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Last active January 4, 2016 05:59
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Marpa::R2;
use warnings;
use strict;
my $basic_math_grammar =
action_object => 'BasicMath',
default_action => '::first',
source => \(<<'END_OF_RULES'),
:start ::= Factor
# closures are needed for all G1 rules
# for which we will call closures in the traverser,
# Otherwise $glade->rh_values() can be used in the traverser
# to perform the default action
Factor ::=
| Number
| Factor Mulop Factor action => infix
| Function Factor action => prefix
Function ~ 'sin'
Mulop ~ [*/]
Variable ~ [\w]
Number ~ [\d]+
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
sub BasicMath::new {return {};}
sub BasicMath::infix {
my (undef,$arg1,$operator,$arg2) = @_;
return "$arg1 $operator $arg2";
sub BasicMath::prefix {
my (undef,$operator,$arg1) = @_;
return "$operator($arg1)";
my $recognizer = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new({
grammar => $basic_math_grammar
my $formula = 'sin x / y';
$recognizer->read( \$formula );
print STDERR "Ambiguous math input using value():\n";
while (my $value_ref = $recognizer->value) {
print STDERR $$value_ref,"\n"; }
# reset the recognizer; this allows switching between ASF/value() modes
# ASF and traverser code adapted from Jeffrey Kegler's Marpa::R2 test suite
# create ASF
my $asf = Marpa::R2::ASF->new( { slr => $recognizer } );
# traverse
print STDERR "Ambiguous math input using rule closures in ASF:\n",
join "\n", @{ $asf->traverse( {}, \&traverser ) },
sub traverser {
# This routine converts the glade into a list of elements.
# It is called recursively.
my ($glade, $scratch) = @_;
my $rule_id = $glade->rule_id();
my $symbol_id = $glade->symbol_id();
my $symbol_name = $basic_math_grammar->symbol_name($symbol_id);
# A token is a single choice, and we know what to return
if ( not defined $rule_id ) {
return [ $glade->literal() ];
} ## end if ( not defined $rule_id )
# Our result will be a list of choices
my @return_value = ();
CHOICE: while (1) {
# The results at each position are a list of choices, so
# to produce a new result list, we need to take a Cartesian
# product of all the choices
my @values = $glade->rh_values();
my @results = ( [] );
for my $rh_ix ( 0 .. @values - 1 ) {
my @new_results = ();
for my $old_result (@results) {
my $child_value = $values[$rh_ix];
for my $new_value ( @{ $child_value } ) {
push @new_results, [ @{$old_result}, $new_value ];
@results = @new_results;
} ## end for my $rh_ix ( 0 .. $length - 1 )
# Special case for the start rule
if ( $symbol_name eq '[:start]' ) {
return [ map { @{$_} } @results ];
# Get the closure
my $closure = $recognizer->rule_closure($glade->rule_id());
# If the closure is not defined, imitate default action of the grammar
# which is now ::first and return the first value
# TODO: get the rule's default action from the recognizer/grammar
# and do it using rh_values()
if (not defined $closure){
my $first = $glade->rh_value(0);
$closure = sub { $first->[0] }; # values are wrapped
# Now we have a list of choices, as a list of lists. Each sub list
# is a list of parse results, which we need to join into a semantic
# result by collapsing one level of lists and applying rule closures
# that will leave us with a list of the rules' semantic values
push @return_value,
map {
$closure->( {}, @{ $_ } )
# Look at the next alternative in this glade, or end the
# loop if there is none
last CHOICE if not defined $glade->next();
} ## end CHOICE: while (1)
# Return the list of Penn-tagged elements for this glade
return \@return_value;
} ## end sub full_traverser
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