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Venance Edson robilin

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robilin / repair-mysql-data.ps1
Created October 13, 2024 14:39 — forked from josemmo/repair-mysql-data.ps1
Repair MySQL data directory (for XAMPP)
# Based on this answer:
# Backup old data
Rename-Item -Path "./data" -NewName "./data_old"
# Create new data directory
Copy-Item -Path "./backup" -Destination "./data" -Recurse
Remove-Item "./data/test" -Recurse
$dbPaths = Get-ChildItem -Path "./data_old" -Exclude ('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'phpmyadmin') -Recurse -Directory
Copy-Item -Path $dbPaths.FullName -Destination "./data" -Recurse
REM Delete eval folder with licence key and options.xml which contains a reference to it
for %%I in ("WebStorm", "IntelliJ", "CLion", "Rider", "GoLand", "PhpStorm", "Resharper", "PyCharm") do (
for /d %%a in ("%USERPROFILE%\.%%I*") do (
rd /s /q "%%a/config/eval"
del /q "%%a\config\options\other.xml"
REM Delete registry key and jetbrains folder (not sure if needet but however)
rmdir /s /q "%APPDATA%\JetBrains"