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Last active September 1, 2018 12:13
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a reversed ascending list descends, by general abstract nonsense
{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Function using (flip)
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; _=[_]⇒_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
module Reverse2 where
-- Some general abstract nonsense.
record Preord {A : Set} (R : Rel A zero) : Set where
field ident : ∀{a} → R a a
field compo : ∀{a b c} → R a b → R b c → R a c
open Preord public
open Preord {{...}} public renaming (ident to id; compo to _∙_)
-- Used in rev∷. Often useful elsewhere in my experience.
equals : ∀{A} → Preord {A} _≡_
Preord.ident equals = refl
Preord.compo equals refl refl = refl
-- I'd like to make this an instance but it makes Agda instance search overflow
-- its stack, since flip can be applied indefinitely.
opp : ∀{A R} → Preord {A} (flip R) → Preord R
opp C .ident = ident C
opp C .compo = flip (compo C)
-- Adjoining -∞ and ∞ in a generic way.
data Bound (A : Set) : Set where
-∞ ∞ : Bound A
# : A → Bound A
data Bound≤ {A} (R : A → A → Set) : Bound A → Bound A → Set where
-∞ : ∀{a} → Bound≤ R -∞ a
∞ : ∀{a} → Bound≤ R a ∞
# : ∀{a b} → R a b → Bound≤ R (# a) (# b)
bounds : ∀{A R} {{_ : Preord {A} R}} → Preord (Bound≤ R)
bounds .ident { -∞} = -∞; bounds .ident {∞} = ∞; bounds .ident {# x} = # id
bounds .compo -∞ _ = -∞; bounds .compo _ ∞ = ∞; bounds .compo (# p) (# q) = # (p ∙ q)
-- Order inversion on bounded types.
invert : ∀{A} → Bound A → Bound A
invert -∞ = ∞; invert ∞ = -∞; invert (# x) = # x
invert-mono : ∀{A R} → flip (Bound≤ {A} R) =[ invert ]⇒ Bound≤ (flip R)
invert-mono -∞ = ∞; invert-mono ∞ = -∞; invert-mono (# x) = # x
-- When is a list sorted between two bounds?
module _ {A : Set} (_≺_ : Rel A zero) where
private _⊏_ = Bound≤ _≺_
data Sorted (lo hi : Bound A) : List A → Set where
nil : lo ⊏ hi → Sorted lo hi []
_∷_ : ∀{x L} → lo ⊏ # x → Sorted (# x) hi L → Sorted lo hi (x ∷ L)
module _ {{P : Preord _≺_}} where
sorted≤ : ∀{lo mid hi L} → lo ⊏ mid → Sorted mid hi L → Sorted lo hi L
sorted≤ p (nil q) = nil (p ∙ q)
sorted≤ p (q ∷ S) = p ∙ q ∷ S
sorted++ : ∀{lo mid hi L₁ L₂} → Sorted lo mid L₁ → Sorted mid hi L₂ → Sorted lo hi (L₁ ++ L₂)
sorted++ (nil p) S₂ = sorted≤ p S₂
sorted++ (p ∷ S₁) S₂ = p ∷ sorted++ S₁ S₂
-- Parameterise over a preordered type of list elements and a reverse function.
A : Set
_≺_ : Rel A zero
instance preord≺ : Preord _≺_
reverse : List A → List A
rev++ : ∀ x y → reverse (x ++ y) ≡ reverse y ++ reverse x
rev1 : ∀ x → reverse (x ∷ []) ≡ x ∷ []
-- it should be possible to prove rev[] from rev++, but it's annoying
rev[] : reverse [] ≡ []
instance opp≺ = opp preord≺
rev∷ : ∀ x L → reverse (x ∷ L) ≡ reverse L ++ (x ∷ [])
rev∷ x L = rev++ (x ∷ []) L ∙ cong (reverse L ++_) (rev1 x)
rev : ∀{L lo hi} → Sorted _≺_ lo hi L → Sorted (flip _≺_) (invert hi) (invert lo) (reverse L)
rev (nil p) = subst (Sorted _ _ _) (sym rev[]) (nil (invert-mono p))
rev {x ∷ L} (p ∷ S) rewrite rev∷ x L = sorted++ _ (rev S) (id ∷ nil (invert-mono p))
-- Every step is obvious but there are too many of them.
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gallais commented Sep 1, 2018

Hmm. The fact you can't reuse the machinery in Data.AVL.Key because
it's all relying on the fact that you have a StrictTotalOrder is quite annoying.

I've opened an issue: agda/agda-stdlib#437

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