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Last active March 4, 2018 20:24
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An introduction to tone theory, and subtyping for a fragment of modal Datafun
(* A quick note about preorders; skip this if you know about them.
* A preorder is a relation (a ≤ b) satisfying two rules:
* 1. Reflexivity: a ≤ a.
* 2. Transitivity: if a ≤ b and b ≤ c then a ≤ c.
* A good example of a preorder is "lists under containment":
* let (X ≤ Y) if every element of the list X is also in Y.
* Preorders are like partial orders, but without requiring antisymmetry.
* For example, under "containment" we have [0,1] ≤ [1,0] and [1,0] ≤ [0,1],
* but [0,1] ≠ [1,0].
* If you're a category theorist, a preorder is a "thin" category, where between
* any two objects there is at most one morphism. I believe much of the "tone
* theory" in this file, ostensibly about maps between preorders, can be
* extended to functors between categories.
(* ========== TONES ========== *)
(* Tones have two definitions:
* 1. Ways a function may respect the ordering on its argument.
* 2. Transformations on the ordering of a preorder.
* Let's focus on the first definition for now.
type tone
= Id (* monotone/covariant; respects the ordering *)
| Op (* antitone/contravariant; respects the opposite order *)
| Iso (* invariant; respects only equivalence *)
| Path (* bivariant; respects both the order & its opposite *)
(* Consider an arbitrary preorder A. Let A^op be A, ordered oppositely.
* Now, observe that
* (f : A -> B) is antitone
* if and only if
* (f : A^op -> B) is monotone
* So "antitone" is a special case of "monotone"!
* This observation generalizes; every tone is really monotonicity with a
* transformation applied to the domain's ordering. Tones transform orderings.
(* We formalize this as follows, letting A^s be "A transformed by the tone s":
* (f : A -> B) respects its arguments with tone s
* if and only if
* (f : A^s -> B) is a monotone map from A^s to B
* Of course, we still need to define A^s:
* 1. Id leaves the order unchanged.
* 2. Op inverts it: (a ≤ b at A^op) iff (b ≤ a at A).
* 3. Iso gives the induced equivalence:
* (a ≡ b at A^iso) iff (a ≤ b and b ≤ a at A).
* 4. Path gives the equivalence closure, the smallest equivalence such that
* (a ≤ b at A) implies (a ≡ b at A^path).
(* ---------- TONE COMPOSITION ---------- *)
(* Tone composition, (s ** t), corresponds to two things:
* 1. Composing functions with the given tones.
* Given f : A^s -> B and g : B^t -> C, their composition
* (f then g), in general, has tone (s ** t).
* 2. Composing the preorder transformations, postfix:
* A^(s ** t) = (A^s)^t.
let ( ** ) (a: tone) (b: tone): tone = match a,b with
| x, Id | Id, x -> x
| Op, Op -> Id
| Iso, _ | Path, _ -> a (* hi priority, must come first *)
| _, Iso | _, Path -> b (* lo priority, comes later *)
(* Tone composition is associative, with Id as identity. Further laws:
* Op ** Op = Id
* Path ** s = Path
* Iso ** s = Iso
* Tone composition is NOT commutative. For example,
* Path = Path ** Iso ≠ Iso ** Path = Iso.
(* ---------- THE TONE LATTICE ---------- *)
(* Tones themselves have a natural ordering: let (s ≤ t) iff
* (∀A. A^s is a subpreorder of A^t). This looks like:
* Path greatest
* / \
* Id Op
* \ /
* Iso least
let subtone (a: tone) (b: tone): bool = match a,b with
| Iso, _ | _, Path | Id, Id | Op, Op -> true
| _, Iso | Path, _ | Op, Id | Id, Op -> false
(* "meet" means "greatest lower bound"; we'll need this for subtyping. *)
let meet (a: tone) (b: tone): tone = match a, b with
| Iso, _ | _, Iso | Id, Op | Op, Id -> Iso
| x, Path | Path, x -> x
| Id, Id | Op, Op -> a
(* ========== TYPES ========== *)
(* Here is a simple fragment of Modal Datafun's type system.
* You can think of it as a type system for a simply typed lambda calculus,
* but one where types are interpreted as /preorders/, not sets; and where
* all functions are monotone.
type tp
= Base (* some arbitrary type *)
| Fn of tp * tp (* functions *)
| Tuple of tp list (* tuples *)
| Box of tp (* internalizes Iso / the discrete ordering *)
| Opp of tp (* internalizes Op / the opposite ordering *)
(* Internalizing Id is trivial; it's the identity function on types.
* Internalizing Path is... nontrivial.
* If you know what Path's intro/elim/subtyping rules should be, email me.
(* ---------- SUBTYPING ---------- *)
(* Write (A <: B) for "A is a subpreorder of B", by which I mean:
* 1. A is a subset of B
* 2. (x <= y at A) implies (x <= y at B).
* Since our types represent preorders, we'd like our subtyping relation to
* match this. However, for type inference purposes, it's convenient if we solve
* a more general problem, namely:
* Given types A, B, what is the greatest tone s such that A^s <: B?
* Or does no such tone exist?
* And that's what I /hope/ this code does. I have sketched cases of a proof
* that, if (s = subtype A B), then (A^s <: B). I also have, for many of my
* subtyping rules, counterexamples that show that their conclusions can't be
* safely strengthened. However, that's as far as I've gotten, proof-wise.
exception Incompatible of tp * tp
let rec subtype (a: tp) (b: tp): tone =
let fail () = raise (Incompatible (a,b)) in
match a,b with
| Base, Base -> Id (* base type not assumed to be discrete *)
(* I believe the order of these two Box rules doesn't matter.
* But I haven't proven this. *)
| x, Box y -> subtype x y ** Iso
| Box x, y -> Path ** subtype x y
| Opp x, y | x, Opp y -> Op ** subtype x y (* NB. Op ** s = s ** Op *)
| Tuple xs, Tuple ys ->
(try List.(map2 subtype xs ys |> fold_left meet Path)
with Invalid_argument _ -> fail())
| Fn(a1,b1), Fn(a2,b2) ->
let t = subtype b1 b2 in
begin match t, subtype a2 a1 with
| Iso, Path | Id, (Id|Path) | Op, (Op|Path) | Path, (Id|Op|Path) -> t
(* TODO: failure messages should mention the tones as the issue. *)
| Iso, _ | Id, _ | Op, _ | Path, _ -> fail()
(* Incongruous cases. *)
| (Base|Tuple _|Fn _), (Base|Tuple _|Fn _) -> fail()
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