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Created April 21, 2018 21:10
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verified left-pad in agda
module HillelVerificationProblems where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple using (+-right-identity; +-comm)
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.All
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- NB. (a ∸ b) is saturating subtraction and (a ⊔ b) is max(a,b).
-- The one-line definition of leftPad is:
leftPad' : ∀{Char : Set} -> Char -> ℕ -> List Char -> List Char
leftPad' c n str = replicate (n ∸ length str) c ++ str
-- Now let's prove this correct.
-- First, we'll need some general lemmas about arithmetic and lists.
+∸=⊔ : ∀ m {n} → m + (n ∸ m) ≡ n ⊔ m
+∸=⊔ zero {zero} = refl
+∸=⊔ zero {suc _} = refl
+∸=⊔ (suc m) {zero} = cong suc (+-right-identity m)
+∸=⊔ (suc m) {suc n} = cong suc (+∸=⊔ m)
module _ {a : Set} {rest : List a} where
take-++ : ∀{l n} -> n ≡ length l -> take n (l ++ rest) ≡ l
take-++ {[]} refl = refl
take-++ {x ∷ l} refl = cong (_∷_ x) (take-++ refl)
drop-++ : ∀ l {n} -> n ≡ length l -> drop n (l ++ rest) ≡ rest
drop-++ [] refl = refl
drop-++ (x ∷ l) refl = drop-++ l refl
all-replicate : ∀{n} {a : Set} {c : a} -> All (_≡_ c) (replicate n c)
all-replicate {zero} = []
all-replicate {suc n} = refl ∷ all-replicate
-- Now let's move on to things specific to leftPad.
module _ {Char : Set} (c : Char) (n : ℕ) (str : List Char) where
padLen = n ∸ length str
pad = replicate padLen c
leftPad = pad ++ str -- the padded result.
-- Lemmas.
length-pad : length pad ≡ padLen
length-pad = length-replicate padLen
-- Correctness theorem #1: `leftPad` has the right length.
leftPadLength : length leftPad ≡ n ⊔ length str
leftPadLength = begin
length leftPad
≡⟨ length-++ pad ⟩
length pad + length str
≡⟨ cong₂ _+_ length-pad refl ⟩
padLen + length str
≡⟨ +-comm padLen _ ⟩
length str + padLen
≡⟨ +∸=⊔ (length str) ⟩
n ⊔ length str ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
-- Correctness theorem #2: The initial fragment of `leftPad` is all `c`s.
initialOk : All (_≡_ c) (take padLen leftPad)
initialOk = subst (λ r → All _ r) has-padding all-replicate
where has-padding : pad ≡ take padLen leftPad
has-padding = sym (take-++ (sym length-pad))
-- Correctness theorem #3: The final fragment of `leftPad` is `str`.
finalOk : drop padLen leftPad ≡ str
finalOk = drop-++ pad (sym length-pad)
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