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Created July 1, 2017 16:20
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---------------------------------- THE SETUP -----------------------------------
-- I like Agda's instance arguments, but I have a problematic use-case; it seems
-- like they'd be good for it, but I get an unexpected ambiguity.
open import Level
open import Data.Product
Rel : ∀{i} -> Set i -> Set _
Rel A = A -> A -> Set
record Trans {i} (A : Set i) (R : Rel A) : Set i where
field _•_ : ∀{a b c} -> R a b -> R b c -> R a c
open Trans {{...}} public
-- Transitive graphs.
record TG i : Set (suc i) where
field node : Set i
field edge : (a b : node) -> Set
field isTrans : Trans node edge
open TG public
-- This basically says: "a transitive graph is transitive".
auto-transitive : ∀{i} {{G : TG i}} -> Trans (node G) (edge G)
auto-transitive {{G}} = isTrans G
--------------------------------- THE PROBLEM ----------------------------------
pointwise : ∀{A B : Set} -> Rel B -> Rel (A -> B)
pointwise R f g = ∀ x -> R (f x) (g x)
trans:pointwise : ∀{A B R} -> Trans B R -> Trans (A -> B) (pointwise R)
_•_ {{trans:pointwise P}} aRb bRc x = aRb x • bRc x
-- But trans:pointwise doesn't typecheck! The culprit is auto-transitive; if I
-- comment out auto-transitive, this works. But I don't really understand why.
-- I can fix this specific case, of course:
-- _•_ {{trans:pointwise P}} aRb bRc x = _•_ {{P}} (aRb x) (bRc x)
-- But the presence of auto-transitive makes *any* attempt to use _•_ when a
-- variable of type (Trans _ _) is in scope require disambiguation, which
-- defeats the purpose of _•_ as an instance function.
--------------------- WHY NOT JUST REMOVE auto-transitive? ---------------------
-- Here's an example where auto-transitive is quite useful: the product of
-- transitive graphs.
tg× : ∀{i j} -> TG i -> TG j -> TG (i ⊔ j)
node (tg× G H) = node G × node H
edge (tg× G H) (a , x) (b , y) = edge G a b × edge H x y
-- Here's where we use auto-transitive. (Try commenting out auto-transitive.)
_•_ {{isTrans (tg× G H)}} (f₁ , f₂) (g₁ , g₂) = f₁ • g₁ , f₂ • g₂
-------------------------- MORE STUFF _•_ IS GOOD FOR --------------------------
---------- 1. Composing functions ----------
funcs : TG (suc zero)
node funcs = Set
edge funcs a b = a -> b
_•_ {{isTrans funcs}} f g x = g (f x)
_∘_ : ∀{A B C : Set} -> (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C
_∘_ f g = g • f
---------- 2. Proofs by transitivity ----------
open import Data.Nat hiding (zero; suc; _⊔_)
nats : TG zero
node nats = ℕ
edge nats = _≤_
_•_ {{isTrans nats}} = DecTotalOrder.trans decTotalOrder
where open import Relation.Binary
-- Now we can use _•_ for proofs by transitivity of _≤_ on ℕ.
foo : 2 ≤ 4
foo = duh • duh'
where duh : 2 ≤ 3; duh = s≤s (s≤s z≤n)
duh' : 3 ≤ 4; duh' = s≤s (s≤s (s≤s z≤n))
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