$screen-min})