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Robby O'Connor robbyoconnor

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View GitHub Profile
'use strict';
export default function (question) {
var rl = require('readline');
var r = rl.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
terminal: false
return new Promise((resolve, error) => {
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
using namespace std;
/* Returns whether a list is sorted */
bool isSorted(vector<int> & list);
/* Sorts a list using the standard merge sort algorithm everyone learns in school (requires O(nlog(n)) space) */

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am robbyoconnor on github.
  • I am robbyoconnor ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 0C94 BEF5 AF7D 93D9 C4AA 0A79 865F A85A AF5A 21A4

To claim this, I am signing this object:

robbyoconnor / .bashrc
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
git config
alias gco='git checkout'
robbyoconnor /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16 — forked from piscisaureus/

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

'use strict';
var LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35729;
var lrSnippet = require('connect-livereload')({port: LIVERELOAD_PORT});
var mountFolder = function (dir) {
return require('serve-static')(require('path').resolve(dir));
// # Globbing
// for performance reasons we're only matching one level down:
// 'test/spec/{,*/}*.js'
if [[ $EUID != 0 ]] ; then
echo This must be run as root!
exit 1
for xhci in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/?hci_hcd ; do
if ! cd $xhci ; then
require "rubygems"
require "octokit" # gem install octokit
1.upto(5) do |page|
Octokit.repositories("railscasts", page: page, per_page: 100).each do |repo|
system "git clone git://{}"
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :phonings, :as => :phonable
has_many :phone_numbers, :through => :phonings
accepts_nested_attributes_for :phonings, :allow_destroy => true
class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
# with ActiveRecord
def create
@article =[:article])
redirect_to @article, notice: 'Article created!'
render :new